The Returner

Chapter 456: So, you want to use us as meat shields? (1)

Chapter 456: So, you want to use us as meat shields? (1)

“They say they have entered the portal, Mister President.” (Song Jeong-Su)

“...Has it been confirmed?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“No sir, but Choi Jeong-Hoon said so before hanging up, so unless there was some other unforeseen circumstance preventing them from leaving, then all of them should’ve finished transferring by now.” (Song Jeong-Su)

“I see.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min leaned against the back of the couch and rested his head on his interlocked fingers.

A heavy silence filled up the conference room, but Song Jeong-Su didn’t try to break it up by saying something. Because he knew how much pressure Yun Yeong-Min was under right now.

‘I’m sure it’s tough.’ (Song Jeong-Su)

Song Jeong-Su had been feeling it lately that every politician in South Korea owed Yi Ji-Hyuk a big deal of gratitude. They had a man who would step up to solve any situation no matter how grave it was as long as they negotiated properly with him, and that meant they didn’t have to think too hard about how to deal with the ‘end’.

If other governments were figuratively making their last stand on top of a cliff, then the South Korean politicians were standing on the same cliff but with a safety rope called Yi Ji-Hyuk tied around their waists.

But now, that rope had been severed.

That’s why it felt like they were standing before the cocked machine guns after taking off their bulletproof vests.

“To think that he’d not discuss a matter of such importance with us and simply informs us of his decision...” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min muttered to no one in particular and raised his head away from his hands.

“Well, that certainly sounds like Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk we know.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“That’s true.” (Song Jeong-Su)

“I get that we don’t have any other options left besides this one, but it would’ve been nicer if he understood that people remaining behind are regular, powerless humans and that things are getting harder to endure for us.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min spat out a long sigh.

Two thoughts popped up in his head.

One, whether it was really possible or not to defend against the demon king’s onslaught without Yi Ji-Hyuk’s presence.

And the second thought was...

“In a certain sense, Noah’s ark has set sail, hasn’t it?”

When Yun Yeong-Min said that, Song Jeong-Su nodded his head with a hollow expression on his face.

“Yes, that’s indeed so.” (Song Jeong-Su)

Now that so many ability users had been sent to another dimension, it meant that even if everyone else on Earth were to be wiped out, humanity would not be annihilated in the end. There were quite a few females among the travelling ability users, after all.

“In that case, isn’t it fine for us to feel slightly relieved?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Actually...” (Song Jeong-Su)

Song Jeong-Su replied with a troubled tone of voice.

“They are about to be trained by Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk, so even though two thousand ability users went there, it’s unknown just how many will come back to us alive...” (Song Jeong-Su)


Yun Yeong-Min dazedly nodded his head to indicate that he got it.

“...Meaning, we might as well forget about it.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“I’m afraid so.” (Song Jeong-Su)

“Which means, we need to hold on somehow until they come back...” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min gulped down a glass full of cold water.

“...Mister Prime Minister.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“Yes, Mister President.” (Song Jeong-Su)

“Please be honest with me. Will we make it?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Song Jeong-Su couldn’t reply right away.

“...Sir, no one can answer that.” (Song Jeong-Su)

Yet another heavy silence descended in the room.

Knock, knock...

Thankfully, an external factor broke this silence. A secretary with a grave-looking face opened the conference room’s door and stepped inside, before speaking up politely.

“Sirs, Americans are contacting us through the hotline.”

Song Jeong-Su smirked at that.

“Why don’t they just call us on the phone? Eavesdropping on phone calls won’t do anybody any good in times like these, anyway.” (Song Jeong-Su)

China was basically obliterated, while Russia was about to go down the crapper, as well. Perhaps more crucially, even if other countries listened in on the conversation about to take place over the phone, it’d serve no political or diplomatic purposes whatsoever, anyway.

“Should we let the call though, sir?”

“Yes, go ahead.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Not too long after the secretary left the room, the large monitor began displaying a familiar face.

– “Should I start by saying it’s good to see you again, Mister President?” (Christopher McLaren)

“Honestly speaking, whether it’s us, or your side... It’s not that great to see each other, isn’t it?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

– “Indeed, that’s true. If I’m being honest, every time I have to press the button for the hotline to South Korea, it feels like my heart is about to crash to the pit of my stomach. When I think about it, I’ve never called your country with good news before.” (Christopher McLaren)

“And that’s why we are not so keen to hear from you.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

– “That’s unfortunate. When our current crisis is somehow resolved properly, I was thinking of retiring and visiting Korea one day, you see. If that dream comes true someday, why don’t we share a drink or two, Mister President?” (Christopher McLaren)

“Well, that sounds like a good idea.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min smirked.

