The Returner

Chapter 449: Is there relationship good or bad (4)

Chapter 449: Is there relationship good or bad (4)

Michael’s eyes began trembling powerfully.

Yi Ji-Hyuk grinned brightly at the German’s reaction.

“What’s the matter? I thought you were feeling frustrated? Weren’t you thinking to yourself that you’ll never become stronger like this and you can’t afford to waste anymore time? Am I wrong?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)


After listening to Choi Jeong-Hoon’s real time translation, Michael’s expression contorted to that of a man who had his weakness exposed.

‘What the hell, what is wrong with this guy?!’ (Michael)

Now normally, you wouldn’t say such things out aloud even if you knew them, especially in front of these many strangers. However, Yi Ji-Hyuk was opening saying them as if he wanted everyone to hear.

“So? What are your thoughts?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“My thoughts regarding what?” (Michael)

“Your thoughts on the likelihood of you becoming stronger by sticking with this training.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Michael bit down hard on his lip.

This man named Yi Ji-Hyuk has proven to be an unpredictable loon. So one had to be extremely cautious with their words in front of him.

‘Well, there’s no law and order in this place, after all.’ (Michael)

For instance, imagine a situation where he said something that’s really out there, and Yi Ji-Hyuk decided to blow Michael’s brains out after not finding what he said all that pleasing to hear. Even if such a thing happened, no person or organisation existed within this dome that would punish Yi Ji-Hyuk for his actions. Hell, everyone bearing witness to that murder would turn a blind eye and keep their mouths shut, instead.

Expressing one’s honest opinion in front of a man holding the absolute power was definitely not an easy thing. You’d lose your life in an instant depending on the whims of the man in power no matter how right you were.

While Michael stood there seriously deliberating how to answer, something began boiling ever so slightly deep inside his chest.

“I do not know the correct answer, but...” (Michael)

Michael finally replied with a hardened expression.

“But, if you want my opinion, then I think it’s impossible.” (Michael)

“Hoh-oh?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk’s smile deepened.

“Why do you think that?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Because, it’s not been effective.” (Michael)

As if to prove his point, Michael slightly turned his head and stared at Alpha’s underlings still collapsed on the ground.

“If people with this much ability gave their all yet still failed to even see a hint of possibility, then we must assume that this method isn’t working. I do not know if other methods will work or not, but it’s impossible with our current method.” (Michael)

Yi Ji-Hyuk quietly nodded his head.

“My thoughts aren’t too different from yours. It’ll work, but it’s also going to take way too long to get there. That’s what I think.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

When Yi Ji-Hyuk more or less agreed with him, Michael began getting confused, instead.

What did this man want to say to him?

“Okay, so. I think there’s a real need to revolutionise something here. I mean, seriously, we’ll be going nowhere at this rate, now won’t we? So, that’s why...” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk smirked deeply.

“That’s why I asked you if you’re willing to risk death to get stronger. If I say to you that what we are about to do is far more hardcore and your chances of dying is much higher, but on the other hand, you’ll definitely become stronger as long as you endure it... Will you choose that option?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)


Michael couldn’t reply right away.

Yi Ji-Hyuk was demanding a choice here. But no one alive would be able to come to an immediate decision in a matter like this.

“...I think that is a meaningless question.” (Michael)

“How come?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“My opinion doesn’t represent everyone else’s, after all.” (Michael)

Yi Ji-Hyuk smirked derisively.

“You sure know how to weasel yourself out of trouble, don’t you.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Michael’s complexion reddened at that clear ridicule.

“What I was asking you has nothing to do with the others. I only want your opinion. So why are you bringing other people into the equation? Wait, do you want the others to decide for you whether you should risk your life or not? Hey, isn’t that a bit of a sad tale?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk began chuckling like a slimy b*stard and Michael began shuddering where he stood.

But what could he even say as his retort here, realistically speaking?

Yi Ji-Hyuk then turned his head.

The ability users that finally regained their consciousness as well as those meditating away were now looking back at him.

“I’m sure quite a few of you idiots can understand what we’re talking about here.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Just as Choi Jeong-Hoon began wondering whether he should translate that for everyone or not, Yi Ji-Hyuk continued to speak on regardless.

