The Sage of Einar

Chapter 145 - Dowsing An Unconventional Method

After searching for a while Einar then finding a branch that met what he needed because it looked like the bone of the chicken's wishes, which was made up of a union that protruded from the sides of two bones.

'35 years of my life I spent trying to find the logical answer to Dowsing, but I guess I was unlucky or I just didn't know how to search, but in the end, it is a method that works.


I hope I can have the same capacity that I had in my other body, but if not I will simply have to guide one of the settlers to help me with this task. '

Holding that branch at both ends, he began to walk throughout the camp with the intention that the union of that branch begins to bend down because that way he would know that there is underground water in that place.

Whether it was the settlers or the warriors, they all looked curiously at what Einar was doing as they did not understand why he needed a branch as he walked in circles around the small fort.

Ignoring the curious glances around him, Einar continued walking through the fort and it wasn't until he could feel in a corner that the junction of the two branches began to lift towards his face.

So a smile formed on his face and using his foot he marked an x ​​in the snow where the union of the branches indicated that there was cold underground water.

'If what I learned with my father is correct here, there should be a stream of cold water, then I should find some hot water so that the settlers have a small hot spring near them.'

Continuing walking through the fort, he noticed that there was another cold water source near the entrance, so he also marked it, so when he finished touring the fort, he decided to leave, so looking at Floki, he asked him to accompany him.

"Herald Einar if it is not indiscretion what he is doing with that branch, I see him walking from one side to the other but I do not understand what he is trying to do.

Is it a new ritual or is it something Odin asked you to do? "

Einar just gave him a smile and continued walking on the outskirts of the fort, always paying attention to where the branch started to move.

"What I am doing is a technique called Dowsing, which is a way to find groundwater using only one branch like the one I am using now.

I could not explain the process how I would like, but in simple terms, the groundwater generates an electromagnetic current which is perceived by this branch which goes down when it finds hot water while for cold water it rises.

It is a method that seems somewhat fantasy, but it really works. The only drawback is that not all people have the sensitivity to be able to feel these electromagnetic currents.

Take for example this ... "

Einar can feel how the branch started to go down, so he happily looked at Floki and took a few steps back.

"Look, I'm going to show you, you are going to hold the branch as I am holding it and you are going to take a few steps forward, then you should be able to feel how the branch begins to come down with force without you moving it or doing something."

Floki who was somewhat incredulous took the branch as Einar was holding it and step by step began to approach where Einar had found the underground reservoir with hot water.

But to his surprise, when he arrived, he felt the branch in his hands begin to go down without doing anything to him. He even felt the force hurting his hands a little.

"Herald Einar, this must be the work of Odin, since otherwise, I cannot explain how the branch can be lowered without my using strength."

Einar smiled in a forced way and scratched his chin "They are electromagnetic forces but to be able to explain how they work and because it has a halo of mysticism, it would take me a long time but you can stay with the idea that it is something that we do not understand usually works.

Although there can always be the option that it simply works by the luck that each one has but then it would be something of statistics I really do not want to have to explain it.

But since you are in the right place, just put an X in the snow because we have to start digging in those places to see if the water we find is viable for use or we simply have to look for other sources."

Floki nodded and handed the branch to Einar while marking that place with an X, after which the two continued walking around the fort trying to find other possible sources of water.

After some time working, they managed to find three other sources of cold water and two of hot water, so they ended up returning to the interior of the fort to be able to eat something before starting to scratch the marked spots.

During the meal, Einar explained the operation of the branch that he had in his hand to all the warriors and settlers who were in the place, just as Floki had his doubts at the beginning.

But after showing them with real actions how it worked, they all put aside their skepticism and began to faithfully believe Einar's words, so they began to dig in those places where the supposed water reservoirs had been found.

While the slaves were working, Einar who was sitting began to remember part of his childhood and how he had learned to do Dowsing.

"Father, if you have told me many times that everything we do has an explanation because that man over there can find water using only a branch, that is not something inexplicable."


The man, seeing his little son ask a rather well-formulated question, leaned down and stroked Max's head.


"Situations like these you will always find and although they do not seem to have a logical explanation, behind them there should be something that we still do not know, perhaps when you are older you will be able to find a scientific explanation that convinces you enough to give it as correct.


But if you can do it, you can be sure that you may be creating a new branch of science, because the principle of finding water using a stick is something that has been done for hundreds of years and even today it is still considered a pseudoscience.


Also, right now that the man finished you should ask him to borrow the branch he has, just so you can feel the movement he makes when he finds the water that way you can feel that what happens is something real, but that he does not have an explanation until the day from today."


After listening to the words of his father, little Max, I wait sitting down that man will finish using his branch to find a water well for his grandfather's land.


After a while, he just marked the correct place where the well had to be, so in a very kind way, he lent his branch to little Max so that he himself will test Dowsing using the simplest ancient tool there was.


Little Max tried it and felt how his hands could not control the movement of that branch, so he created a little idea at that moment of being able to find a logical answer to what was happening in his hand.

While Einar was thinking about his distant childhood, the slaves and some settlers were making a hole in the marked place.

Which took a few hours to finish. It was then that when they had already scratched about four meters, a slave struck the ground and cold water began to flow from it.

With joy, everyone who was working in that well began to scream with excitement so quickly with the guidance of Einar they began to work draining the water from the well while someone placed bricks with cement around the hole.

This lasted until the morning of the next day because every so often they had to take turns entering the well because the cold water and the heat of the bonfires that were being made to dry the cement resulted in an environment that could not be supported for more than two hours.

When they were finally able to finish laying the bricks, they let the well begin to fill with water while some slaves worked with the outside of the water well.

Einar then began to draw up a small sewerage system for the town, otherwise, the latrines would end up contaminating the groundwater.

The next day and with everyone rested, half of the people began to work creating a small sewage system which consisted of creating a ditch that maintained a slope and ended away from the fort and emptied into a stream that ran from some mountains to a mile away and passed through that forest.

While the other half began to work to make the thermal water pool with which everyone could take a well-deserved hot water bath.

Unlike the well that was dug vertically to make the hot spring pool, it was dug as if it were a slope.

With the only difference that while digging river stone with cement was placed, in this way when the water source will be reached, the water can be allowed to naturally fill the pool so that it could be used.

While the excess water would fall down a drain which would help to always keep the town's sewers clean.

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