He felt far closer to Christopher McLaren when compared to his cabinet members that he saw every single day. That was because he felt a certain sense of kinship with the American for going through this life-or-death crisis together, and also from the fact that only they could understand what each other was going through right now.

Whether you were a puppet ruler or an actual leader of a nation, you’d still be held responsible for what happens at the ‘end’. Anyone who never felt the oppressive pressure coming from knowing that fact wouldn’t even be able to imagine it.

– “Unfortunately, the situation isn’t looking at us too kindly anymore. We now have to stop those demon bastards without the help of the strongest ability users.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Indeed, it’s a lamentable situation.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min sighed deeply.

Could they stop the enemy?

‘No, wait. It’s not about stopping them, but merely holding on.’ (Yun Yeong-Min)

This situation couldn’t even be considered a war anymore. What humanity needed to do from now on was to fight a desperate defensive battle. Humans had to pour everything towards the defensive lines while treating it like an all-out warfare, but at the same time, be prepared to retreat and redraw the defensive line at any given time.

Just thinking about it gave Yun Yeong-Min a migraine. And what made the pain in his head even worse was the fact that even if they had brought together every combat force possible and did as he envisioned, the issue of whether or not they could defend against the demonic creatures still remained unanswerable.

“Okay, so. Were you calling us to tell us this?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

– “No, not at all.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Well, may we get to the main topic, then?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

It was then, Christopher McLaren’s complexion on the giant screen became even more gloomy.

– “I was in a dilemma, wondering whether I should inform you all of this matter or not, but...” (Christopher McLaren)

“But, you wouldn’t have contacted us if you decided not to tell us. I’m not a fan of wasting time by beating around the bush. And even if I like doing that, we don’t have the luxury of time, anyway. Please speak frankly, Mister McLaren.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

– “In that case, please excuse me. After learning that Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk and his group will be leaving us, I had my people perform a quick simulation. It’s to figure out what might happen when the enemy offensive keeps up the current rate.” (Christopher McLaren)

Song Jeong-Su furrowed his brows.

“Why do something so useless...” (Song Jeong-Su)

Sometimes it was better to not know. He understood the fact that the simulation simply had to be done at some point regardless of what, but Song Jeong-Su still didn’t want to hear about the end result.

Christopher McLaren was smart enough to understand that, but he didn’t stop, regardless.

– “If Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk’s group does not return in a month’s time, at least 60% of the world will be destroyed beyond repair.” (Christopher McLaren)

“60%, is it...” (Song Jeong-Su)

On one hand, that was certainly a horrifying number, but on the other hand, it was also rather a hopeful figure, as well.

Because that result didn’t indicate a complete annihilation. If humanity could survive by giving up on 60% of Earth, then it’d be a net gain, instead. That’s how bad the current situation was.

– “And if Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk doesn’t return in two months, then over 80% of the planet will be destroyed, and in three months, it will be total destruction.” (Christopher McLaren)


Song Jeong-Su felt his vision blurring and his head blanking out for a moment there.

‘Three months...’ (Song Jeong-Su)

Less than 100 days.

One could either say that was pretty long or simply too short. But regardless of what, humanity’s fate being decided in less than one hundred days seemed like a cruel, merciless thing.

“Is it really that sudden?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “When we first performed the simulation, there was about a minimum of one year of leeway.” (Christopher McLaren)

“If so, how come things have gotten this urgent?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Haven’t you sensed it yet?” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren’s complexion got much darker.

– “The demons have changed their tactics to ‘attack’. Meaning, they are now finished with reconnaissance. If the situation remained the same as before, then not only one year, we might have been able to hold on for a maximum of three years. But now that they are earnestly marching forward, never mind a year, we won’t even last six months. And that’s the most optimistic projection we have...” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren shook his head.

– “...But that is also pointless as well. By then, almost all of the cities would be destroyed and only 5% of humanity would be left alive, busy escaping from one place to next. In such a situation, there is no point in persisting with survival at all.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Hmm...” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Sure, you might say we’d still be alive, but if everything basically reverts back to the stone age and we have to fight back using rocks and spears... then in that case, we’ve already lost the battle. Our victory or defeat must be decided while our current civilisation and culture are preserved to some degree.” (Christopher McLaren)

‘Even though half of those are already lost by now.’ (Song Jeong-Su)

Song Jeong-Su could only chuckle hollowly.

