The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 82: Assassination

Chapter 82: Assassination

In May 184 A.D., Huangfu Song burned Bo Cai's army at Changshe. Bo Cai was defeated and the main force of the Yellow Turban Army in Yu State lost tens of thousands. Huangfu Song chased Bo Cai to the Runan Region.

Having pacified Jingzhou, Zhong Yu took his men to Jiangling city.

The coming of spring in the southern region brought with it the melting of the snow and the lush vibrant growth of nature.


Hundreds of riders crossed the plain, with the people scrambling out of the way.

"My King, a few hundred men aren't enough to assure your safety." A general advised Zhong Yu.

"Of no consequence, having pacified Jingzhou, they'd rather lock their homes and hide in a corner than come for me, knowing I'd slaughter their whole bloodline." Zhong Yu said without concern.

The group turned to a small path, which led to a sparse forest filled with game.

Having dealt with Jingzhou's main two regions, his army split into four, taking down the rest of its territories. Zhong Yu was alone in the center, coordinating the four attacks and would sometimes feel bored.

He was now on his habitual hunting trip, to relax and enjoy life rather than be cooped up.

The first time was with a thousand men, patrolling the area and blocking anyone.

But after so many sorties and no attempt on his life, he relaxed, all the way down to today's 300 riders.

Like always, the soldier pushed the prey towards Zhong Yu, for an easy hunt.

The wonderful feeling of having their lives in his hand made Zhong Yu enjoy a new kind of bliss.

It was why he chose the path of a ruler and not of a lone wolf, to be surrounded by millions, all bowing and giving their lives for him.

The end of the path would take him to be a man among men, a god among gods.

Zhong Yu was enjoying the hunt and his flight of fancy as pairs of hateful eyes watched his every move.

They burn with a fire only pain and despair could kindle. 

They were waiting, waiting for Zhong Yu's guards to become even smaller, then get him at his weakest with a well-timed ambush.

To make this devil pay for taking their clans, their glory, wealth, and status. They would have revenge, to soothe the restless souls of their kin.

The time had come. Zhong Yu had only 50 men around him, the rest quite some distance away.

It would take a couple of minutes to get here. This was the moment Zhong Yu was at his weakest, since half a year ago when he attacked Yi State.

They had made many attempts on Zhong Yu's life ever since he attacked Yi State, but failed every time, as they were caught by the vigilante guards.

It took many failures and wasting of lives to realize the truth.

Assassinating a tyrant in his own home was impossible. All they could do was wait for him to lower his guard.

This wait took half a year, giving Zhong Yu the confidence that no one would come for him after so long.

He thought those nobodies were scared to the core and would sit in a corner somewhere to lick their wounds rather than fight back.

Then Zhong Yu was but a hundred steps from the ambush. Getting closer would make the soldiers notice them.

The head assassin was brimming with excitement when he gave the order and bolts flew at Zhong Yu from all directions.

The guards were caught off guard long enough for eight to fall dead. The rest threw themselves in front of the bolts aimed at Zhong Yu.

They each died, one after the other, turned into pincushions.

But their hard will made their bodies stand tall, blocking their aim until their dying breath and beyond.

"Kill the tyrant! For our dead families!"

"Attack! For revenge, for our will to live!"

The assassins shouted their desires, surrounding Zhong Yu with hundreds.

Zhong Yu had but thirty guards still alive around him, while his 200 guards further away were held back by 500 suicidal people hell bent on revenge.

Zhong Yu's fate had slipped out of his control and now was at the mercy of his assassins.

Zhong Yu showed no fear behind his thirty guards as the head assassins came out.

The leaders were in no rush. They have been festering a fury for their dead kin for months no words could express.

They would never get over it by letting their enemy die just like that.

Only by enjoying a most brutal and cruel killing could they regain a semblance of normal life.

To watch him cry and grovel for mercy, to see his face in pain and despair was the only way to mend their hearts.

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