The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 36 Art Show

Chapter 36 Art Show

The people in cities were truly impetuous. No wonder that the people in cities had a fast-paced life. Zhou Yu hadn’t even received the money for the War of Luhua village, but he was already urged to prepare for the next game. Speaking of games, recently he indeed had an interesting idea.

The war of soybean pudding.

No matter on which forums, Zhou Yu could always see the argument between the sweet party and the salty party had hundreds of replies. Therefore, using this to create a game might be very interesting.

Now that he had the idea, how the game should look like, became Zhou Yu’s headaches. Should he humanize soybean puddings or should they just stay what they normally look like? Should the war mode be building houses or fighting each other with military vehicles? Should the game be a singleplayer game or a massively multiplayer game?

To Zhou Yu, who knew nothing about game productions and players preferences, surely, he could not decide which was the best business model. However, he had an unparalleled advantage. It was that he could make the game first, try it out, and then choose the preferred one later. All it cost was just a little bit Moe coins anyway.

Therefore, every week, a slightly tweaked version of the war of soybean pudding was produced...


A few days before the National Day, a group of primary school students led by teacher Hu teacher came to Zhou Yu’s house. They were there to move the military models back to school for the military exhibition. Just the aircraft carrier itself needed four students to carry. Fearing the model would be dropped on the ground, the eyes of teacher Hu did not leave the model for a single second during the moving process. He had heard that some people were willing to spend more than 10k Chinese Yuan for this model. It was a true artwork.

Labeling each weapon with name and basic information, and then placing them in a row, it was much more impressive than when they were scattered around in the toy house. However, when Zhou Yu saw the banner that was specifically hung above the classroom, he wanted to run away so badly.

The big title was “Luhua Primary School Military Exhibition”, but the small title was “Luhua Village Zhou Yu’s Art Exhibition”.

Art? Mannnn... Just some models, why they had to say that it was art... Then Teacher Hu also deliberately told Zhou Yu, that there may be some reporters coming to the school to interview the exhibition from the city tomorrow. So it was better for him to wear something formal and don’t dress the beach trunks as if he was having a holiday near a beach.

Therefore, Zhou Yu was constantly nodding his head while secretly decided that there was no way he would come to school tomorrow.

Zhou Hao finally was able to show off his knowledge to everyone. The school had asked him and the other three children in Luhua Village to act as narrators because they were familiar with these toys. They were playing with those toys almost every day. And after they got permission from Zhou Yu, they even disassembled the toy and reassembled them many times. Therefore it could be said that they knew inside out of those toys.

When the first day of the exhibition just ended, Little Rat immediately came to Zhou Yu with great excitement and constantly told him about his ‘excellent’ performance during the exhibition.

“Brother Yu, why didn’t you come to school today? There were so many people in the school. After students saw the models, there were adults, and there were also reporters taking many pictures of me!”

The excited kid could not stop talking. Zhou Yu could only pretend to listen to him while fishing on the riverbank and thinking that did this kid not scare that tomorrow his voice would become hoarse?

Probably Zhou Yu jinxed it, Little Rat – Zhou Hao was removed from his narrator post the next day. The reason was that his voice was so hoarse that no one could hear him properly. In the end, the poor little rat could only be a security guard on the side, preventing other kids from touching their toys.

This was truly “great joy begets sorrow”.


During the national day holiday, Lu Yuan did not stay in the university or had a sightseeing tour with her friends. Instead, she returned home. Normally, when during the final year at the university, students would need to start looking for jobs. However, she already got an offer from a company, so she did not need to worry about looking for jobs anymore.

When she just arrived home, she was surprised to see that her niece was crying on the ground, and no matter her sister-in-law tried to stop her from crying, not only she would not stop crying, but she also cried louder and louder every second.

“Little Lele, what is wrong? Tell me who bullied you, I’ll help you to smack his ass!”

Seeing her auntie came back, little Lele quickly got up from the ground and threw herself in Lu Yuan’s arms. “Mommy does not want to take me to the cinema,” she cried.

Hearing what she said Lu Yuan felt very strange. Her brother and sister-in-law always treated their kid very well. But why wouldn’t they take their kid to the cinema? Besides, the main transport link was not far from their village, and it led straight toward the city, it was very convenient.

It was at this moment, her sister-in-law explained helplessly, “Yuan, you finally back. It is not the cinemas in the city that she wants to go to. She wants to go to the outdoor cinema in Luhua village. But it is very late now, I am worried about her safety.”

Hongshan Village was quite far from Luhua Village. However, the kids in Hongshan village also went to

Luhua Primary School. Every day, Lu Lele would hear her friends saying how good the animation movies in brother Yu’s house were, but it was too far for her to go to Zhou Yu’s house. Knowing that she had 6 days holiday made her very happy. This time, she was finally able to see the movie in brother Yu’s house. However, no matter how she begged her mother to take her to Luhua village, she just would not take her.

Outdoor cinema? Lu Yuan felt nostalgic about it. Because she vaguely remembered that she had gone to an outdoor cinema for a few times when she was very young, and every time it was her grandmother, who carried her home, while she was sleeping on her back. In terms of what movies she had seen, she had already and completely forgotten about them. She thought that outdoor cinema this kind of thing was already extinct, but she did not expect that there were people still doing it.

Out of nostalgic mood, Lu Yuan told Lu Lele that she would take her to see the movies. This made Lele overjoyed. She immediately ran back into her home ignoring that her clothing was still very dirty, and quickly took out her homework. This made Lu Yuan very confused. Doing homework while watching the movie, was that really necessary?

“Xiaohai said that the homework is the ticket, brother Yu will not let me in if I did not finish my homework.”

‘Say what?... Homework is the entry ticket? That brother Yu must be a teacher. Otherwise, how would someone come up with such sly trick? Using movies to deceive kids to do their homework?’

Curiosity began to emerge from Lu Yuan’s mind. She took her little niece on an electronic motorcycle and headed toward Luhua village. On the way, they bought some snacks as well. Without snacks how could someone enjoy the movies?

With the motorbike, it did not take them long to get to Zhou Yu’s house. After a few turns in Luhua village, they arrived at an old house that had a big yard. Under the lights in the yard, they could see that there were already many children talking to each other while waiting for the movie to start. And behind the children’s group, there were some adults with helpless expressions on their faces. It seemed like there were quite a few parents that were also forced to come here.

There were a few children who sat at the door to check other kids’ homework like ticket sellers. All the adults could enter the yard freely, but all the children must hand over the ‘tickets’, which was exactly the opposite of other cinemas.

After little Lele’s homework passed the entrance check, she happily held Lu Yuan’s hand and went into the yard. However, after seeing her friends, she heartlessly abandoned her aunties without any hesitation. She just directly sat in the spot that had been reserved for her and began to chat with her friends.

Lu Yuan, who almost got depression from the way her niece abandoned her, could only find her own spot. The host seemed to have expected this kind of situations already. There were some plastic chairs in the yard, which could be used at any time. Having found a place to sit down, she casually looked at the surrounding environment. There were some potted plants near the wall. It looked like a place where the old people lived.

‘Right. A lonely old man who plays some movies, so he could have some children around, it is pretty normal. That is probably why he does not ask for money.’ Lu Yuan thought.

Just when she was thinking that way, she saw a disheveled man, who dressed in t-shirts and beach trunks, walked out of the house. The children instantly burst into cheers. It was clear that the man was the host of this outdoor cinema.

However, why was he so young?

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