“You lot decide for yourselves. I don’t care anymore. You decide, and only those who want to do it, you can stay. I’ll give you until the same time tomorrow. The doors will be left open.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk pointed at the main entrance visible in the distance.

“If you want to leave, go ahead.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

The gazes of the crowd shifted over to the entrance.

“I won’t stop you.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk stood up and walked back to the sleeping quarters. The ones left behind in the dome’s plaza wordlessly stared at his back.


“You sure can be so decisive.” (Alpha)


Yi Ji-Hyuk stared at Alpha’s grinning face and began figuring out why incidents of violence often occurred throughout the world.

‘Why am I getting annoyed by that face?’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

It sure had been a long time since he got to experience the feeling of irritation simply because of someone else’s grinning mug. Only Affeldrichae’s presence from way back in the past when their relationship had been diametrically opposed to each other could make him experience a similar feeling.

Still, it was rather amazing to behold the fact that despite him not having much resentment towards Alpha, the latter still managed to get a rise out of him to this extent.

Alpha placed a cup of Americano on the table before Yi Ji-Hyuk, then sat on a chair on the other side.

Yi Ji-Hyuk sighed under his breath and lifted the cup to take a sip of the coffee inside.

Once that bitter aroma circulated around the tip of his nose, he thought his mind was finally settling down a bit.

“It’s indeed a good idea to filter out the rabble and the nobodies.” (Alpha)

“But doesn’t that also include your own underlings?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Eii, that’s not gonna happen. No one from our side will abandon this program. Because, they all know that there’s no future even if they decide to run away from here.” (Alpha)

“Not because they are scared of you killing them if they do run away?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“No, no. Not at all. I’m an advocate for peace. I don’t murder someone that easily.” (Alpha)

Another groan leaked out of Yi Ji-Hyuk’s lips automatically while staring at Alpha cackling away.

The fact that he could joke about not killing someone proved how much of a cruel, merciless individual Alpha was. Because, when a normal person jokes about a subject matter like that, it wouldn’t be a joke anymore but an actual truth, that’s why.

“By the way...” (Alpha)

Alpha then quietly stared at Yi Ji-Hyuk before opening his mouth.

“I can’t figure out the reason for all this lukewarm way of doing things.” (Alpha)

“Ng?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“I’m talking about you, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk.” (Alpha)

“Hmm...” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

He knew what Alpha was implying here. Even Yi Ji-Hyuk himself agreed with the fact that his actions were rather lukewarm as well.

“The ‘Yi Ji-Hyuk’ I know of aren’t this kind of a person, you see.” (Alpha)

“The one you know, is it?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Yes. I’ve been watching you for a long time. I’ve never stopped paying you attention after we ran into each other for the first time back then.” (Alpha)


“The ‘Yi Ji-Hyuk’ I know of is someone who’s insensitive towards sacrifices. Also, someone who will stop at nothing in order to achieve his goals. But when I look at the current you, it’s like you’re not Yi Ji-Hyuk but Mahatma Gandhi or something.” (Alpha)

“...Why do I hear that as me being a god of destruction, instead?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk) [1]

“I’m not joking here, you know.” (Alpha)

Unlike his usual self, Alpha’s expression was quite serious.

“I can’t figure out just when you’ve transformed into a humanitarian. Are you planning to save everyone in the world? Without making any sacrifices whatsoever?” (Alpha)

Yi Ji-Hyuk listened silently with a displeased expression on his face.

“That’s not being brave, just being reckless. No, honestly speaking, it’s stupidity. There’s nothing more stupid that wasting your energy on an impossible task.” (Alpha)

“I know already.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“That’s why I can’t figure out why you’re doing this.” (Alpha)

Alpha continued on with a cold but composed face.

“The reason why I respect you is because you are the key, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk. If we are to overcome our current situation, you need to take the lead and guide us through it. For that purpose I’m prepared to lick your boots if it needs be. Except now...” (Alpha)


“The current you, I have to say, are no leader.” (Alpha)

Alpha sounded unwavering.

“Even if you have chosen to go with a method to minimise sacrifices, I wouldn’t have said anything as long as you had a clear vision to lead us. The ‘Yi Ji-Hyuk’ I know would do whatever it takes to reach his goal no matter how annoying it was if he thought it had to be done. He wouldn’t have cared whether he needs to incite his surroundings to take action or to personally step forward to rampage around!” (Alpha)

Alpha’s voice grew louder and more heated.

