The Royal's Cute Little Wife

Chapter 4.1

Chapter 4.1

Leng shi didn’t intend for her daughters to find potential husbands in Qing Zhou, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t want them to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

After all, they couldn’t lose face for Duke Ding’s fu.

By chance, Xie Zhen and Xie Xun recently had new clothes tailored for them, and the fabric had been brought over from the capital–exquisite satin that even the richest men in Qing Zhou couldn’t buy. One bolt of fabric could be used to tailor two blouses, and when the girls tried them on, they fit just right. Apart from that, she gave Xie Zhen a matching cherry-patterned coral red skirt, and for Xie Xun she picked a pastel green skirt. After they had finished dressing, they went with the two maidservants, and it seemed as though the whole house had lit up.

Leng shi also had a new azure jin pao made for Xie Rong. Asall of them were precious to her, she treated them equally.

Even so, if she hadn’t made a set for Xie Rong, he nonetheless wouldn’t have been petty towards his precious little sisters.

At this time, Xie Zhen and Xie Xun were both standing in front of the copper basin washing their faces. However, as both of them were not tall enough to reach the water in the basin, they had to leave the washing to their maidservants. Xie Xun finished washing up very quickly but Xie Zhen playfully sprinkled some water on her. While sprinkling, she laughed and said, “Younger sister is a flower, let me water the flower.”

Left with no choice, Xie Xun could only wash up once more, angrily saying, “Evil sis!”

Although Xie Xun thought of resisting, she still repeatedly got bullied by Xie Zhen. Eventually, the two little girls ended up laughing and screaming together.

Washing one’s face already took one quarter of an hour. If this went on, when would they ever end? Helpless, Leng shi signed and told Xie Rong, “Your father already went to call for the carriage and will be back soon. Go take a look at little lamb and Ah Xun. They’re washing up.”

Xie Rong nodded his head.

Upon the arrival of their elder brother, both of them immediately settled down. Xie Zhen went forward and pulled his sleeve, currying his favour and saying, “I won’t be playful if elder brother helps me wash up.”

In their eyes, although elder brother was strict, in the end he was still their biological brother. As long as they were not too outrageous, he would definitely agree to any request they had.

Sure enough, Xie Rong took hold of the half-drenched towel from Shuang Yu, squatted down and carefully wiped her eyes and nose.

“You shouldn’t bully Xie Xun next time.”

This time round, Xie Zhen was very well-behaved, making no movement whatsoever. With her pair of large black watery eyes, she said, “I didn’t bully her, I was just playing with her.” After which, she twisted her tender dumpling face to the side, looking at Xie Xun, “Aren’t I right, Ah Xun?”

Xie Xun hummed and nodded her head in agreement.

At the crucial moment, they would still work together to trick him.

Xie Rong stayed silent, patted her head and continued washing Xie Xun’s face. After washing up, he then taught them both of them how to use salt and peppermint to wash their teeth. Xie Zhen was very attentive in learning. In this aspect, she was different from other small children. She cared a lot about her body, having been vain since young, paying much attention to appearances.

Finally, they finished. Shuang Yu and Shuang Yan helped each of them tidy up and change into their new clothes, helping them pick out a matching pendant. As they were still young, there was no need for a elaborate hairstyle. A flower bun would be most appropriate, highlighting their cuteness. Shuang Yu and Shuang Yan weaved a flower gold chain on the flower buns, and at an unexpected whim, drew a cinnabar mole on Xie Zhen’s forehead. As Xie Xun had bangs, there was no use for one.

Xie Zhen went before the mirror to look at the mole. Seeing that it looked light and didn’t stand out too much, she could still bring herself to accept it.

The cinnabar mole brought out her features, and coupled with the flower bun, made her appear lovelier and cuter.

After changing, Leng shi sat in front of the mirror, and decided to go with a small simple bun and a headdress, looking as beautiful as ever.

Xie Liqing had been waiting at the entrance for quite some time. However, the wait for his wife and children was finally over.

Upon setting his eyes on Leng shi, his eyes brightened and looking down, his two daughters were even more eye-catching, especially Xie Zhen’s tender-looking group. Although they were still young, they already had the beauty of the capital. Normally, they were already cute and pretty, but after dressing up, his fondness for them grew.

At this moment, Xie Zhen was holding Leng shi‘s hand, fiddling with her pendant while walking. When she looked up and saw Xie Liqing, she opened her arms and flew towards him, “Daddy!”

Xie Liqing quickly squatted down to catch her, tenderly touching her head, saying, “Why do you seem so listless?”

She laid in his arms, acting pitiful and pouting, said: “Ah niang woke Xie Xun and me so early this morning, Daddy I’m sleepy...”

Seeing her daughter tell on her in her husband’s arms, Leng shi smiled indulgently. So young yet she already knew how to accuse others, really a little prankster.

Xie Liqing guffawed and carried her up the carriage.

“Take a nap in the carriage then. There is no rush since it is quite a journey to the Gao fu”.

