The Sage of Einar

Chapter 18 - Meeting Of The Thing

After the event that Max held in the center of town, the table was taken by the village's best warriors to the temple of the tribe.

Along with them, most of the village people left, leaving Max alone surrounded by the village artisans who were eager to discover all the secrets he had.

Max sighed when he saw the chaos in front of him, so he looked at his father to search help of him to maintain order, Sven who noticed Einar's look, raised his hands and began to bring order to the crowd.

"Craftsmen, keep calm, or I will have to impose order; if you want to ask Einar something, you will have to wait for Felipa to translate it.

Because of the deal, he made with Odin, he lost his memory and his ability to speak our language. "

The artisans then stopped behaving in a disorderly manner because of Sven's threat and decided to wait for Einar to speak.

Once calm returned, Max began to speak, "I understand that you want to learn how I can treat wood, but if you really want me to teach you.

I need approval from the Thing to change all the measurements we use, including how we measure the land, how we weigh our food, and how we measure time.

It is also essential to use a new class of numbers to teach you a new world. "

After hearing Felipa's words, the artisans looked at each other and began to shout in unison.

"We request an assembly, We request an assembly, We request an assembly ..."

The screams lasted for a few seconds before fading, so that out of the crowd came a woman with a robust body wearing a leather apron.

"Jarl Sven, on behalf of the artisan guild and using Einar's request, we would like to request that the assembly of the Thing hold a meeting."

Sven smiled, and with a wave of his hand Eskol who was next to him, entered the great hall from where the noise of a horn could be heard.

The sound was repeated three times, and when it was finished, Sven raised his sword and shouted, "I the Jarl Sven Hermansen announced the beginning of the assembly of the Thing."

Max, who did not understand anything he saw, just scratched his head and waited for someone to explain what was happening.

It was at that moment that Max felt a soft hand on his shoulder, and a sweet voice spoke in his ear, "How did you do it, Max?"

Max turned his head, and he could see the beautiful gray eyes of Kassia that seemed to look at him with infinite desire.

"I just used a little bit of my scant knowledge to be able to do it, but tell me, Kassia, what's going on.

I only heard a few screams, a horn, and then my father yelled a few things. "

Kassia giggled a little as she hugged Max's arm, not caring about the artisans or warriors' curious looks. "They were asking for an assembly of the Thing to discuss the things you asked for.

Only the things your father did is part of a long tradition that goes back to your great-grandfather. "

Max scratched his chin and watched as some slaves and warriors began to bring some tables. "Kassia, I have a question; anyone can request an assembly or just a group of people."

"Only a group of people can request an assembly, and they have to have some reason that convinces your father because he is the only one who can summon the members of the Thing.

Before your grandfather's reform, anyone could summon the Thing, but many times they only did it for a few minor issues; that is why it was changed. "

Kassia's hand pointed to the middle table. "That table will be where your father and Godi Asgot will be."

His hand then moved to the table on the left side. "This table belongs to the representatives of the 7 families, while the table on the right will be awarded to the representatives of the artisan guild."

Kassia then pointed to a small table that was in front of the three tables. "At that table, we will be you and me."

Max held his chin and looked at the table doubtfully. "Because I feel like we are in some kind of court, and I am being judged."

Kassia shook her head as she walked with Max to their respective chairs. "Your grandfather, after visiting Constantinople, liked the way the courts were organized, so he decided to apply it in the assembly of the Thing."

When the two took their seats from the village, a group of men and women dressed in blue robes sat in their places and awaited the arrival of the Godi Asgot.

Asgot, who was answering the Jarl's call, talked to a young woman with white hair and completely blue eyes.

"Helmi, these days, you must move to Kassia's house.

You have seen the power of Einar when he creates that table; I am sure that he will be able to develop some other things with Odin's wisdom. "

Helmi blinked her snow-white eyelashes showing, "Dad, something's bothering you about Einar."

Asgot stopped to point to the tables in front; Helmi turned her gaze and could see Einar with his arm being hugged by Kassia.

"You must know that Einar lost his memories after the deal with Odin; during these days, it seems that he developed a kind of relationship with Kassia.

I had my doubts yesterday, but today I could verify it; I don't care that he is with Kassia; what worries me is that he has forgotten you. "

Helmi looked at Einar with some sadness as some tears fell to the ground. "So, the rumors weren't false."

Helmi's hand wiped her tears, and she looked at her father seriously. "Tomorrow, I will move in with Kassia; if he forgot me, then I will only create new memories.

I will always be grateful to Einar for everything he did as a child, not to mention that I promised him that I would spend my whole life with him. "

Asgot sighed and patted his daughter's head. "You will, Helmi, now let your father take his place on the Thing."

After Asgot took his seat, Sven rose from his chair to give a short speech. "Members of our tribe, today I call the assembly of the Thing started.

Today we will discuss three critical points; the first is the loot distribution captured from the Viking raid yesterday.

The second issue has to do with searching for some solution to protect our town from the incursions of pirates.

Finally, we will seek to adopt a new numerical and measurement system created by my son Einar and supported by the Artisans' union. "

After saying these words, a much older slave stood in front of everyone present and began to shout, "In the battle yesterday, we captured more than 500 silver coins, 58 decorative pieces of gold and silver, 123 swords and axes.

We also have 78 usable chainmail pieces and 89 metal helmets.

As for slaves, we have 2 monks and a nun. "

When the slave finished speaking, a woman in a blue robe rose from her seat as she said, "On behalf of the Hjorth family, he requested that half of the loot be divided among the relatives of the dead while the other loot is distributed according to the rules ancestral. "

At that moment, a man in a blue robe rose angrily from his chair. "The Nyberg family is at odds with the Hjorth family.

