The Sage of Einar

Chapter 151 - Hiring A New Mercenary Crew

In the morning of the next day, Nelda got up from her bed and together with Anna decided to go with Bruno in order to get some trustworthy crew members.

So they quickly had breakfast, which consisted of some boiled vegetables and some fish for Nelda, while Anna had a breakfast of only fish and barley.

After finishing breakfast, the two women left the boat and went to the market on the way they noticed how some boats began to dock.

These ships had numerous slaves which were unloaded at the docks, while some mercenaries directed them to the slave sellers that were in the place.

When they arrived at Bruno's store we greeted them and then Nelda went directly to the point "Bruno I would like you to help me get a crew that is loyal enough so that they will not attack us during the trip we are going to make north.

Well, after thinking about it overnight, I have decided to buy three more ships to be able to carry numerous slaves but to handle the three ships I need enough manpower.

Do you have any suggestions to which I can give my money and trust so that he will not betray me? "

Bruno stroked his chin and thought for a few minutes while he closed his eyes, it was not until he could remember the name and some strange mercenaries who came from far south that he had met because his father had hired them that he opened his eyes.

"I can provide professional soldiers to take care of 2 of your ships, they will not do anything against you because if something were to happen to you their families would be dead because they did betray you, which guarantees that they will not do it with me.

But for the third ship, I have a solution that you may like. My father, a few months ago, hired some mercenaries who came from the Umayyad empire, as I understand they are not Muslims, but they grew up in that empire in the Iberian Peninsula.

You would have to ask where they are from or what their origin is, but something is quite certain they have darker skin than us, so it will be very easy to find them because they stand out among all the people you have been able to see.

They can be safely hired as they have a peculiar way of forming a bargain in which they show their loyalty by giving up their wives and children on the condition that they are looked after while they do the work.

They are a group of only 15 warriors who have knowledge about boat trips and also know how to handle a weapon that looks like a sword that they call a scimitar very well.

If I'm not mistaken the name of their leader is Ashraf, the name is long but you will have to ask him yourself; I think you can find them at the inn near the red pier.

Don't worry, I'll send one of my boys to watch their backs anyway because that place is dangerous. "

Nelda, who was quite curious to know which mercenary leader came from the south, thanked Bruno for the information and without wasting time went to that inn.

Ignoring the merchants and different slaves who were moving from one place to another, it did not take long to reach that inn where they once opened the door; they realized that there were numerous sailors who when they saw them almost pounced on them.

But they gave up their evil intentions because when they saw that there were two women who had their swords in hand and apart from a very well-dressed soldier who was also holding his sword, they stayed in an orderly manner in their chairs.

Because all of them were afraid that those women were members of the nobility or that they had very close friends with the Duke of the region, because seeing that they were not badly dressed and that they also had guards with them, it would be a very bad idea for them to try something against them.

Seeing all the people who were seated and ignoring the lustful looks they were throwing her, Nelda scanned the entire inn with her eyes until in a corner chair she could see a man with the darkest skin she had ever seen.

So when he knew that it was the person he was looking for, he began to walk towards her while signaling the innkeeper to take some beers where he was going to sit.

Ashraf who was enjoying that a small fish he had asked to eat had not paid attention to the people who entered, so he was quite surprised when a woman sat in front of him.

"Ashraf, I am looking for you because I want to hire you to help me take slaves north. The trip will be easy as we will follow the coastline of the island to the north.

Where we will arrive at a large island where the people with whom we have to trade are found, it is a trip that will not last more than 3 months because we will have to return in case we need to buy more merchandise to take it back to that island before winter.

Because at that time of year the sea is usually quite difficult to navigate due to the strong changes in it, not to mention that it can become dangerous because all merchants prefer not to go out at that time so that we will be easy prey for the Vikings in the sea.

For your service, we will pay you with a gold coin in exchange for your family, and the family of your soldiers will be able to receive free food and security during the entire course of the trip. "

Ashraf was enjoying the fish meat from a small bite to one of the pieces that had been cut cleanly in his mouth using a linen cloth he had.

"Your proposal sounds very tempting but from what you told me that we have to face Vikings on the way and that we have to be guarding a ship full of slaves, I am willing to accept your commission as long as you increase your payment to two gold coins.

In return I Ashraf Ibn Owu Abu Yousri Ibn Samr Al-Hikmah ibn Othmane Al-Ibadan, I will take care of your goods as if they were mine and I guarantee that no Viking or enemy will be able to approach your merchandise without first passing through me scimitar.

I am a man who keeps his promises, proof of this is that I have worked for counts, dukes, kings, and sultans throughout the continent and just like my father Owu and my older brother Yousri, I am willing to give my life in the case be necessary.

So what do you say, do you accept my proposal or I'll just have to wait here for another commission or job from some great nobleman? "

Nelda who realized that she could not say a word to reduce the cost of the crew had to grit her teeth and accept the commission of two gold coins.

"As a female merchant and business connoisseur, I will give you a coin first but I will do it in front of the port foreman, who will be the witness of our contract while they can successfully fulfill or help enough so that I can reach this pier safely.

I will settle my payment with the other gold coin that you have requested, I can give my word that I will do it because I am a friend of the Duke of the region and if that does not go, you can ask Bruno the bastard son of Count Bertrand to speak for me.

All these people I know because I have always been a sensible woman who has never failed in her dealings, otherwise I would not be so confident to come straight to you.

So Ashraf, are you willing to accept my conditions? "

Ashraf smiled, and when he saw the innkeeper arrive with a mug of ale, he nodded his head and then gulped the contents of the mug.

"It's been a while since I had a good drink of beer. Just tell me where I need to go to sign the contract, after that just tell me which ship you want me to be on.

You will also have to take care of our families while we are on the mission. "

Nelda pointed to Anna who was at her side "She is Anna, she is my cook and a woman I trust a lot.

You just have to show him where the families are so she can take them to our boat, where they can be without worry.

The only thing I hope you understand is that because the crew of the main ship is woman's our ship only accepts women and children, any male over the age of ten will have to travel with you. "

Ashraf agreed to Nelda's request, so he finished his fish and accompanied her to the foreman.

Who for a small amount of money made the contract between Ashraf and Nelda, already with the contract made.

Nelda began looking for three boatmen who were willing to sell large ships for the transport of slaves, while Anna for her part.

She prepared a great place on the ship so that the women and children of the mercenaries could spend their time without having to beware of the danger they had in the inn where they were.

Because most of them had a strange darker skin color, they were a kind of reward for slave traders who wanted to harm them.

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