The Sage of Einar

Chapter 113 - Insider Information

In the barracks of the guard of the capital of the duchy, a young man was looking at a pile of papyrus that had some stamps of the duchy.

"Adrien, by order of the bishop you were chosen for the divine duty to bring this information to the emperor, but you will have to follow the route we marked.

For this, you will be accompanied by two soldiers who are in charge of supervising that you follow the Bishop's orders in case you fail your mission or you dare to disobey the orders.

Family is going to be sold as slaves, and I will personally see to it that they cannot get their freedom.

Are you understanding what I am saying Adrien or do I need to repeat all this to you with the use of violence that the Bishop and duke Dean have allowed me to use? "

Adrien, who was quite depressed by the words he had heard, could only take the sealed papyri and placed them on his leather bag.

"You can be sure, sir, that I will do my best to bring these documents in their entirety to the emperor.

I just hope that you can tell my family that I love them and that if they don't come back… "

The knight then punched Adrien, who held his nose that was bleeding looked fearfully at the knight.

"You piece of shit, what you are doing asking me to do a favor for you?

You're just a miserable and stupid commoner you just didn't cut your tongue out for your insolence because of the friendship we once had when we were kids.

But if you go back to saying something stupid you can be sure that you are not going to leave alone with a broken nose, now get out of my sight before I end your life. "

Adrien, who looked at his old friend left the place as quickly as possible while leaving a path of blood where he passed.

"Soldiers, someone brought a slave to clean up this mess that that idiot Adrien made.

Also, someone to bring me a beer cited taking away the courage that gave me having to hit that bastard with my hand. "

When Adrien reached the gate in the wooden wall surrounding the small town, he met two soldiers, both of whom were poorly dressed and had completely dirty hair.

Seeing the deplorable state of the supposed guards who had to take care of him, Adrien began to cry silently.

Because he had the feeling that he was going to die and his family would be treated as slaves, but he could not do anything because he did not have enough strength to oppose that fate.

So he walked without stopping towards the supposed guards and prepared himself as best he could to try to reach his destination.

The two Vikings who had accepted the job the duke had given them for their freedom looked down on the stupid peasant walking towards them.

"Look Kaleby, the peasant is crying, he seems to know that he is going to die today.

I don't know if he is very stupid or if he really is a real man who will accept his destiny. "

The Viking Kaleby laughed and opened his arms "Does it matter, you are not surprised when you see the pig that is going to be slaughtered to eat walking.

Besides, I think he's crying, and they sure hit him in the face so he doesn't seem very brave, but I'm a man who just got his freedom after being locked up in that damn dungeon.

So I feel a bit giving today so when it is his turn to die I will take care of cutting off his head so that he does not suffer. "

Adrien, who had already arrived with the guards, controlled his tears and looked at them with some sadness while wiping the blood on his face.

The two Vikings gave each other a silent smile and with a sign of their hands, they indicated to Adrien that he had to start walking.

Resigned and quite tired, Adrien began to walk after the two Vikings followed him in silence.

The road through the snow was fairly uneventful, as most of the war-scared merchants had stopped arriving.

Not to mention that the snow made most of the people and peasants not dare to go out so easily, otherwise they could end up frozen or killed by whatever they come across on the road.

When they passed the last watchtower, the two Vikings approached Adrien and without saying a word buried the rusty swords that were on the young messenger's back.

After rendering Adrien's body unrecognizable, Kaleby took away the leather bag, which was completely covered in blood.

But that did not matter to him since the first thing he did was open it and check if the papyri were undamaged.

Nodding his head when he saw that the papyri were completely dry, he closed the leather bag and placed it on his body.

"Jens, now that we have finished what we were asked to do, I think we should go find the son of a bitch who has been burning the nearby villages.

I'm sure you are going to love the information we have obtained, and the words of that duke were true.

It is very likely that the leader of that group has a lot of loot and food; I think it would be a good way to start over. "

Jens who was cleaning the blood from his rusty sword sighed "Not that we have a choice and I highly doubt that our group still exists.

Really, what happened to us was a curse and a blessing, who would have thought that the bastards would be waiting for us when we disembarked.

But I agree with you that we have to start over. "

After that little talk, the two Vikings began to walk in the forest with the intention that the group of Danes could see them.

In a small campfire placed near a path, Fritz found himself heating a piece of meat in complete solitude since there was no one around him.

'There really is nothing I love more than this feeling of loneliness, as anything is better than listening to everything Anders is talking about.


That crazy Berserker ...


I am sure that if someone ever kills him, he will be able to shout with pleasure at his murderer or he could do something else.


How Odin can allow a warrior like him to stay alive… '

Fritz's thoughts were interrupted when he heard the voices of two people in the distance, so he preemptively took his bow and some arrows that he had brought.

To later start walking towards a small bush while he was eliminating the tracks left by the snow.

Jens and Kaleby, seeing the smoke from the campfire from a distance, walked towards her, knowing that it must not come from some merchant or farmer.

Preparing for anything that might happen, the two separated and realized that the fire was completely empty as there was no trace of any person or object.

Jens felt sweat on his forehead and shouted with all his might "I'm sure they are pointing their weapons at me right now, but you must know that I have information in my hands that I think you will like.

My name is Jens, I belong to a Viking group that was dedicated to raiding but let's say that after being ambushed the group disbanded.

Now it's just me and my partner, but if you agree to join your group, we can give you the information we have.

Besides, even if they could kill us, they wouldn't understand what the documents say since the very stupid ones wrote it in Latin, to avoid that vermin like you or us could read it. "

Fritz looked at the two Vikings with some anger because the way they spoke was very similar to that of Anders, so he decided to shoot a warning arrow.

"If either of you two ever moves, you'll be dead in the worst possible way there can be.

I who have valuable information, I warn you that our leader does not negotiate with people like you, he only wants to see the world burn.

They sure don't want to hear me speak ... "

When he finished saying those words, Fritz took out a horn and blew it. At that moment, they began to hear some noises coming from the forest.

The first to arrive were some warriors who were close, but there were only two people who looked angrily at Fritz for having called them for something insignificant.

One of them raised his hand angrily "Damn Fritz, can't you just take out two people without needing help.

I hope these two are important because if not, I will take care to ask Anders if I can cut your head for wasting my time. "

Fritz sighed and pointed at them "They say they have important information and what Anders want to see as he wants to negotiate."

The warrior began to laugh and looked at the two fools who did not understand that their decision would be the worst of their lives.

"Hey, Fritz, I bet my evening meal these guys die before they can do anything."

Raising his hands indifferently, he cocked his head "I dare not accept such an absurd position, I think the ideal would be to wait since their lives depend on the information they have."

Before long the warriors were arriving, and when they learned of the absurd intentions of those two Vikings, they began to place some bets on how they would die.

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