The Sage of Einar

Chapter 28 - In Distant Lands

R-18 Gore description

Somewhere in the North Sea, a group of five Vikings on a Drakkar were dismembering the corpse of a slave.

"That damn Klas sure is enjoying the warmth of the Valkyries and the best food in Valhalla while we have to eat the flesh of this stupid monk's body."

One of the Vikings who was ripping the meat from one of the arms looked at his partner with an evil smile. "Hey, have more respect for the messenger of God.

You don't see that he died following the example of the one they call Jesus, although I have to admit that his meat is not the best I have ever eaten. "

One of the Vikings laughed as he held the monk's gnawed skull in his hand. "I suppose even this rubbish is in a better place, but we're not so lucky.

We must have been more than 14 days lost at sea because of that damn storm that appeared out of nowhere.

The only good thing about all this is that when we get to Denmark, we can inform their King that his beloved son died or was captured by that cursed Hegebak tribe. "

One of the Vikings who was biting a finger looked at his companions as if they were garbage. "You should enjoy what is left of your life because I doubt very much that the old king will forgive us."

The Viking who was pulling a tendon from his arm looked at his companion with contempt, "You say it as if you weren't going to be executed."

A smile formed on the Viking's face as he looked at the sky, "I'm already dead, and you should wake up because your punishment is just beginning."

After this, the Viking felt someone throw a hot liquid on his face, so he opened his eyes and could see that one of his captors was urinating on his face.

"You like the rain, little vermin, enjoy it because today you have to be presentable because you will be accountable to the King.

Your other teammates didn't say the right things, and look how they ended up. "

The chained Viking looked towards where the warrior was pointing and could see through a small window that all of his companions had their faces burned as they spread their arms in the dreaded blood eagle pose.

He could also see that on their shoulders, they had some signs that had "Cannibals and traitors" written in runes.

The warrior saw the fear on the Viking's face, so he kicked him that broke some teeth that fell to the ground. "I would like to continue kicking you, but the King will come at any moment, and I hope ..."

It was at that moment that the noise of a horn was heard in the distance, the warrior with some fear, took from the ground a bucket of water which he threw on the Viking.

Cleaning in this way, the urine and blood in the Viking's mouth, when he saw that the Viking did not seem injured, he left the dungeon where he was placed in his guard post.

When the King went down to the dungeon, he frowned at the smell of shit and rotten blood in the air, so he decided to go directly to where the Viking he had come to see was.

"You'll have to work fast, Anders, since I don't want to spend too much time in this damn place."

Anders, who was taking care of the old King, just nodded and kept walking in silence.

The dungeon guard, upon seeing the old King and the berserker leader Anders just saluted them and kept quiet as he guided him to the cell where the Viking was locked up.

After arriving, the first thing the guard did was open the wooden door and let the old King and Anders enter; he, for his part, decided to wait outside the cell.

The old King, when he saw the Viking tied by the arms, only spat in his face, "You are a useless piece of shit.

My son just got trapped on that stupid ice island while you guys came back uninjured. "

The King's emaciated handheld the Viking's hair and raised his head as he glared at him. "Little sack of shit, I left you at the end because you know how to get to that ice island.

I want you to describe everything you remember in detail, and don't worry about not remembering anything as Anders will take care of making you remember. "

While waiting outside the cell, the guard could hear the screams of the Viking, which were accompanied by the voice of the old King.

A drop of sweat ran down the guard's forehead as he listened to the creaking of some bones; he was curious to see what kind of torture that Viking was suffering, but in the end, he remained firm in that place.

After a while, the screams stopped, and the wooden door opened. "Hey, stupid guard."

When the guard turned his head, he could only see how an ax was directed at his head; the old King buried his ax in the guard's forehead, who fell dead to the ground.

The old King then started kicking the guard's corpse "Stupid piece of shit, if you wanted to hit the damn prisoner, you would have only avoided breaking some of his teeth."

After kicking the corpse for some time, he bent down and retrieved the ax from the guard's face. "Anders burns both bodies and sells the family of this shit as slaves."

Anders, who held the Viking's eyeless head in his hand, nodded and could see the old King walking towards the exit.

Before leaving, the old King turned his face. "I want to gather the five hundred strongest warriors from the different tribes under our charge and launch a punitive expedition against that cursed ice island.

I don't care how you do it, but I want you to bring me their leader before the Disablot festival, as I have plans to use his blood to bring Odin's blessing to our people and avenge my bastard son in the process. "

Anders flashed an ear-to-ear grin as he cut off the head of the guard's corpse 'Stupid King, your reign is doomed.

But don't worry, I'll take care of taking you to see your son in the form of my collection of heads. '

After this, Anders began to whistle while cleaning the corpses in that cold and dark dungeon.

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