The Return of the Legendary All-Master

Chapter 9


Chapter 9

Jeong-hoon smirked.

The news about the capsule event for beginner players was already known to him.

Genesis Corporation, a subsidiary of Earth, was offering a capsule.

‘This capsule is mine for the taking.’

Knowing the future, Jeong-hoon prioritized getting the capsule.

Having a capsule was essential to keep accessing New World and growing stronger.

However, he didn’t rush to buy one, knowing an event was coming up where he could win a capsule for free.

Thus, he broke his military savings to use a capsule room, focusing on early growth.

‘Good, I can time this well.’

Skipping the event was not an option.

Jeong-hoon sent a whisper back to Ha-jin.

[Whisper/Hoon ➛ zlJohnHaJin12: I know.]

[Whisper/zlJohnHaJin12 ➛ Hoon: You knew?]

[Whisper/Hoon ➛ zlJohnHaJin12: Yeah.]

[Whisper/zlJohnHaJin12 ➛ Hoon: Lame. I thought it’d be a surprise.]

[Whisper/Hoon ➛ zlJohnHaJin12: Thanks for thinking of me.]

[Whisper/zlJohnHaJin12 ➛ Hoon: Sure, give it your best shot. First place might be tough, though.]

Jeong-hoon closed the whisper without replying.

The event was in a month, with simple rules.

‘Deal the most damage to a scarecrow dummy to win.’

It was a straightforward damage competition, requiring leveling and gear to secure first place.

“Ahem, anyway, that’s all the training I can offer. Seek out other instructors for more.”

Altio applied ointment to his battered face as he spoke.

“That’s okay. What you taught me is enough.”

Jeong-hoon turned away, heading for the door of the hall.

“Wait… You’re just leaving?”

“Yes. I’ll be back later.”

Jeong-hoon’s primary reason for visiting the Hall of Martial Arts was to acquire the [Healthy Mind] (Rare) skill.

The other skills were all normal (Normal) skills.

Having achieved his goal, there was no reason to stay.

The next time he visits will be when he is fully qualified for the enhancement.

“What? He’s just leaving?”

“He’s not taking any more skills?”

“No XP or items either?”

“What kind of player is he?”

Other players watched Jeong-hoon leave with puzzled looks.

“Whatever, I’m posting this video.”

“I’m curious about the reactions.”

Some players uploaded the video to the community without Jeong-hoon’s consent.

‘Phew, that’s a relief.’

‘Teaching a trainee who defeated Altio is daunting.’

‘Intensive training is one thing, but teaching someone who’s better than you in martial arts? No thanks.’

The instructors sighed in relief as Jeong-hoon left.

“Those guys…”

Altio glared at the other instructors.

However, he understood their feelings.

They had seen him, the strongest instructor, get beaten up. Teaching a trainee like that calmly was impossible.

“I don’t know… I need to rest.”

His face was a mess, and his muscles screamed in pain from the beating.

Altio soon collapsed.

He had heard everything.

The players talking about filming and uploading the video.

Though their comments annoyed Jeong-hoon, he ignored them. It was inevitable for players to record and share in such a populated game.

Any footage uploaded would be automatically pixelated by the smart lens system, so there was no need to worry.

‘Earth will likely take an interest.’

The company would find it intriguing too.

Earth’s employees couldn’t play the game and were barred from disclosing information.

Instead, they could monitor player activities.

Jeong-hoon had no intention of hiding his play.

The future would reveal everything naturally.

‘Achievement Shop.’

[Achievement Shop is now open.]

The Achievement Shop was a special privilege for players who amassed 15,000 achievement points.

It sold exclusive items not found in regular shops and allowed players to purchase items without visiting a store.

[Current Achievement Points: ‘15,000’.]

[Lv.1 Shop is now open.]

[To upgrade the shop, more achievement points are needed.]

[Accumulated points remain even if spent.]

‘I know this stuff, so I’ll skip it.’

Jeong-hoon skipped the familiar details.

[Achievement Shop Lv.1]

– 1,000 Experience Points
– Bonus Stat
– 10 Special Health Recovery Juices
– 10 Special Mana Recovery Juices
– Lv.30 Weapon
– Lv.30 Armor

There were six items listed. The weapon and armor would be provided according to the player’s class.

As a martial artist, Jeong-hoon could only choose knuckles.

[Martial artists are trash in the Achievement Shop too lol]

– The weapon is fixed as knuckles, and the armor is a hood when others get helmets. When warriors wear plate armor, martial artists wear robes.

Performance? Compare armor and robes. The answer is clear.