After carrying Xie Zhen, he went to carry Xie Xun and once the two charming girls were in the carriage, turned to look at Leng shi, “It must have been tiring for you today.”

Leng shi glared at him, “What are you saying, both little lamb and Ah Xun are my precious daughters, why would I feel that they tire me out?”

Xie Liqing took no heed to her glare and still continued to say, “Aren’t I just concerned for you?”

After this exchange, Xie Rong who had been at the side walked past them, and without any change in expression, sat at the back of the carriage, as though he hadn’t heard their conversation.

Xie Liqing, finding it hard to maintain his expression, said, “This child...”

Leng shi gave him a push, saying, “We should leave now, any later and we would be late.”

Left with no choice, Xie Liqing could only sit at the back of the carriage.

Two carriages leave for their destination – Gao fu in the south.

As soon as the Xie household left, a figure emerged from the entrance of the Li household.

Looking at the carraige that was heading further and further away, Liyu couldn’t help but feel relieved internally. Luckily he hadn’t been spotted. The Li household had also received an invitation from the Gao fu. Li Xiqing and Gao Qing were once old friends. Subsequently, one had went into business and the other into the arts, however, they continued to stay in contact for the next few decades. The Li household had often gone to the Gao fu as guests, however, there was never a time where Liyu had been so unwilling.

He didn’t want to see Xie Zhen.

Whenever he recounted how he urinated in front of her last time, he didn’t want to ever see her again.

However, they just had to live so close to each other. At times, when she raised her voice, he could hear her clearly at home.

As to how he could differentiate her voice? That was because she had sang him a song for him the last time, and due to her singing being too good, he had remembered it at one go.

Song shi came out from inside and saw him standing at the entrance.

“Yu er, what are you looking at?”

Liyu walked to her side saying, “Nothing much.”

Song shi didnt believe him at all. This child was usually dull, if there wasn’t anything, why would he stand at the entrance for so long? She glanced at the entrance but there was nothing there. As such, she didn’t continue probing but said, “We can leave now if you have finished packing.”


锦袍 jin pao : male brocade gown. It’s the male version of the traditional chinese garb in ancient China.

Chapter 4.2

Li Xiqing walked up from behind, and picked him up in one swoop, laughing as he strolled to the carriage outside.


Leaning into her mother’s embrace, Xie Zhen slept soundly throughout the trip.

When they were about to reach the entrance of Gao fu, Leng shi gently pinched her face to wake her up. “Little lamb, we’re here.”

Xie Xun also climbed onto her lap. “Sis, sis...”

Xie Zhen blinked sleepily, holding both her sister and Leng shi‘s hands as she got off the carriage. In front was the majestic Gao fu, standing taller than Xie fu’s biggest gates. Still it could not be compared to Duke Ding’s Residence. At a glance one could tell that it was built using gold, silver and jade, and the rich history of Duke Ding’s Residence was absent.

Not only were the main red doors lacquered, but the copper door knockers as well.

In front of the gate were numerous carriages, so they hadn’t arrived that early, as there were people who’d arrived even earlier. Seeing their invitations, the servant stationed at the front respectfully led them into the residence. Xie Liqing handed the box holding the gift they’d prepared to him. “Where is Official Gao?”

Taking the gift, the servant replied, “The Official is currently at the main hall receiving guests. This servant will bring you there.”

The banquet had yet started, as there was still an hour till noon. The men had gathered in the main hall to drink tea and converse, while the women, along with their entourage of maids, headed to the inner courtyard where the Old Madame stayed to congratulate her. However, too many people had come, and there wasn’t enough space for everyone to sit down, so the Old Madame had moved to the octagonal pavilion in the courtyard. All the women were there, admiring the rows of brightly-coloured flowers from a distance.

A maid in a green jacket brought them over and said to the seated 70 year-old lady, “Old Madame, Madame Xie has arrived.”

Although the Old Madame was an elderly woman, she was still young at heart, and had much more energy than other elders.

She donned a fur headdress, wearing a rich purple set of robes embroidered with bamboos, and was smiling kindly.

In the pavilion sat several younger Madames, and three of them were the daughters-in-law of the Gao family. The other two were Yang shi of Xun fu and the wife of an official under Xie Liqing respectively.

Upon seeing Leng shi, the Old Madame stood up to welcome her. “Madame Xie has arrived, quickly come sit.” Looking down, she was enraptured at first glance. “These are Madame Xie’s daughters?”

Leng shi introduced the two troublemakers. “Little Lamb, Xie Xun, this is the Old Madame.”

Together they greeted her respectfully, their voices crisp and sweet.

At once the Old Madame was immensely fond of the two. This Xie family really had good genes, just with a glance at the two girls, she could tell that no ordinary family could have raised and pampered them.

Sitting back down, she helped introduce Leng shi to the others one by one. On her right the three daughters-in-law sat side by side, and on her left were Yang shi and Fang shi.

The three daughters-in-law from Gao fu and Fang shi were incredibly respectful to her, especially Fang shi whose husband was a subordinate working under Xie Liqing. Only Yang shi‘s eyes weren’t lowered, her tone cold. Her arrogance was probably due to her thinking that her own husband’s wealth was much greater than everyone else’s.

