The Returner

Chapter 460: So, you want to use us as meat shields? (5)

Chapter 460: So, you want to use us as meat shields? (5)

“Well, I’ll be d*mned.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

Colonel Kang Gun-Myeong watched Choi Chang-Sik storm out of the office and could only chuckle hollowly.

“What should we do now, sir?”

“What do you mean, what? He says he doesn’t want to go, so what can we do? You wanna kidnap him or something?” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

“But sir, the order came from the upstairs. Not just regular upstairs, but straight from the Blue House, no less. So, how do you expect us to write up a report that says we couldn’t escort the subject because he refused to comply?”

“Why don’t YOU kidnap him, then!” (Kang Gun-Myeong)


The adjutant could only pound his chest in frustration at this troublesome situation and left the office in order to make a call. Meanwhile, Colonel Kang Gun-Myeong mouthed a cigarette and guffawed to himself.

“I thought they all would only care about their own survival.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

But to think that he would be proven so wrong.

He continued to chuckle away as if he lost his mind.

“I’m telling you, there are all sorts of people in this world.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

Sure, he did lose today, but he thought it must’ve been a really long time that he lost so refreshingly and wonderfully like this.

The brass would surely give him a hard time later, but for things like this, he didn’t mind getting his head bitten off.

“Huh.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

He lit the cigarette dangling in his lips.

‘Is it because he’s still young?’ (Kang Gun-Myeong)

If he was the same age and in the same situation as Choi Chang-Sik, could he have coolly stormed out of here like that kid?

He wasn’t confident of it.

No one knew just when the world would flip on its head. No, hang on – the world was already basically flipped as far as it could go right now. Yet here was a chance to guarantee one’s survival until the very end, so who would be able to resolutely refuse that?

On top of that, if one went to the American shelter while designated as Yi Ji-Hyuk’s acquaintance, then well, one might not get to realise it, but one would receive at least ten times the better treatment than staying back here in Korea.

So for that boy to cleanly reject all that?

Whether his choice was idiotic or commendable, it was hard to tell.

‘Are people around Yi Ji-Hyuk all like that?’ (Kang Gun-Myeong)

A little while later, the adjutant stepped back inside.

“What did the brass say?” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

“...Sir, we’ve been told to let him be.”

“Ng?” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

For a bunch of folks who issued an order to immediately locate the boy and bring him in, weren’t they giving up way too easily?

“What’s going on here?” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

“Our immediate superiors did throw a tantrum, sir, but as this matter was an emergency, the report was directly sent up to the prime minister’s office.”

“Oh? Okay, what then?” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

“Mister Prime Minister said we should just let the boy be. Even if he’s on the list, there’s nothing we can do in this kind of a situation.”

“Well, I’ll be.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

Whether it was this side or over there, they were gobsmackingly decisive in their actions.

“...What that young man has said is correct.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

What an embarrassing thing this was.

In this situation where every single citizen was doing their best to survive, going around trying to locate a handful of specific people in order to ‘save’ them was not the right thing to do.

Kang Gun-Myeong was quietly following the order since the people needing to be found weren’t some family members of the president or the prime minister, but if the order did ask him to secretly take acquaintances of those two away, then he might have disobeyed the order altogether.

“Looks like a young punk taught me a good lesson today.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

Kang Gun-Myeong stood up from his chair with a refreshed expression.

“In that case, it’s time for me to go back to my real job.” (Kang Gun-Myeong)

Indeed, it was time to return to the frontlines.



“Mom, just where are we now?” (Ye-Won)

Yi Ye-Won tightly grasped her mother’s hand. The location they arrived through teleportation was a place they had never seen before.

“I’m not sure, either. But don’t let go of my hand. Something big might happen.” (mom)

Mom making a deeply tense expression held Ye-Won’s hand in one and patted her back with the other.

“Looks like we’re in America.” (mom)

“...Even I can tell that much.” (Ye-Won)

Kim Dah-Som was also looking concerned.

An order for them to move out of the underground bunker below the Blue House had been issued only a little while ago. Even before she had a chance to ask what’s going on, things moved at a break-neck pace and before long, she and Yi Ji-Hyuk’s family members had all been teleported to somewhere in America.

“More people besides yourselves will arrive soon, everyone.”

A government representative tried to say something in order to calm their concerns.

“In reality, this operation wasn’t requested by our side but by the Americans.”

