The Sage of Einar

Chapter 133 - Christian Slaves

When Einar looked at the body of the slave, he frowned as he realized it was from a member of the Christian community.

"Tell Aila to come with me as this can be very serious or an isolated event that will present a precedent that can result in a real problem.

If she is taking care of the children, take care of them, because it may take some time to talk to her. "

Peder quickly started running towards the inner courtyard of the great hall where once he arrived he could see Aila teaching Latin to the children.

"Very good children, now we will learn how we have to write much more complicated sentences ..."

Aila could not continue her class as Peder interrupted her with a wave of his hand. With some curiosity, she approached Peder.

"What's the matter, Peder?"

Peder looked at Aila with some seriousness "Last night a Christian slave tried to kill Sven when he was drunk, Herald Einar wants to talk to you."

Aila's curious face quickly changed to a sad one as she knew it was something completely serious and that it would possibly lead to a purge or something more horrible.

"I'll go immediately, but where is Einar…"

When Aila got to where Einar was, she could see that he was looking at her with a neutral face that did not seem to be angry or sad.

This caused a bead of sweat to run down Aila's back as she didn't know what to expect from Einar.

Einar, noticing Aila's scared face, shook his head and pointed to the corpse that was on the ground. "I want you to tell me if you knew him and if you have any idea why he tried to kill my father."

Aila looked at the corpse and recognized it immediately "His name was Bhaic, a Christian fanatic who always tried to talk about the Lord.

Although from what I can see he brought his fanaticism to a point of no return, as far as I'm concerned he never had a dialogue with me because he considered me a traitor like the rest of the slaves ... "

Einar interrupted Aila when he put his hand on her shoulder, "Aila, why you never told us that the slaves despised you.

You must remember that you are important to us along with Duncan and Angus, as you are the pillars who teach and care for children.

But knowing this, I am sure that you will not know the reason why these slaves did something so stupid. "

Einar lowered his head and sighed for a few seconds before lifting it up so he could look seriously at Aila "Tomorrow I will gather all the Christian slaves in the square and I hope that you and the monks can be present.

Study the texts according to the Gospel of Judas Iscariot because tomorrow I will give a small talk to try to change the radical ideas of the slaves for others.

In case it does not work, I will simply have to eliminate the weeds as they will be a tumor that can end in the destruction of one of the two sides.

I know you might not like the result but I promise you that I will kill them quickly and painlessly; I am not a savage who enjoys torturing people. "

Aila wanted to refute and defend her fellow Christians but knew it would only anger Einar, so she decided to do her best to convince the slaves that Einar's word was the word of the lord.

If she succeeded tomorrow, a massacre could be avoided, after which Aila left Einar alone, who ordered one of the guards to eliminate the corpse.

Entering his room and seeing his two wives lounging on the bed, Einar clenched his fist silently.

'I am not a saint or a person who tries to be better than others but I will kill whoever tries to harm my family.


This problem has to be solved by hook or by crook, but I suppose I won't sleep today because I have to make a little book with a summary of the Gospel according to Judas Iscariot.


I'm sure it will create a great schism in the slaves… '

On the morning of the next day, all the slaves who professed the Christian faith were gathered in the inner courtyard of the great hall.

Among those who were there were children, adults, women, and the elderly who made up more than 400 people who had been slaves of the tribe for years.

From a small platform, Einar, who had dark circles and looked tired, looked at them seriously.

"Yesterday one of his companions named Bhaic dared to attack my father, the Jarl when he was drunk.

He used a bone knife that he made himself, according to the little research that Peder did.

Bhaic seemed to have formed a resistance group among you, in a kind of idea, wanting to repeat the feat of the Christians in the Roman Empire. "

Einar at that moment shook his head and clenching his fist pointed a finger at everyone present.

"The problem is that I am not Emperor Nero who sends you to kill in horrible ways, and the tribe is not an empire that oppresses you or prevents you from following their beliefs.

Why do Christians fight if we do not force you to follow our creed, nor do we treat you with hatred?

