The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 245

Chapter 245

Hunn’s expression changed rapidly and he exclaimed coldly: “If he dares!”

Feng Zhiwei smiled cheerfully at the man: “Truly? Hongji Le does not dare? Kereyid does not dare? If they did not dare, why would the powerful and valued Fire Fox Tribe betray the King? What more could they gain? Some Blue Bird Land? Why has Iron Cheetah been given this land?

“Twenty years ago, an Iron Cheetah female slave was gifted to the Fire Fox patriarch, and when she died in childbirth, neither tribe was willing to take in the baby. That baby is now Fire Fox Patriarch. One day, when Kereyid is in a good mood, will he not come and repay your grace? All he needs to do is pass along a message and you will be paid a visit from east and west... hehe.”

Before Hunn’s terrifying scar could twitch, Feng Zhiwei had already turned to Blue Bear Hotega. “Master Hotega, if you really dare to leave your land at the foot of Mount Qing Zhuo and move near the King’s Court, I dare guarantee that in a generation, your tribe’s men will be annihilated.”

“Why?” Hotega stared at the young princess.

“We passed your land on our way here.” Feng Zhiwei began explaining. “Your men have strong legs as powerful as a bear’s and peculiar, protruding blue veins. There is a golden-blue herb that grows in your land called the ‘Flaming Seven Stars.’ The aroma of the herb promotes the development of your lower body meridians and has helped improve the power of your legs, but this fragrance of this unique plant has accumulated in your bodies and its mild poison is now life threatening. Luckily, poisons have antidotes and a type of bush in your lands just happens to be the answer to the Flaming Seven Stars. Your tribe often includes this bush in your fires and it counteracts the toxins in the Flaming Seven Stars, allowing your tribe to gain the benefits with none of the downsides. But once you leave behind this antidote, the toxins inside your people will flare up and damage your meridians, perhaps even bursting them. The fortunate ones will be paralyzed, and the rest will die. Your tribe will be extinguished.”

Hotega turned pale with horror as Hongji Le cut in with his deep voice: “Enough fear-mongering. Blue Bear Tribe has contributed greatly to the steppe and deserve in sharing the best of our lands. My motive is pure, Brother Hotega. I’ve never heard of this Flaming Seven Stars nonsense.”

“Really?” Feng Zhiwei smiled at Hongji Le, her chin propped casually on her hand. “Never? Are you sure? Why have you been glancing outside? What are you looking for?”

Hotega’s eyes flashed with understanding as he turned his head to eye the open air around them. “Some days ago, Kereyid paid me a visit and mentioned a herb that he thought quite pretty...”

Helian Zheng smirked coldly as Hotega fell silent, the man’s face tightening as he examined Hongji Le.

“The King’s Court knows about this as well.” Helian Zheng finally interjected. “The Court Physician had discovered this and reported the matter to Father King, and this was the principle reason Father King dispatched the army to settle the border disputes between Blue Bear and Earth Badger, eventually forcing Blue Bear from the land they had conquered. Father King knew that Blue Bear was discontent, but he felt that if the secret was exposed then unscrupulous tribes would begin giving Blue Bear trouble.”

The young King sighed before continuing: “Father King explained that Brother Hotega is honest and sincere, and his tribe blessed. Hotega’s Blue Bear Tribe is the most courageous and valiant in our steppes, and as his brother, he would rather bear the misunderstanding than bring danger to their tribe.”

Hotega’s face twisted with shame and regret as he brought up his thick palms to brush aside his tears. The man choked out: “I... I...” standing and unseating his sabre.

Helian Zheng sat calmly beside him, looking up at the emotional man.


The brilliant, snowy arc of the man’s blade slashed through the air, and a bloodied little finger fell soundlessly to the ground.

Hotega fell to his knees before Helian Zheng, lifting his disfigured left hand before him as he vowed in a deep, firm voice: “Highest Tengri, Hotega vows with this heart-connected finger — Blue Bear Tribe swears allegiance to the Shunyi King. Let death descend upon all oath breakers!”

“Uncle Hotega!” Helian Zheng exclaimed, falling down to his knees beside Hotega and embracing the man around his shoulders. “Father King is surely comforted in the nether world!”

The two men hugged and cried with snot and tears. Hotega wept with sincere sorrow and happiness while Helian Zheng improvised, even managing a wink at Feng Zhiwei over the Patriarch’s shoulder.

Feng Zhiwei watched calmly, hiding her glare and her quiet approval — the brat was truly clever and startlingly quick. With just a few words, he had resolved the Blue Bear’s heart-knot against the King’s Court. Everything the young King has just said was a lie! What Court Physician? When had the Old King been so gracious and self-sacrificing? When Zong Cheng had been frowning down at the ‘Flaming Seven Star’ in Blue Bear land, the young fool had even waltzed over happily and asked whether the pretty herb was edible!

Blue Bear Tribe had now sworn one of the most serious blood oaths allying themselves with the Shunyi King, and Iron Cheetah had turned from enemy to ally. The power had completely shifted, and not only was it now impossible for Hongji Le to depose and banish Helian Zheng, the King’s camp was now more than powerful enough to contend directly with Hongji Le.

After he finished comforting the teary, honest man, Helian Zheng stood and looked down at the smaller tribe patriarchs allied to Hongji Le. None dared meet his gaze, and some of them were even shrinking away and vainly hiding behind the others.

“Hey Kulcha, why are you hiding?” Helian Zheng snorted before calling out.

The old man turned stiffly.

“Kulcha, my father’s most beloved brother, the most trusted, the most tender.” Helian Zheng called out as he stalked towards his uncle, a terrible smile on his face. “To repay his brother’s loyalty, my father became the first King to abdicate the Patriarchship. He gave the most fertile land to his brother, the prettiest women, the most valuable treasure, and when rewards came from the Imperial Court, his brother had the first pick.” Helian Zheng stared down at Kulcha as the old man slowly backed himself into a corner. “And how did his brother repay him? Conspiring for regicide and fratricide, and groveling to the murderer as they plotted to exile his brother’s son.”

Hunn’s face was filled with disdain and Hotega spat at Kulcha’s feet.

With nowhere to retreat, Kulcha suddenly squared his shoulders and yelled out: “Then kill me already!”

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