The Sage of Einar

Chapter 26 - The Crossbow Test

When Kassia opened her eyes, she could see that next to her was her daughter Felipa, who was writing down everything Max said in a small notebook.

"Felipa recalls that cowpox has many symptoms similar to conventional smallpox but with the difference that none of them can kill.

Now you look at those little dots on Kassia's skin. "

Kassia was surprised when Max pointed her hand; Max, who was pointing, noticed Kassia's doubtful face, so he caressed her cheek.

"Good morning Kassia; I hope you woke up well.

Don't be alarmed, but you are beginning to develop the characteristic spots of cowpox, so perhaps in a few hours or tomorrow, I will be able to inoculate the little orphaned children.

To later inoculate us, you will become part of the story, and Felipa will be in charge of writing about your story. "

Kassia closed her eyes quite happily. "Since they are close, they should be able to help me go to the bathroom, and I would like to bathe, by the way."

Felipa and Max nodded; while this was happening on the outskirts of town, the representatives of The Thing, Jarl Sven, and Seren, were watching a demonstration that Gerd was performing on Max's behalf.

On a small slope were three targets; the first was a small clay pot, the second was the corpse of a seal that had chain mail armor, and the third was a small iron plate.

"Thank you very much for coming members of The Thing, to Seren and especially to Jarl Sven.

Today I am in front of you on behalf of Herald Einar as he is attending to something more important. "

Ivar wanted to say something about Einar's irresponsibility, but seeing Sven's serious look, he fell silent.

When everyone was silent, Gerd took the Crossbow he had built from a box on the floor and showed it to everyone present.

"This weapon was drawn by the herald Einar and Ibssen, and I built it; it's called a crossbow, and it's a weapon that the herald wants us to start building in what he called serial construction.

All the craftsmen will have to build a part of the Crossbow, and they will be assembled in the house of Jarl Sven since it is a weapon that can put us in superiority against any enemy.

The details should not be known, and all the artisans who work in the construction of the pieces under no circumstances should exchange the drawings of the parts that they are going to build. "

Gerd paused and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a linen cloth. "The herald believes that if any of the craftsmen violate the rule, they should be punished and if he sells information to foreigners.

The punishment should be the death ... "

Ivar unconsciously yelled, "That's impossible; artisans are valuable members of our tribe so killing them is not the solution.

Besides Gerd, even if you are speaking on behalf of Einar, you should… "

Ivar fell silent when he could feel the edge of an ax on his neck; Sven, who was holding the Ax, looked at Ivar with contempt.

"I remind you that we are talking about the invention of my son and that you agreed to lose your rights to express your opinion or be benefited by it.

You are only in this place out of respect for tradition, so keep quiet, or I will have to get you out of this place.

You understood, Ivar. "

Ivar swallowed hard and nodded very carefully as the ax left his neck; Sven then put his ax away and looked at Gerd.

"I agree with the request of Einar; who else is with me."

All of the Thing members raised their hands, and Seren also agreed.

"You can continue with the Gerd crossbow test."

Sven then saw how Gerd put inside the strange weapon a kind of short arrow; after this, Gerd put the weapon on his shoulder and fired.

Sven was not surprised that the arrow went through the crockpot without difficulty, but when Gerd reloaded and fired again, they all couldn't believe their eyes.

Before them, the arrow pierced the chain mail without much difficulty and was almost entirely in the seal body.

Gerd smiled after seeing everyone's face. "What you are going to see now is a bolt with a special tip.

I only have one of them because Einar only explained how to do it at dawn, so I hope you like what it can achieve. "

Gerd took a deep breath and reloaded the Crossbow; when he finished, he exhaled and pulled the trigger.

The bolt then came out of the Crossbow and passed smoothly through the thin iron plate; at that moment, a big smile formed on Sven's face.

"Everyone has seen them; this is the power of my son.

Seren organizes the artisans with Gerd and Ibssen to start producing the Crossbow and remind them to keep their own pieces secret for the people's good.

I have to go see Einar because if this was not important to him, then he may be facing a momentous event for our tribe. "

Sven then started running towards Kassia's house.

Max, who was taking care of Kassia, was surprised to see how the little red dots on her skin started to swell.

From what he knew, it was time to start the process of inoculating the little children.

"Felipa, I would like you to tell Helmi that I would like you to bring the little children from the great hall.

I also think it would be wise to prepare some alcohol and Kassia's silver tools. "

Felipa, who was looking at how the copper tube that Gerd had made worked, translated the words that Einar said and began to prepare the things Einar asked of her.

When Helmi heard the translation and started to leave, she was surprised that when she opened the door, there was Sven, who was catching his breath a bit.

On his face, she could see a big smile as if he was happy for some reason.

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