The Rise of Phoenixes

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

It was clearly not a good time for a live or die war.

But he had made such an impassioned and determined vow for revenge before the King’s Army, and now not only had he failed, he had taken Hong Jile’s daughter as concubine. How could he explain this to his warriors?

It looked like... the old expert needed to make an appearance.

The expert in question quietly met Helian Zheng’s eyes as the young King very very sneakily peeked at her.

Feng Zhiwei quietly sighed once again... Being Queen was not easy...

But the truth was, she had not been completely certain about their plan, and letting Hongji Le and his daughter off for the moment was inconsequential.

“The gentlemen are right.” Feng Zhiwei spoke, supporting the Patriarchs. “Please rest assured that the King’s hesitation is only because he wishes to honor me. While I cannot speak to Golden Roc Tribe’s compensation, Young Lady Narta’s fate can be entrusted to me.”

The various patriarch’s and chieftains nodded in approval, eyes gleaming. Although this woman was rather ugly, she was brave and politic and understood courtesy and propriety; indeed, the decisions on concubines could be deferred to the Queen.

“Zhiwei!” Helian Zheng ‘hurriedly’ interrupted, “How could I allow you this indignity!”

Nice acting, fool! Feng Zhiwei bit back a glare, smiling kindly as she replied: “I married the Steppes and I must follow the laws of the Steppes. There is no indignity.”

“Of course, what indignity?” A voice immediately agreed. “Which of us does not have wives and concubines? King, surely you did not mean to only have the Queen? How would she handle all your daily needs?”

“How could this King take the daughter of my father’s murderer!” Helian Zheng retorted furiously, his eyes flaring.

“The father’s sin is not the daughter’s, and certainly not your baby’s, the King’s seed.” Feng Zhiwei added with ‘great sincerity’ in her role as ‘kind and gracious Central Plains Queen.’ “King, your burdens are heavy.”

“This King has vowed to the King’s Army to behead the enemy of his father!” King Helian exclaimed, ‘refusing to retreat.’

“The Great King can use the Golden Roc Tribe’s compensation to honor the warriors.” Queen Feng ‘pleaded graciously.’ “After all, this matter concerns the King’s child. The Irgi Warriors will understand.”

“Absolutely, absolutely. The Queen speaks truth and justice. King, please relent, for peace and stability and the prosperity of the steppe people...” The Patriarchs added, nodding appreciatively to the Queen’s words.

“King.” Feng Zhiwei said once more, affectionately taking Helian Zheng’s hands into her own. “Golden Roc Tribe’s punishment can be decided later, but in matters of your offspring, please allow your Queen to make this decision.”

Helian Zheng looked down at the soft hands on his, incredibly aware that this was the first time Feng Zhiwei had volunteered such contact. Although he knew they were just putting on a show, his heart leapt with warmth and he could barely hold himself from grabbing her hands and pouring out all the emotions and unsaid words in his heart.

Feng Zhiwei immediately noticed his hand’s tightening, and with a faint smile slid her hands away. Before he knew what he was doing Helian Zheng reached out to the retreating hands, and as Feng Zhiwei turned away, he rubbed his fingers in his palm, a lost expression on his face as he clung to the fading softness and warmth.

Feng Zhiwei was already by Narta’s side, her hand on the woman’s shoulder as she smiled: “Welcome to the King’s Court.”

Narta looked up at her with no happiness, a strange glimmer in her eyes. Beside her, Hongji Le stood with a cold face and a gleaming gaze.

Helian Zheng had no eyes for the father and daughter, awkwardly rubbing his hands together and silently thanking Feng Zhiwei, his eyes speaking volumes. Little Aunt, many thanks and apologies for the trouble. In the future, I will give you anything in my power even if I must crawl there and back.

Feng Zhiwei glanced calmly at him. Eldest Nephew, it is matter, after all I have saved you more than once.

None of the Patriarchs understood the strange words passed through those meaningful gazes, and the various men were all sighing with relief. Golden Roc Tribe was very rich and could maintain some portion of their power even after losing fertile land and wealth. The power between the tribes had shifted somewhat, but this result was far better than Hongji Le’s death and a subsequent civil war.

In their eyes, the King had only stepped back on the Queen’s behalf, and so Hotega was not alone as he smiled and said: “Congratulations Kin, your King is wise and capable, a blessing to our steppes!”

“Undoubtably.” Helian Zheng full heartedly agreed, sighing. “I only ope that she blesses me for years and years to come!”

Feng Zhiwei smiled and shifted the conversation: “King, the Golden Alliance Meeting has come to an end. Perhaps we should begin discussing our next steps.”

“Of course.” Helian Zheng smiled in agreement. “Master Honji Le and Master Luzan, please remain in Bing Valley and arrange your tribe relocation. If the rest of the Patriarchs will accompany me to the King’s Court and attend my enthronement, and we can discuss the grassland redistribution and the relocation of the Golden Roc and Grey Wolf tribes.”

The various patriarchs shifted and gleamed with excitement; Helian Zheng was clearly suggesting a partition of the Golden Roc and Grey Wolf compensation. Hongji Le and Luzan stared darkly but were unable to protest the combined might of the other patriarchs. They had been utterly defeated today, and none of the other patriarchs would come to their aid while the possibility of bloodless gain hang in the balance.

The two men turned and glanced at each other, recognizing the malice and cunning in the other’s eyes.

“How will we leave?” Luzan snorted. “Have you had already blown up the mountain, sealing us within?”

The others suddenly stilled, their faces shifting as they recalled Helian Zheng’s unforgettable, mountain-exploding entrance.

“Gagagaga” the great Queen Mother Liu Mudan suddenly cackled, popping by once again and pointing towards the exit. “Grey Wolf you fool, use your eyes. What exactly was blown up?”

The others had been so nervously facing off that none of them had paid attention to the valley pass outside, and now that their attention was turned, they all glanced over and froze.

The narrow exit was blocked by mountain stones, but not in a formidable impassable heap as they had imagined. The small hill of stone was easily passable, and the mountain ridge that they had assumed destroyed in the dust that followed the explosion was clearly not ruined.

“Gagagagaga blown up?” Liu Mudan laughed so hard powder began falling from her face. “You’ve been tricked!”

The startling sounds had indeed been earth-shatteringly loud, but the actual explosive effect had been harmless. Only a few mountain stones had fallen from above, and really there had only been a thick cloud of smoke and dust while Helian Zheng’s guards and Chunyu Meng’s men threw stones down the mountain, and Liu Mudan had just so happened to life the curtain door when they makeshift rockslide had been most fierce. Smoke, but no fire.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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