The Sage of Einar

Chapter 137 - The Gift Of A Father

"Kassia, you're sure Einar is in love with the ax that he drew in his notebook."


Kassia nodded and from under her bed pulled out a wooden model of the ax drawn on the notebook.


"Although he hasn't had time to work on it anymore because of the wedding preparations, I think it's enough for Seren and Gerd to work.


In addition, it may present a precedent in the change of our weapons since the design seems quite novel.


I would venture to say that the spearhead above it is capable of penetrating any iron armor. "


Sven smiled and took the wooden model that was the same size as a real ax and felt it had a good balance.


"I'll take this model and the drawing from Einar's notebook so I can ask Seren and Gerd to make the ax using the meteorite that their grandfather Eero got when he was a child.


If all goes well on February 5, three days after the start of the plow festival, the weapon should be ready.


So we could easily celebrate Einar's birthday the next day.


It's just that you'll have to work a little more with Helmi to prevent Einar from noticing that we took his ax or his drawing. "


Kassia giggled and patted Sven on the shoulder, "You can be sure we won't let Einar figure it out, just to make the gift on his birthday a real surprise."

When Einar woke up he realized that it was already noon, so feeling his body heavy he got up from the bed and stretched out his hands.

'What kind of herbal tea was that Kassia made yesterday, although I slept very well I think it was too much.


But I guess it doesn't matter if he did it that way, it must have been for something. '

The first thing Einar did was remove his clothes and put on his silk robe as he planned to take a bath before doing anything.

When he left the room, he realized that there seemed to be no one, so he could only lift his shoulders indifferently and ended up going to the bathroom.

After doing his necessities and taking a bath, he returned to his room where he put on a change of comfortable clothes and prepared to go to the kitchen to eat something.

When he entered the kitchen, he was a little surprised to see his parents and wives sitting at the table while they saw a beautiful large wooden box that was on the table.

"Good morning, did I miss something, or were you just waiting for me."

Kassia laughed and looked fondly at Einar, "We were waiting for you to wake up because today is the special day because according to tradition your father has to give you a weapon with which you can defend the Jarlom.

But I think it's up to your father to explain that better to you. "

Einar sat still next to Helmi and prepared to hear his father's words.

"Einar, when your mother reached your age, your grandfather gave her the ax that I currently use because she gave it to me when we got married.

The ax represents the only one of your responsibilities to the members of the tribe and although I know that you are currently a pillar for the tribe.

This is a ceremony that comes from your ancestors, that is why my duty as a father is to continue the tradition and I hope that you can continue this tradition. "

Sven stroked the large wooden box on the table and rose from his chair.

"In order to make your ax, I asked Kassia and Helmi for help, who gave me the model of the ax that you had been making out of wood as the design drawing.

Although you have explained the difference between iron and steel many times to me, this ax is created using a meteorite that your grandfather got when he was a child.

I don't know what material that large stone contained, but according to your grandfather when he was a child he could see that many trails of light began to fall from the sky.

Among all those that fell, a large one fell near the town so a crash could be heard, but none of the members of the tribe dared to leave.

Well, according to your great-grandfather, that event was a sample of the battles that were fought in Valhalla.

But your grandfather, being a curious and brave child, cared little for your great-grandfather's words, so he mounted his horse, and armed with a small dagger and a rope, he left where that thing had fallen.

As he told your mother and me when he arrived he saw some burning trees and a small crater, there he could see a large stone that seemed to be extremely hot.

So your grandfather used his hands to throw snow at the rod stone to make the rock stop being so hot. It took a while, but when he finished, he tied her to his horse and took her back to the village.

Where he showed it to his father and after that, I keep it and only use a small part to make your mother's ax. "

Sven pulled out his ax, which had a beautiful silver color much brighter than a conventional iron.

"This was the ax that your grandfather made for your mother, but since I saw the beautiful and practical design, you made I decided to use all the meteorite to make your ax.

Which is not that heavy, but you could hurt your hands if you use it with one hand for a long time.

Either way, I hope you like the gift, son. "

Einar, feeling a warmth in his chest due to his father's words, got up and walked towards his father to give him a big hug.

After this Einar opened the wooden box and then he could see the beautiful strange metal ax.

With his hand, Einar began to caress the ax, and without wasting time he lifted it to realize that it had a weight of approximately 15 kilos.

"It's a perfect weight, but I'm curious how strong the metal in that meteorite is.

Although I am not an expert in minerals, I think it must be a metal similar to iron, but I can be wrong.

Father could you bring a rusty weapon or that no longer works and some ski goggles, with those two things I will be able to measure the hardness of this weapon. "

Sven laughed and patted Einar on the back, "Of course I am, I'm also curious to see if your ax is stronger than the ax that your grandfather forged.

But I have a doubt Einar, what is the spear-shaped pickaxe at the top of the ax for? "

Einar raised his ax and touched the lance-shaped beak. "What happens is that it is an ax based on a weapon called a halberd.

Which is made to be able to destroy and pierce heavy armor of knights, but at this time with the exception of the scaled armor or the chainmail.

It's more than enough to be able to kill anyone who gets in my way, although what I want to see now is what this bad boy can do against iron. "

Sven with a smile on his face left and after a while, he returned carrying with him a sword and a somewhat ancient escaped armor.

"How about we go out into the yard and show us what your ax can do."

Einar nodded and then everyone left the kitchen to start walking to the patio of the great room, which was empty because the children were learning in the field how to make measurements.

Upon arrival, Einar placed the scaled armor on a wooden training log and took his ax in his hand.

"First of all, you should know that this weapon is made up of three parts: the ax that is the big part, the pick which works like a spear, and the hook which is on the back of the ax.

The first thing I will show you is the use of the hook which is the part that sticks out of the ax. "

After saying this, Einar placed a stone on the trunk and using his ax placed it behind it to later pull it back.

Causing the stone to fall to the ground, thus mimicking a beheading using the hook.

"Although it can be used to decapitate the opponent, its main is to use it to pull a horseman or enemy to where we are standing."

After this Einar used the pick of the ax to pierce the stone, later he raised the ax and stabbed the armor in the chest.

This made a large hole in the armor and pierced much of the trunk.

"The pick is used to pierce enemies that the grapple has pulled to pierce through armor.

As for the ax ... "

Einar put on his ski goggles and looked through the yellow lenses on his way to where the sword lay.

To use his two hands to strike at it, causing the ax to fall on the sword once it breaks in half like a piece of butter.

Only the stone stopped the ax's advance, so Einar raised it and looked at it proudly.

'It is a good weapon, but what metal will it be? It is harder than iron but can melt at the same temperature as iron.


It is not steel because they could not have melted the meteorite ...


I guess it should be a material from the universe, how lucky my grandfather was to find it.


Although it is a pity that there are no more, otherwise maybe I could use it to make tools or accessories to improve life in the tribe. '

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