The Rise of History’s Most Powerful Empire

Chapter 9: Annihilated

Chapter 9: Annihilated

"Attack! Any deserters will be put down!"

Wang Daniu yelled, and a dozen savages in rags charged another tribe.

They looked and wore the same clothes, bearing no distinction as they fought. What set one side from another was the yellow scarf. 

The enemy was a tribe with thirty or so people, of which 18 were fighters.

While the other side had few savages, their weapons were a far cry from primitive tools. They soon had the enemy tribe on the defensive.

More often than not, technology made a world of difference. The advanced weapon instilled great courage in these savage warriors, even if they were mere slaves.

Welding inconceivably sharp blades made them feel invincible, that nothing could stand in their way.

The enemies experienced their first casualty, then the second, the corpses and heavy wounded mounted until the tribe was defeated.

Emia was a warrior, yet his tribe was defeated by strange people. They did not have fair skin and blond hair, but yellow skin, with black hair,black eyes, and quite scrawny. He disdained them, thinking he'd kill them in one blow. 

He ended up a prisoner. As a known warrior in the plains' tribes, he felt his life was over. Emia had become a shameful captive and the day it happened was forever etched in his mind. 

Wearing yellow clothes and  yellow scarfs on their heads, these men wielded divine weapons of matchless sharpness as they cut through flesh with bloodthirsty eyes, spraying red wherever they went.

Every night embraced Emia in its dark nightmares, dreaming the same bloodbath every time. It made him shiver to the bone. It was the day everything he had was taken, the day the reaper took his sweet wife, Anna, sending her to God's embrace.That was not all he had lost that gruesome day.

Emia clenched his weapon, using the fear, anger and resentment of that day on these savages. In a fierce struggle, he finally got his first kill.

As the battle drew to a close, the warriors lost despite their bravery. Bravado alone could only get them so far against the enemy's better weapons and higher numbers.

With the death of half of the warriors, the tribe surrendered to their unknown fate with crushed hearts. 

Wang Daniu smiled, Good, one more surrendering tribe and one step closer to fulfilling lord's mission.'

Under his orders, the savages were tied up and strutted back to Luoyang.

Few days later, Zhong Yu's soldiers finished attacking every tribe under a hundred people around him.

The gain of population left behind piles of bones and a bloodied ground, fertilizing the lands and making the coming year's grass lusher. 

A warrior's glory was gained by the blade, giving his life for the battlefield. Behind every victory were the bones of the weakest men. As he had gone through victories, it wasn't without casualties as eleven soldiers had forever gone from this world. 

It was a shame those boys were gone, but it couldn't have been done without. Zhong Yu was mighty pleased looking at the screen.

[Host: Zhong Yu

Rank: Lord 

Domain: 5 square km(upgrade possible)

Population: 331

Army: 39 Yellow Turban soldiers, 110 slave corps. 

His power grew four times, brimming him with confidence for the future.

"System, upgrade my domain!" Zhong Yu beamed.

"Upgrading. complete. Domain is now a borough. Congratulations, host, on completing the secondary quest, Thriving Domain(1/7). You have earned a ticket." The system's flat tone announced.

Zhong Yu lit up and his smile widened. Awesome, all that work in absorbing the tribes paid off. Wonder what I'll get this time. How far will it propel my conquest?' 

"System, use the ticket." Zhong Yu eagerly urged the system.

"Drawing complete. Congratulations, host, on obtaining a special building, a refugee camp."

With the fall of the flat voice, Zhong Yu's blue screen showed a roulette stopping on a camp icon. 

Just as I thought. I'm getting exactly what I need.' To the point he suspected the lottery was rigged.

He once lacked soldiers, welp, there they were. Now he needed population and poof, here came a refugee camp bow-wrapped by the system itself. Is it really random? It's too much of a coincidence.'

[Refugee Camp

Type:Basic special building

Effect: it can give produce 100-300 refugees a day for seven days. ]

Thoughts ran through Zhong Yu's mind at the camp's description, Going by its effect, I'll get 700 people in a week, at the minimum. That will bring me to a total of a 1000 people.'

While earning 2100 at maximum, with the two hundred from the two largest tribes and my 300, I will have 2700, a barely passable county.'

With the upgrade then, I'll have an even bigger domain.' But those were all ifs. It will be up to my luck how close to reality that assessment will be. The slightest deviation would throw me off with unforeseen results.'

Easy does it. No matter the change in outcome, I need to believe it can pull me through.' He managed to survive so far, when he was far worse off, but now he had a great stroke of luck and the chance to cross over. There was no way he'd fail. 

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