However unlike most people, Leng shi was also very cold and indifferent.

She wasn’t like others who would deliberately make themselves seem superior, as she was naturally like this. Unless you were actually close to her, she generally gave off an icy feeling.

She wouldn’t rush to obstruct others, and was definitely not deliberately malicious. Instead, she was always humble and modest.

Yang shi unexpectedly met with a unmovable wall, and due to this, she wasn’t too happy and snorted quietly. It was quite soft, and only she was able to hear it.

Xie Zhen and Xie Xun stood at the side to admire the flowers, and at the same time Xie Zhen glanced over at Yang shi and blinked before turning back to continue talking to her sister.

Soon, a number of young ladies appeared in the pavilion. At the front was a six or seven year old girl dressed in a white jacket embroidered with butterflies and a threaded skirt. Her hair was in a complicated up-do, and she appeared to be in high spirits as she explained something to her companions. Her eyebrows were set high on her head, and coupled with a look of arrogance and pride, she gave off a domineering feeling.

From a distance, she yelled, “Grandmother”, and flew into the Old Madame’s embrace.

Though the Old Madame told her to be careful, the girl’s actions were well-received in her heart, and she smiled as she asked, “Where did Tong Tong bring her little sisters to today?”

The girl was actually the eldest granddaughter of the Gao Family–Gao Tongtong–the daughter of the principle wife–the First Madame. Behind her were the daughters of the Second and Third Madame, along with Fang shi’s daughter Ye Zhiying. Out of all of them, Gao Tongtong was the eldest and tallest, while the rest looked to be around four to six years old, and Ye Zhiying just so happened to be around Xie Zhen’s height.

Gao Tongtong pointed to the garden in front. “I took them to the pondside to look for a bit. There are lotuses there, and they’re very pretty when they open.”

The Old Madame disagreed, saying, “The pondside is quite wet and slippery, next time don’t bring the little girls there.”

Gao Tongtong pridefully said, “Grandmother forgot that I can swim very well! If they were to fall in, I would definitely be able to save them!”

That was also unacceptable. Seeing that the Old Madame was about to discipline her, the First Madame immediately brought her to the side. “What Grandmother says is right, you’re not allowed to talk back.”

Gao Tongtong wasn’t mollified, but she still said, “I understand.”

The First Madame Xu shi introduced Xie Zhen and Xie Xun to her. “These are Madame Xie’s daughters, they’re both younger than you, so today you should take good care of them.”

Hearing their names, the two troublemakers turned around, and they surprisingly turned out to be incredibly pretty.

As the two pair of eyes stared at her, Gao Tongtong hesitated before saying, “You want me to take care of so many people, how exactly am I supposed to take care of all of them?”

Since young her looks had been praised by many people, and she herself believed that she was extremely good-looking, but today in front of these two girls she actually felt inferior. Especially the one on the left with a cinnabar mole on her head. She was so pretty that she seemed to be a small fox who’d appeared straight from a painting. As such, she disliked her on sight.

Xun shi glared at her, and she immediately took her earlier words back. “I know, I know, I’ll take good care of them.”

In just an hour, many ladies streamed in continuously, many of them with children. The children all grouped together, and with a glance, one could tell that the two jade-like dolls at the side of the pavilion were the most eye-catching.

Wherever they stood immediately looked like a scene from a painting. Xie Xun reached out for the chrysanthemum on the stage, but sadly she was too short, and couldn’t pluck it no matter how long she tried to.

Xie Zhen finally couldn’t take it anymore, and tiptoed to help her. When she was just about to pluck it, she heard someone at the back whisper, “Madame Li has arrived.”

Aunt Song?

Big Brother Xiao Yu had come?

She turned around, face filled with surprise and excitement.

Unfortunately there was no one beside Song shi, and there wasn’t even a hint of Li Yu’s shadow.

He hadn’t come? Immediately, Xie Zhen pouted, disappointed. Big Brother Xiao Yu was so pretty, she’d really wanted to take a few more good looks at him.

Translator Comments:

Sorry for the late post! We’ve been busy with life. Liz added a link to PayPal on the front page.

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TLJ reignited my passion for Reylo the tenssiooonnnnn. I hope they don’t pull another Luke/Leia and make them siblings because I will actually scream. Kylo I hope you weren’t lying about who Rey’s parents are. Luke’s death was slightly sad but I think his time in this series has passed. It was nice having him in TLJ. Maybe he’ll get a cameo in the next episode. Poe is actually a very likeable character. I liked Hux in TFA because I found him slightly funny, but there wasn’t a lot of Hux in TLJ. I don’t really know how they’re gonna do Leia without Carrie Fisher, but I’m hoping that they won’t replace her with another actress because that may actually cause a riot. Also I love how literally everyone on ao3 predicted that they would have a force bond. CP30 was not my favourite as usual and I actually winced when they threw around BB8 because metal! What if he gets dented. R2 had another cameo. Yoda was a nice surprise too.


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