The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 76: Yunnan Region

Chapter 76: Yunnan Region

December 183 A.D.

The north was swept by blizzards and high snow, with everyone staying inside. While the south was still warm and green.

Wang Fang entered with his men in Yuegui Region;15 counties and 408,405 people accompanied him.

Zhong Yu refrained from purging the clans in the eastern six regions of Yi State, out of fear of the people's revolting; the same for the north.

With the Yuegui Region next to Shu Region, the people heard of Zhong Yu's armies  felt deep fear they would be next.

The lands along the way fell one after the other, his army met with open arms instead of sharp sticks.

It took a month to take the whole of Yuegui Regionnd to prevent any future chaos, Zhong Yu ordered Wang Fang to draft 70,000 more recruits into his army, making it 100,000. 

With Yuegui Region pacified, next target was Yunnan Region. It was vast and with a large population like Yuegui Region. It had Han people and other ethnic groups that defied the court for decades.

The Han Dynasty had been in half-ruling state for centuries, ruled by officials and local leaders, making rebellions often.

The north of Yunnan Region, Suijiu County, Gufu County and Qingling County surrendered. Meeting resistance only in the Nongdong County, the region's core.

Yunnan Region's governor banded with the local ethnic leaders do defend it to the last man. The governor received 30,000 men from the leaders and gathered 10,000 from around the counties. 

While the 40,000 men in the tiny regional city were underequiped, the culture in Yunnan Region made it so the people here were tough and brave. 

The 100,000 recrutis surrounded the regional city like a flood, ready to drown it.


At Wang Fang's order, 70,000 men rushed the city walls, the green and red colors of their uniforms painted the earth.

The newly conscripted cannon fodder of the Yuegui Region was divided into 16 divisions of 5,000 men as they charged. Clad only in cloth and holding sharpened sticks. 

The 30,000 men he brought before acted as the supervisors, holding sharp blades and armor to deter the cannon fodder from retreating.

"Attack! For our lord, for your families, go and waste those savages!"

With a small pep talk, hardly efficient, but enough to awaken them to the threat and control the lord had on their kin. While also inciting bad blood between the han and other barbarians.

It did have effect on some recruits, their eyes hardening and focusing on the battle instead of running.

As the drums of wars sounded, the first division attacked with ladders. They marched slowly. With how the Yunnan Region was surrounded by mountains, the regional city had no moat to protect it. 

The newly drafted cannon fodder found so many familiar faces around them and their bravery swelled.

With so many people I may actually survive this. The enemy is less numbered than us and we might win this!'

So thinking, their steps were lighter, they charged faster, all shouting to dispel the fear the enemy inflicted on them. At least it worked as intended, making the men on the walls falter in fear.

As they drew closer to the wall, there were no arrows to meet them. What money did some savages have to spare on bows?

The average hunting bow worked for a couple dozen meters at best. Using them there would only bring them shame. 

Thus resorting to throwing stone piled up in heaps behind them once they enemy reached the walls.

Cracking the heads of a few hundreds, the recrutis below ran away in fear.

At the disgraceful performance, Wang Fang blew a gasket, ordering 3,000 elites under him to go suppress the walls.

These men had bows, effective against foe and friendly alike.

By the time the elites arrived, the cannon fodder was a hundred meters from the walls, not taking another step from fear.

Any who got too close would've been cut down with impunity.

"Attack, for crying out loud! One step back and you'll be killed!"

Despite the threats, some men wanted to bargain as they approached.

All they were met with were arrows and screams that pierced the sky. The rude awakening jolted the recruits awake.

They knew in the army of 100,000 recruits,they were but a dime a dozen, expendable. Defying the commander meant death.

All they could do was resign to their fate, picking up their pointy sticks and ladders as they returned to the walls. The incoming rocks and the burning oils felt like picking compared to the arrows.

The marched up the ladders with gritted teeth, the wails of the dead accompanying their climb. The others ignored the corpses, stepping over them as they followed up as well and on and on;it went.

This was the value of life. In but a day, the 16 divisions were sent once at the walls, resulting in many casualties and reforming of 10 divisions. They rested for the night before starting all over and early. 

This was how the first day came to an end for these wretched recruits, filled with pain and fear and promise of death.

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