“I see, but why are we even here in the first place?” (mom)

Yi Ji-Hyuk’s mother, Park Seon-Deok, still didn’t lower her guard at all.

The world was seemingly flipped on its head and her son couldn’t be contacted at the moment, so maybe it was asking too much from her to trust some random strangers.

“It’s because this place is safer than South Korea.” (Christopher McLaren)

That reply came from the side.

“Who?” (mom)

An old Caucasian man with an affable face was walking up to the group.

He smiled and after getting close enough, began addressing them. The interpreter standing by quickly translated what he said.

“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Park. My name is Christopher McLaren. I’m responsible for inviting you all to the States this time.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...McLaren?” (mom)

Park Seon-Deok tilted her head.

Didn’t she hear that name from somewhere before?

“I’m sure you don’t know who I am. You see, Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk and I...” (Christopher McLaren)

“Ah! That man who’s supposed to resemble the grandpa from the KFC advert? You know, that guy Ji-Hyuk is bad mouthing all the time.” (mom)

Christopher McLaren looked at the interpreter with a puzzled expression. The latter smiled gently and translated for him.

“She says that Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk often talks good things about you.” (interpreter)

“Ahahaha, is that so?” (Christopher McLaren)

While Christopher McLaren was smiling happily away, the interpreter standing behind was silently shaking his head. When one was doing this sort of job, there would be those inevitable times when you must not translate everything being said.

“Why did you bring us here?” (mom)

“It’s as I’ve told you. This location is safer than South Korea. And the Korean government does not have the necessary wherewithal to take care of you all. That’s why we’ve decided to bring you here.” (Christopher McLaren)


Park Seon-Deok continued to shoot him with a suspicious gaze, so Christopher McLaren raised both of his hands in a gesture of surrender.

“You’re wrong, Mrs. Park.” (Christopher McLaren)

“I’m wrong about what?” (mom)

“We are definitely not trying to use you or your family members. I can tell what you’re thinking about right now, and I’d like to assure you that it’s not the case.” (Christopher McLaren)

However, she still stared at him with eyes full of suspicion.

“Have you heard about the matter concerning your son?” (Christopher McLaren)

“I know that he went somewhere to do something.” (mom)

“We did this so that we can all avoid the situation of his mother and the rest of his family members being dead when he comes back. Meaning, we didn’t do this out of the goodness of our hearts for the sake of your family, but for the rest of humanity. I hope you understand that.” (Christopher McLaren)

“I do not wish to become a burden to my son.” (mom)

“Something like that will never happen, ma’am. I swear that on my name.” (Christopher McLaren)

Park Seon-Deok finally nodded in acceptance after listening to his grave tone of voice.

“Besides... I won’t be able to do anything to you or your family, anyway.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Pardon?” (mom)

“...That puppy next to you. Is that Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk’s pet?” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren flinched a little after spotting a rather cute-looking ‘puppy’ busy scratching the back of its neck with its hind leg right next to Ye-Won’s feet.

“Yes, it is. You even know about our pet dog?” (mom)

‘A pet dog, is it...’ (Christopher McLaren)

So, that is what has been labelled as the ‘Ogre Lord’, is it... (Christopher McLaren’s inner monologue)

That puppy almost resembling a fuzzy ball could easily blow away every single person and ability user in this location if it wanted to. Christopher McLaren had been observing it for a while now – that Ogre Lord never, ever left the side of Yi Ji-Hyuk’s family members.

‘There’s no way that someone as meticulous as him wouldn’t have made contingency plans.’ (Christopher McLaren)

“...And what about that turtle?” (Christopher McLaren)

“...W-well, I’m not quite sure where he came from.” (mom)

So, then. That is the demon king, isn’t it? (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren stared at the turtle-like creature leisurely enjoying a sunbath next to Oh-Sik and could only chuckle hollowly.

‘Just these two alone will exceed the military might of your average country.’ (Christopher McLaren)

No, when he thought about it some more, maybe they exceeded his initial estimation altogether. There was no guarantee that the United States could kill a demon king even if they poured in all of the available resources, after all.

Even if Yi Ji-Hyuk had placed some sort of restrictions on that creature, this single demon king alone would be capable of utterly demolishing half of all the United States in one go.

‘Two creatures of this calibre were protecting him, yet we wanted to do something to him?’ (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren had to thank the Korean government again in his mind for refusing his earlier suggestion.

