The Sage of Einar

Chapter 135 - Fertilizer And Soils

Einar was glad to see how one of the warriors began to remove a metal tray that had a large amount of ash from the oven that they had made a long time ago.

"Quickly places the bone ash on the scale so I can weigh it.

We have to make bags of 100 kilograms since with that we will nourish a hundred square meters of land and in the process, we will eliminate the acidity of the soil. "

The warrior placed ash on the scale until it was completely balanced; it was then that Einar began to empty the ash into the sack made of cloth.

When he finished emptying the contents of the scale, he repeated the process. Not only was he doing this, but the artisans throughout the tribe were doing the same process.

For they would need a large amount of ash for the land that was intended to be cleaned and plowed.

While this was happening in a fairly flat area close to the tribe, Kassia and Helmi were leading a group of slaves to place some stakes in the ground.

Which had a rope tied, as each stake was placed every meter to thus delimit the space.

"Remember to use the meter to correctly delimit the measurements because a single error could be a real problem when we place the ash fertilizer."

The slaves then, when in doubt, allowed one of their companions to check again if the measurements were correct.

Helmi and Kassia, therefore, agreed with a double revision of the measurements, the probability that an error could be made would be minimal.

At night and under the light of hundreds of torches Einar, along with numerous young men from the village, was holding a garden rake in their hands.

They were all looking at Sven who was holding the handle of his ax, which was on the ground.

"Tomorrow we will start with the festival of the beginning of the plow and although we will use a new technique to finish earlier.

Today we have to start with the preparation of the soil and the placement of the ash fertilizer that my son made so that our crops could flourish and double.

That is why on the ground you will be able to see that there are wooden stakes that have a rope, those stakes delimit the place where we will work tonight.

But at your feet you may be able to see some wooden stakes that do not have ropes, these stakes will not move them because with them we will know where to place the fertilizer that was stored in sacks all day.

Remember to clean the floor very well using the rake as the women will be in charge of spreading the ashes with the help of the slaves and the children.

When they finish, we will have to use the rake again so that the earth combines with the ashes with the only difference that due to the size and level of difficulty all men regardless of age will have to help.

Well, the earth has to loosen and merge at least 20 centimeters deep, without further ado I start the night work. "

After these words, all the men gave a battle cry and began to clean the ground while using the rake.

They all followed the example of Einar, who was guiding them all. That is why before long they all seemed to be a programmed machine.

For everyone repeated Einar's actions seconds after he did them.

Einar, who was focused on the work of walking backward while raking the stones and dirt from the ground.

He began to sing unconsciously "Ay que bonito es volar a las dos de la mañana, a las dos de la mañana hay que bonito es volar ¡ay mamá!.1

Volar y dejarse caer en los brazos de una dama, ay que bonito es volar a las dos de la mañana ¡ay mamá!"

At that moment everyone, regardless of whether they were working or not, began to repeat Einar's words, creating a beautiful chorus that repeated with rhythm what Einar said.

"Me agarra la bruja y me lleva a su casa, me vuelve maceta y me da calabaza, me agarra la bruja y me lleva al cerrito.

Me sienta en sus piernas y me da besitos, ay dígame, dígame y dígame usted cuántas criaturitas se ha chupado usted.

Ninguna, ninguna, ninguna lo sé, yo ando en pretensiones de chuparme a usted. "

Because of the song, Einar was singing, everyone was able to continue their work without even feeling tired.

Even Laura, who was waiting her turn to help, could not get the beautiful lyrics out of her mind that, although she did not understand, conveyed joy to her.

After a while of cleaning the designated spot that was the size of a soccer field, Einar took a break while sipping some pine tea.

As he watched the women begin their work of spreading the ash.

To do so, the slaves emptied the sacks with ash into wooden wheelbarrows which were taken by them to the recently cleared field.

Then the women and children began to spread the ash. To do it correctly Seren, Kassia, Helmi, Elin, and all the craftswomen guided them.

Well, with the help of jugs that had a capacity of one kilogram, they spread the bone ash on the ground.

This lasted a long time because, due to the size of the land, they ended up spreading more than 7 tons of ash between countless wheelbarrows full of ash.

In the end, they all proudly looked at the field that was covered by a gray-colored cape, so at that moment all the men took a rake and headed to the field.

With the difference that they were not ordered, but each one chose an area and began to work.

Einar who decided to start at a corner so lifting his rake began to work.

For the next several hours, the men worked until their hands ached but managed to successfully combine the dirt with the ash.

Leaving the field with the brown color of the earth. So once it was finished, everyone retired to their respective houses because it was already dawn and they needed to sleep a little.

When Kassia and Helmi lay down, Einar removed their leather boots and began massaging their feet.

"Einar that song that you sang what talk about because it sounded very beautiful and the rhythm was fantastic."

Einar smiled at Helmi's compliment, "It was a traditional song from the country where I was. It was played a lot in a state that bordered the Gulf of Mexico.

But the lyrics can have many interpretations depending on what you want to hear.

For example, one of the interpretations is double meaning because it talks about the story of a young man who goes out to party, but as it progresses, he gets drunk.

So he finds a partner at the party who takes him home where he sucks his penis.

But there is also another interpretation of the story: where the witch is a nahual woman, the nahuals are people who can turn into animals according to the legends.

She ends up killing her lover by accident because she ends up sucking him.

Be that as it may, it is a song that I felt I had to sing because in the army we used to sing when we prepared our camp when we went out to the mountains.

Between hills and an almost desert climate, where our only company was the starry sky and the moon.

We sang different songs, one of my colleagues named Roberto always sang the song of La Bruja.

That's why I know it by heart. "

Kassia who was enjoying the massage on her feet raised her head and looked at Einar.

"What happened to Roberto?"

Einar sighed and began to remember.

"We're surrounded, damn where the reinforcements are, Jiménez talk on the radio again ..."


Yelled Max as he fired his submachine gun on the group of criminals who had ambushed them.


"Lieutenant! They say we have to hold on for at least twenty minutes so that two Apache helicopters can come to support us."


Max turned his head angrily and reloaded his gun "Jiménez, you think we have twenty minutes, these sons of the bitch were waiting for us.


Someone from the nearby military base sold our information. Tell the command center that they have ten minutes to support us or they will have to send bags to collect our bodies. "


Jiménez nodded and then from the turret of one of the military trucks the gunner was shot in the head, killing him.


Seeing this, Max felt some fear because, without the supporting fire from the turret, the hitmen who were attacking them would kill them in less than five minutes.


"Roberto, cover me while I take the heavy machine gun, if we don't have a heavy fire we're screwed."


Roberto, who was holding a grenade, nodded and after removing the fuse, he threw it on one of the hitmen's trucks.


Which ended up exploding as the grenade detonated near the fuel tank.


After this Max, who was receiving cover fire from Roberto, ran to the truck where he moved the body of one of his soldiers to get into the truck.


Where he once took the machine gun, he started shooting at the hitmen.


"Roberto, I need you to move into my position so that you can remove Mendoza's body."


Max who was shooting felt that something was wrong because he did not hear Roberto, so he yelled.


"Jiménez, where is Roberto!"


"Lieutenant! Roberto is dead, they blew the cap off his skull with what appears to be a 50 caliber bullet."

Einar sighed and shook his head, "When reinforcements arrived, I personally put Roberto's body in a bag.

He died in that sierra without even being able to know who killed him, but that is the price when you fight.

You die or you kill, for the third option is sometimes worse than death as it means being hurt. "

Mexican folklore music named La Bruja, amazing song i recommend you to listen in YouTube

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