So… just don’t do it! Please don’t!!!

└I agree. ㅠㅠ

└Tears flowing in agreement. ㅠㅠ

└Martial artists’ brains need dissecting. Can’t they tell shit from soybeans?

└Huh? I’m a martial artist. Am I screwed?

└└Yeah, you’re screwed. Check Han River’s water temperature and jump in.

└└└Another idiot who can’t follow guides!

Stupid idiots. I’ll show them how amazing this class is later.

Jeong-hoon wasn’t interested in buying weapons or armor.

Those would be acquired naturally as he progressed.

His focus was clear.

[Would you like to purchase 1,000 Experience Points?]

[The cost is ‘1,000’ points.]

Usually, players reached level 50 before unlocking the Achievement Shop.

At that stage, experience points became less important.

For a level 50 player, 1,000 Experience Points were insignificant.

But for a level 11 player, it was different.

[You have purchased 1,000 Experience Points.]

[Your level has increased!]

[All stats have increased by +1.]

[You have received +1 bonus stat.]

One purchase increased his level to 12.

All his stats increased by 1, and he received a bonus stat.

Jeong-hoon invested all his points into experience.

[Your level has increased!]

This brought him to level 15.


Now he could access the hidden theme.

Each village had a hidden theme, accessible only at certain levels.

Most players focused on leveling, unaware of these themes due to their difficult conditions.

The hidden theme in the beginner village was still undiscovered.


“A human! Hand over everything or die. Kerrek!”

Entering a new field, he encountered level 12 Hobgoblins.

Around 20 of them.

“Move aside.”

Leveling was important, but grinding wasn’t Jeong-hoon’s plan.

However, he couldn’t ignore these obstacles.

Jeong-hoon charged, punching a Hobgoblin in the face.


Using King’s Fist Stage 1, he began slaughtering the Hobgoblins.

“Kerrek! The human is crazy!”

“Crazy human! He refused to hand over a little and now attacks us!”

“Filthy human!”

Ignoring their cries, he continued.

One by one, the Hobgoblins fell silent.

Finally, peace.

Jeong-hoon wiped the blood off his fists and moved on.


What’s that?

In the beginner village field, novice mage Lee Yoo-hyun watched in awe.

A player was massacring Hobgoblins with bare fists.

Could bare fists be this strong?


[Player Information]

– Nickname: Hoon
– Level: 15
– Class: Martial Artist


The player’s level was 15, seven levels below her own level 22.

‘Even I can’t do that… How is he so skilled?’

How could a level 15 have such prowess?

Jeong-hoon targeted vital spots with minimal movement, a skill seen in high-level player videos.

Yoo-hyun, an avid New World fan since its release, was impressed.

“Hmm? Where’s he going?”

The player ignored the monsters, heading somewhere.

Curiosity piqued, Yoo-hyun followed quietly.

Suddenly, the player stopped and turned around.

‘I’m done!’

She hid behind a tree.

Step. Step.

The footsteps drew closer, stopping in front of her hiding spot.

“You’re caught. Come out.”

Yoo-hyun, caught, emerged with a sheepish smile.

“Aha. Sorry.”

“Why are you following me?”

“I just… Your Hobgoblin hunting was amazing…”

“A higher-level player like you?”

“I’m sorry.”

Jeong-hoon scrutinized her.

“Did you record it?”

“No! I’d never do that without permission!”

Yoo-hyun showed her smart lens to prove her innocence.

She followed out of curiosity, not to cause trouble.

Seeing the empty smart lens, Jeong-hoon nodded.

“Alright. Just this once, go back.”

“Yes! Sorry for the trouble!”

Yoo-hyun fled the scene.

After confirming Yoo-hyun’s departure, Jeong-hoon turned back.

‘Even here, someone still followed me.’

He didn’t mind players’ attention but disliked being tailed.

If she hadn’t left, his fists might’ve spoken.

In the field, PvP wasn’t necessary to deal damage.

After a long walk, he reached a small village.


A burly man guarded the village entrance.

Jeong-hoon stopped, and the man approached.

“What brings you here?”


[NPC Information]

– Nickname: Mauga
– Level: 40
– Job: Village Guard


The NPC guarding the village had a question mark above his head.

[Ordinary Quest: Village Chief’s Request]

– Restriction: Level 15+
– Reward: Village Access Permission
– Description: Speak to the guard and fulfill the village chief’s request.

At first glance, it seemed useless.

The reward was just village access, not experience or items.

But this quest led to unlocking the hidden theme.

Jeong-hoon accepted the quest.


This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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