He knew about the existence of Oh-Sik, but he certainly hadn’t learned about that demon king’s existence at all. If the Americans made a move to forcibly secure Yi Ji-Hyuk, then well, the United States of America would have ceased to exist by now.

“We’ve prepared a place for you to rest and eat something inside the building. Once you rest for a day or so, you’ll all be moved to an underground shelter.” (Christopher McLaren)

“Is it going to be the same place as the last time we were here?” (mom)

“You might have to stay there for an extended period of time, so it will be a little inadequate compared to back then. However, it should be safer overall than that place. And many more people are scheduled to join you there.” (Christopher McLaren)

“There will be more people?” (mom)

“Not just Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk, but the family members of everyone who has accompanied him are being searched for as we speak. Even if not all of them will come back home.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren sighed softly.

“As I’m pressed for time, forgive me but I can’t stay for long. If you have any other questions, please ask this gentleman. He should be able to explain everything to you. Well, then.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren pushed forward an adjutant next to him, then bowed his head as his goodbye and turned around to leave. As he walked away, a secretary stuck next to him.

“Make sure they have everything they ask for. There cannot be any mistake whatsoever.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...Even in our current situation, sir?”

“Do you know what our worst possible scenario is?” (Christopher McLaren)

“Isn’t it the annihilation of mankind?”

“No!” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher McLaren replied as if he was chewing out his words.

“The worst possible scenario for us is this. We manage to resolve this crisis somehow and mankind carries on. In such a world, both Mister Yi Ji-Hyuk and I are still around.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...Excuse me?”

“But then, imagine what would happen if he learns that I didn’t take good care of his family. In a peaceful world where there are no demons or monsters to worry about, he will have no more things left to do. So, do you have any idea what it means to become an enemy of such a man?” (Christopher McLaren)

“No, I haven’t thought about it before, sir. But even I can tell that it’s too horrific to imagine.”

“What a relief that at least you get it.” (Christopher McLaren)

Christopher replied with a hardened expression.

“Don’t be one of those people who blab about living in the present. Your present can only exist when there’s a future ahead of you.” (Christopher McLaren)

“...I’ll make sure that they are well taken care of.”

Christopher McLaren nodded his head and climbed aboard the waiting vehicle.

‘Honestly, it’d be wonderful if we get to see that day where I receive a verbal smacking from him.’ (Christopher McLaren)

He could only pray fervently that Yi Ji-Hyuk and his company come back home as soon as possible.


D +25.

“What’s the current situation like?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“...Sir. It’s the absolute worst.”

Yun Yeong-Min and Song Jeong-Su received the report with hardened faces.

“The Middle East has fallen, sirs.”

“...The Middle East has what?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Yun Yeong-Min tilted his head in puzzlement.

That location had been projected to last the longest out of every other region. Unlike other strategic locations, the countries found in the Middle East were great distances apart, while the developed areas were clearly separated from the not-so developed ones. Even if the enemy managed to completely wipe out one country, it should’ve taken them a long while to move to another target, so what happened there?

“How did that happen?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“...Sir. Initially, there seemed to be some signs of panicked mass escape, then in the blink of an eye, the command structures of the respective nations simply crumbled away. If you asked us if the area called the Middle East still ‘exists’, then technically yes, it still does, but if you asked if that area holds any meaningful relevance anymore, then no, it doesn’t. Sir.”

“Meaning, it’s in a similar sort of situation to China.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

“At least China is in a better shape overall, sir. They have their warlords, after all. Apparently, they are holding up well even now.”

“...Indeed, that country is no ordinary one.” (Yun Yeong-Min)

The Chinese had been occasionally invaded by the others or got invaded by other nations ever since the dawn of mankind. And they were still fighting bitterly to this day.

Often, people from the other nations mocked the Chinese behaviour whenever they claimed to be the central figure in the Asian continent. But at least in this moment, they were properly demonstrating that claim to all who wanted to see.

Although their central power structure was gone, the individual regions absorbed any wandering armies into their folds and were busy building defensive lines centred around each provincial capital city. Even now, they were steadily building up their combat strength. Considering the country’s huge land mass and the fact that it’d be very difficult to respond to the command of the non-existing central authority, they should be commended for their excellent effort so far.

“What about Europe, then?” (Yun Yeong-Min)

Once Europe was brought up, this palpable tension filled up the office. Everyone present knew that the situation in Europe was really bad at the moment.

“...They have begun falling like dominoes, sir.”

< 460. So, you want to use us as meat shields? -5 > Fin.

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