The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 88: End of Yellow Turban Rebellion

Chapter 88: End of Yellow Turban Rebellion

June 184 A.D., governor of Nanyang, Qin Xie, did battle with Zhang Man, killing the latter. The leadership of the Yellow Turban Army changed to Zhao Hong, taking 100,000 men to Wancheng.

Huangfu Song and Zhu Jun's army attacked Runan all the while, pressing Bo Cai to Yangzhai, defeating Peng Tuo in Xihua, while the remaining men fled to Wancheng.

However, Sun Jian entered the city first, pushing forward and breaking the enemy, thus crushing the Yellow Turban Army in Yu State. While Lu Zhi defeated Zhang Jue in many battles, killing more than 10,000.

Zhang Jue had to retreat to Guangzong, where Lu Zhi made barricades, ladders and dug moats to attack the city. When Emperor Ling sent Zuo Fend to inspect the army, someone urged Lu Zhi to bribe him, but Lu Zhi refused and Zuo Feng falsely accused Lu Zhi of poor conduct.

The furious Emperor Ling had Lu Zhi return to the capital in a prison cart. A new edict was issued from the capital: Huangfu Song is to go north, to eastern regions. Zhu Juan is to attack Nanyang's Zhao Hong. Dong Zhuo is to replace Lu Zhi.'

Meanwhile, the minority ethnic groups in Liangzhou's north, like Xianzhu and Qiang, all took the chance to rebel, electing Beigong Bayu and Li Wenhou generals. THey killed Ling Zheng, the local officer, forcing Bian Zhang and Han Sui, famous in Xilian, to join them.

July, Zhong Yu's army, now rested for a month, set out. They met with little to no resistance this time, thanks to Zhong Yu's rewards and bestowals.

Though dozens of clans died just before those rewards came, it was all a play for Zhong Yu to show how he treated those who crossed him, while caring for those who were on his side.

To drive it home, he rewarded Cai Mao and Huang Chengyan as barons of a county each.

This brought one to the King of Zhou dividing his land into 800 vassal states. Even when the kingdom fell, they'd still be nobles of their own land, their family name carried out for centuries.

Legacy had a far greater pull than any other promise.

While the army this time was smaller, with but 50,000 men, but rather than be met with sharp swords, the gates were open and cheers sounded.

Only a few brain-dead would throw their lot with the Han Dynasty. Do you think it'll give you your own land? Besides, how long can they stop this army? It will fall sooner or later.'

September, Zhong Yu's army reached Shanyi County, the main county of Huiji Region, which was the southernmost county in Yang State. The fall of this county meant Yang State belonged to Zhong Yu.

Using Zhong Yu offering counties as enticement, the guard captain of Huiji Region convinced the governor to open the gates, with the officials of Huiji Region all out to greet him.

With the fall of the dragon flag, Yu Kingdom's scarlet and blue pihis rose above the walls. It marked the fall of Yang State Yu Kingdom and Han Dynasty losing all control south of Yangtze River.

The southmost part of the nation, with the fall or Rinan Region a few days later from the barbarians and the destruction of the newly founded Linyin Kingdom, the whole of south belonged to Yu Kingdom and Zhong Yu. 

Everywhere beyond the Yangtze River, one would see Yu Kingdom's flag, testament to Yu Kingdom's ever increasing power, as big as the Han Dynasty's.

While Han Dynasty, the rotting ship, finally dealt with the Yellow Turban Army that ravaged the Central Plains. Now focusing their troops north of the river, ready to destroy the last leader of the rebellion, Zhang Jue.

When Lu Zhi was sent to the capital for questioning, the northern army fell under Dong Zhuo's command, only to be defeated by Zhang Jue.

The court had to call Huangfu Song to lead the army that just pacified the Central Plains north, as the Yellow Turban Army there ran unchecked.

When Huangfu Song led his men he recruited from all over the nation to Guangzong city, he found Zhang Jue died of illness, leaving General of Earth, Zhang Liang to defend it to the death.

Due to Zhong Yu's tight blockade throughout Yangtze River, the Han court had no clue the south had long since fallen under his rule, thinking that they were still resisting him.

They did not believe the Yellow Turban Army could take the Central Plains.

Nor that some force from Sichuan could hold all of the south so fast. It was inconceivable.

This made the defenses to the south were around twenty to thirty thousand men, holding crucial passes and putting the matter behind them.

The core of power the Han Dynasty raised over the centuries was led by Huangfu Song. The 100,000 soldiers rushed north of the river to stem out the Yellow Turban Army that ravaged the Han for a year now.

In just half a year of war, the shabby treasury of Han Dynasty was bone dry, the warehouses empty of even rats. Fighting any longer would push the nation to bankruptcy.

For this reason, Emperor Ling urged Huangfu Song to quell the rebellion as soon as possible, so that the troops would return to their home, thus getting back some of the money and grain they lost.

Zhong Yu was not in the least ready to march again, despite the last three months battling to take two states were hardly met with setbacks.

Here was where the human mind showed its disadvantage. After three years of traveling, he was tired, needing a long rest.

He would wait for a month, when the recruiting around the south would bring him 500,000 men, before going north to Central Plains.

He wanted to have the Han Dynasty under his rule within the year, so as to draw a perfect conclusion to the raid of the Three Kingdoms world.

October, Huangfu Song killed General of Earth Zhang Liang in Guangzong city.

November, Julu Region's guard captain Guo Dian killed general Zhang Bao in Quyang County and the Yellow Turban Rebellion was put to rest.

Just as Emperor Ling breathed easier, with the land peaceful, dire news reached Liu Hong and the court.

The uprising in Liangzhou of the Qiang were attacking Guanzhong, their army pressing Chang'an, and the ancestors of the Han Dynasty were about to be dug up.

In Xilian, 100,000 soldiers were closing in on Meiyang County of Fufeng Region. They were just a few counties away from Chang'an, to dig up Liu clan's tombs.

If this could be endured, once Guanzhong fell, that left Tongguan west of Luoyang to defend the capital. Ther army of Xilian was threatening the foundation of the Han Dynasty.

This was something no ruler would stand for. No one would trust a king who was beset by thieves and enemies in his own home town.

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