The loot should be turned into silver and awarded equitably, but orphaned children should be left out of the cast as they are only a drag on the tribe. "

The woman looked at the man with contempt, "You are a shit Ivar; those children are part of the village and should not be excluded from the cast."

Ivar started laughing and pointed at them. "They lost their support since their parents died; we are not Christians or monks to take care of them.

It will depend on their luck and the support of the gods if they can stay alive.

Don't be a hypocrite Nilsa, you don't want to support them either; you're just looking to look good with our people. "

Max, who was listening to the translation of the fight between the two representatives of the two families, "Kassia, is there a problem if I want to inform them that I want to take care of those children."

Kassia shook her head. "You are the son of Sven and now also the herald of Odin; I don't think Asgot will interfere if you want to say something."

Max then got up from his chair and began to speak, "Members of our tribe and representatives of the Thing I would like to ask permission to take care of all the orphans.

I will take care of them as I plan to educate them to be the seeds of our people's future. "

Ivar frowned after hearing Kassia's translation, "Herald of Odin, you are free to keep the orphans, but they should not be entitled to share the loot.

They have enough to be able to maintain the right to their parents' property. "

Ivar's response pissed Max off. "Since you want to prevent them from getting their share of the loot, I think I can be clear with what I'm going to say.

These little orphans are going to produce products for our tribe, generating wealth for the people, but since for the representative of the Nyberg family, the orphans are worth nothing.

Then you can swear and sign a pledge that your family will not receive discounts and items on anything they do or that I do. "

Ivar, visibly annoyed, yelled, "Perfect herald, as a representative of our Nyberg family, I agree to your terms."

After saying those words, Ivar felt a chill throughout his body after seeing how a triumphant smile formed on Einar's face.

For a moment, Ivar wondered if what he had said was the correct Thing; unfortunately for him, he could not continue thinking because Sven's voice spoke.

"Since Einar came out in favor of the Nyberg family's initiative and he accepted the conditions.

I cast my vote for the Nyberg family initiative. "

Asgot also spoke in favor; Nilsa wanted to vote against but somehow felt that maybe the Nyberg family would pay dearly to anger Odin's herald for which she voted in favor.

The other families voted in favor; Ivar realized at that moment that perhaps he had done something terrible for his family, but he could not do anything since his initiative was approved by a majority.

At the end of the vote, Sven rose, "The loot will be sold and given to all the warriors and widows; the orphaned children are being cared for by our Hermansen family as of today.

Now let's move on to the second problem presented, how can we defend ourselves against the increase in Viking attacks on our tribe. "

Before anyone else will get up, Max raised his hand. "I would like to offer a solution that can fix the root problem but will require everyone to participate in order for it to be achieved."

None of those present made any suggestions or complaints as they could see what Max did using only wood and rope.

Max, noticing that no one seemed to refute, struck a few knocks on the wood. "I plan to draw plans for a real city, perhaps in the future, it will be much larger than Constantinople."

Kassia, who was translating, was surprised by Max's words; she knew very well that Constantinople was a gigantic city.

For their part, all the members of the assembly and the members of the tribe gasped as they knew that Miklagard was a big city, and now they had the opportunity to turn their town into a real city worthy of the gods.

"The first thing I can do is create a plan for the sewers and the city wall; this also includes the plans for three watchtowers and a lighthouse.

To achieve this, we all need to be united to finish the construction as quickly and safely as possible.

I just want you to know that our walls will be equal to or stronger than Theodosian's walls of Constantinople. "

Sven was proud of his son's words and shouted, "There is someone among us who has a better idea; if it is not that way, I would like to give my vote to Einar's initiative."

At that time, everyone raised their hands, fully supporting the initiative.

"Very well, we will discuss the details tomorrow, now we only have to discuss the latest initiative and for which we are in this assembly.

The Craftsmen's Guild wants us to change all of our measurement systems and our numbers.

Someone has something to say to prevent this initiative from passing. "

Sven said as he looked at Ivar.

Ivar almost unconsciously shook his head; after a few seconds of silence, everyone voted in favor of the proposed changes, so the initiative was approved.

"Because the three solutions to our tribe's problems were approved, I am closing our assembly of the Thing."

After saying those words from the great hall, a horn's noise was heard, and everyone returned to their respective activities.

Max stretched out his hands and decided to go with his father; Sven could see his son walk towards him, so he waited instead.

When Max arrived in front of Sven, he looked at him with a smile while looking at the sky.

"Did you like the assembly, Einar?

You may not remember, but since you were a kid, you always said that assemblies were boring and that only your fists should speak. "

Max scratched his chin, and with a forced smile, he looked at the little orphaned children who began to approach with their little faces full of happiness.

"I quite liked it, it brought back some very distant memories, but father, I would like to ask you for the great room so that these little children do not get cold while you built a house for them."

Sven held his beard and looked at his son. "They can stay, but they will have to respect your mother's rules; if they do something, they shouldn't be punished.

I will not question your decision, but I hope you are not wrong. "

Max nodded, "I won't let you down, father, I'll turn those little brats into respected tribe members."

Sven patted Einar on the shoulder and headed into the great room; Max then turned around and addressed the little children.

The children looked with great enthusiasm and happiness at Einar; Max noticed their gazes and raised his hand with a smile. "Children, now you will live in the great hall.

But you must know that there are rules that you must respect if you do something wrong, you will be cruelly punished by my father.

I want you to remember that there is nothing free in this life, so with me, you will learn to write and fight; in the future, you will be our people's base.

Now I ask them if they will respect the rules and obey my orders. "

All the children in unison raised their little hands and yelled, "Ja!"

As the children screamed, a tear ran down his cheek as he remembered his little daughter Erika.

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