On the contrary, you think that we are pagans because of the festivals and rites that we do, but you have started to analyze how your religion started or you simply follow blindly what your church says. "

Making a sign Aila who was dressed as a monk climbed onto the small platform carrying with her a small book which was lined in black leather that had a small cross marked on the leather.

Einar took the book from Aila's hands and showed it to the crowd.

"This book contains a summary of the history of the beginning of the Christian religion, which is born from what was called the prophet Jesus.

You may believe it or not, but you have seen what I do and I can tell you that this information is the closest thing to how Jesus was with his followers and how the church perverted his image.

Making it a symbol with which to conquer and oppress people like you. "

One of the slaves who were angry raised his hand and yelled.

"Why should we believe you!"

Einar looked at the slave and smiled at him, then began to persist.

"In nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti."

Einar then jumped to the ground and started walking towards the slave while repeating.

"Pater noster qui in caelis es sanctificetur nomen tuum veniat regnum tuum.

Fiat voluntas tua sicut un caelo et in terra, panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra.

Sicut et nos dimisimus debitoribus nostris, et ne inducas nos in temptationem, sed libera nos a malo.

Quia tuum est regnum et potestas ey gloria un saecula.


When he finished, he stood in front of him and looked at him with a smile, "Because I'm sure none of you know the origin of the Pater Noster.

But I will tell you that it comes from the Gospels according to Matthew and Luke, two disciples of Jesus of Nazareth.

Now are you willing to believe my words or do you want to keep holding on to your ideas and prejudices without giving me a chance to hear what I have to say? "

The slave who felt a sense of shame from his previous action only lowered his head and remained silent.

Einar then got on the platform again and looked at all the slaves, "If you can listen to me I will show you the way for your prayers to be heard and your faith to be strengthened.

Remember that Jesus said that God was everywhere, so you do not need a church to follow His doctrine.

You also remember that you will love and respect your neighbor as yourself.

Having heard this, I want you to tell me why try to assassinate the Jarl when we have been tolerant to criticized excesses. "

At that moment everyone was silent except for a girl who came out among some people and pointed to Einar "Because you enslaved us, sir, my parents were slaves and I too will be a slave."

With tears in her eyes, the girl endured the urge to cry "I don't want to live my life like my mother's, I want to be free and be able to be in a place where I am appreciated.

I don't want to be discriminated against and marked as a slave ... "

The girl at that moment began to cry, and then Einar understood the reason for her father's attempted murder.

Taking a deep breath, Einar got off the platform again and walked towards the girl where he crouched clean the girl's tears.

"Do not cry little girl because I will see that all of you who are slaves can obtain your freedom."

The girl stopped her tears and looked at Einar curiously because she did not understand why he was so good to her.

Einar then got up and spread his hands.

"You must remember that I am not a Christian ruler who is governed by the rules and laws of his doctrine.

So here and now I say to all of you that you can be free men and women, but you have to pay a price for it.

Not monetary but conscientious because all of you must begin to see the world in a new way.

If you can break your chains with your past and follow me, I will give you your freedom and you can be men on an equal footing with the tribesmen.

Unlike Christian rulers who believe that by being born into certain families they are superior to others, I believe that men and women are equal.

However, the only thing that is on them are the symbols that unite them in society, I will tell you and even if they do not make sense at this time in the future, you will understand why they are important.

The flag was the representative of the nation and the people that make it up.

The shield was the representative symbol on the flag.

The anthem was a celebration of the nation.

Finally, the royal family represents the nucleus of the nation as it was not only in charge of creating the nation but also uniting it in a religious way.

Those are the patriotic symbols of the nation that I will create, where slaves and citizens can grow for the good of our new nation.

Now I hope that after this talk you can put aside your attempt at revolt because even though I am a tolerant person.

That doesn't mean you can't retaliate, so remember to treat Aila, Duncan, and Angus with respect.

Well, from today they will teach you the truth that the church hidden from you, keep your faith and make your own criteria. "

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