Germany was thoroughly destroyed by now.

That nation’s legacy and history were now left in ashes and ruins. The demonic beings simply destroyed every single building, every little trace of humanity, before moving on to destroy some more. It was as if they considered destroying everything without mercy was the true victory or some such.

Since it was determined that demonic beasts were basically unintelligent, without a doubt all the commands were being issued by the demons and the demon kings.

“In that case, we have no choice but to struggle and survive as long as possible.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min’s voice sounded empty, hollow.

Song Jeong-Su roughly massaged his temples before opening his mouth.

“Look here, McLaren.” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Yes?” (Christopher McLaren)

“Can I ask you something?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Yes, of course.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Knowing how you people operate, you probably didn’t simulate only the numbers. You also have projections on which territories will remain. Correct?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Yes.” (Christopher McLaren)

“So, I’m guessing that the only remaining territories will be a small portion of high-altitude regions and... North America.” (Song Jeong-Su)

Christopher McLaren didn’t say anything. But that was enough of an answer already.

‘Well, it’s an obvious thing, isn’t it.’ (Song Jeong-Su)

America was in possession of at least half of the entire world’s combat forces. So, only one spot opening up in such a country was a rather unfair thing.

Which meant that the United States of America would be able to hold on until all the other nations on Earth were wiped out.

“What about Korea, then? How long do we have?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “And this is the reason why I’ve decided to contact you.” (Christopher McLaren)

Song Jeong-Su’s expression crumpled instantly.

‘It won’t be nice news, then.’ (Song Jeong-Su)

Objectively speaking, Korea lost its value to America a long time ago. The previous pretext of needing to keep an eye out on China went out the window the moment demon kings began showing up and the central command structure of China was obliterated by its own nuke.

So, America had no more reason to care about Korea now. Since that was the case, why would Christopher McLaren even bother to contact them like this?

– “According to our calculations, Korea won’t last a single month.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...Go eat sh*t, you godd*mn Yankee son of a b*tch.” (Song Jeong-Su)

Song Jeong-Su couldn’t hold back and flipped a bird almost right away, but Christopher McLaren simply shrugged his shoulders.

– “Please, calm down.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Dam*it.” (Song Jeong-Su)

How could anyone calm down in a situation like this?

– “And that’s why we’ve decided to lend our support to Korea.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...Support?” (Song Jeong-Su)

That unexpected word prompted Song Jeong-Su to raise his head.

– “Yes. Support.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren replied with a flat tone of voice.

“I don’t understand you. What’s in it for you people to help us out?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Our reason is simple. Demonic beasts that came out from the spot in Africa are now moving towards the Middle East.” (Christopher McLaren)


– “With that, the situation has become clear. Our enemies are not here to occupy. No, they wish to destroy. Once they annihilate and massacre all semblance of civilisation and people living there, they move onto another area where human civilisation still exists.” (Christopher McLaren)

Song Jeong-Su quietly squeezed his eyes shut.

“In other words...?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “Once everywhere else is destroyed, then all the demon kings and demonic beings will head to America. Honestly speaking, just one more demon king army invading our land will finish us off. America won’t survive. And it’ll be over.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Hahaha....” (Song Jeong-Su)

Song Jeong-Su’s eyes suddenly flew open in anger.

“So, you want to use us as meat shields, is that it?” (Song Jeong-Su)

– “No, not as shields.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren was gradually getting heated up.

– “There are currently two active spots in East Asia. According to the simulation, the most at risk and the first to collapse will be South Korea. Once Korea is gone, what remains of Japan and China will soon follow, then the enemy forces will combine with the ones in the Middle East, which in turn will join up with the ones in Europe. When that happens, the end result will be too simple.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren spoke as if he was making a declaration.

– “The demon kings that destroyed Asia and Europe will then rush towards America. And it’ll be the end of humanity.” (Christopher McLaren)

The icy-cold chill brushed past everyone in the room.

The weight of the words ‘end of humanity’ felt completely different when they came out of Christopher McLaren’s mouth rather than some random nobody.

Song Jeong-Su groaned softly, before tightly clenching his fists.

“So, what is it that you want to do here?” (Song Jeong-Su)

< 456. So, you want to use us as meat shields? -1 > Fin.

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