“But now, what is this sorry sight? It’s like you’re one of those people who’s obsessing over a game that’s already over. Your sloppy mindset of ‘humanity will be destroyed anyway, but it’s uncool to sit still so I might as well do something’ is clearly showing, you know.” (Alpha)

Yi Ji-Hyuk quietly stared at Alpha.

The latter had said something really impudent just now, but the fact that he accurately saw through Yi Ji-Hyuk’s mind still couldn’t be denied.

“This isn’t going to work. We don’t know how the crisis facing us will unfold even if we pour out all of our strength, now do we?” (Alpha)

“I know.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“You know?” (Alpha)

Alpha was about to say something, but he shut his mouth then stared at Yi Ji-Hyuk.

“So, shut your mouth and sit still for a while.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk leaned back on his chair, then mouthed a cigarette. He leisurely lit it up, then extended his hand over Alpha’s cup of Americano.


Several cubes of ice fell out of his palm next and filled up Alpha’s coffee cup.

“Why don’t you drink something cold and cool your head along the way, too?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“But, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk.” (Alpha)

“I’m saying this because if you start your rant again, I might really end up blowing you apart where you sit.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)


Alpha didn’t say anything else and took a large sip of the now-iced Americano.

“Sure, I don’t have anything to retort with even after I get a verbal smackdown. But...” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk spat out a lengthy groan.

Just like what Alpha had been implying, it was undeniably true that he had been looking at this situation in a pessimistic light. Now that he thought about it some more, he got this feeling that he hadn’t been himself for the past month or so.

‘Was I always this quiet and depressed?’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

A part of the blame did lay with Alpha seizing the initiative first, but the truth was, Yi Ji-Hyuk himself had sunken lower all by himself.

‘There’s no hope, is it...’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Did he really believe that to be true?

But then again, objectively looking at the situation clearly said that it’d be nearly impossible to stop the demon world’s invasion no matter what he tried. If there was any other way...

‘No, there isn’t.’ (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk shook his head.

There was no other way. The sole option he could choose was as Alpha said; teach and improve the agents inside this dome no matter what it takes, so that they could oppose the demonic beings.

...Indeed, no matter what the methods he needed to resort to.

“For sure, what you said is right. I don’t understand since when I’ve become a humanitarian, either.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“I’m relieved that you’ve at least realised it now.” (Alpha)

“It’s time to change my ways.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“In that case, I’ll go and apprehend everyone trying to escape.” (Alpha)

“Nah.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Yi Ji-Hyuk shook his head.

“Let them go. Since they are already thinking of giving up now and escaping from here, they won’t be able to endure what’s to come, anyway.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Hmm...” (Alpha)

Alpha didn’t seem to be totally onboard with that idea, but he was also respecting Yi Ji-Hyuk’s decision.

“Besides all that...” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Yes?” (Alpha)

Yi Ji-Hyuk stared at Alpha for a little while, before continuing on.

“You, what do you really want?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Alpha smiled awkwardly.

“What do I really want? It’s humanity’s survival, of course.” (Alpha)

“Enough of that bullsh*t party line.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

Alpha shrugged his shoulders at Yi Ji-Hyuk’s pointed words.

“It can’t be helped if you don’t believe me. Honestly, what I’m aiming for isn’t really important in our current situation, now is it? No, what’s important is that your end goal and mine lines up nicely.” (Alpha)

“You’re still a smoother talker, aren’t you.” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“That’s the important thing here. Seriously.” (Alpha)

Alpha smiled brightly.

“And let’s not forget we need to survive the present first. We can discuss the future after we get that far.” (Alpha)

Yi Ji-Hyuk kept his gaze locked on Alpha, before murmuring in a voice low enough to be a whisper.

“You think you’ll still be alive after this crisis is over one way or the other?” (Yi Ji-Hyuk)

“Anyone can hope for the best, can’t they?” (Alpha)

Their gazes collided and tangled up sharply in mid-air.

< 449. Is their relationship good or bad -4 > Fin.

(TL: Just in case you don’t get the reference in [1], the author is referring to the infamous glitch in the video game franchise, Civilization, where Gandhi would turn into a lunatic hellbent on world destruction.)

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