The Sage of Einar

Chapter 34 - One Morning With Einar

In the morning, Max got out of bed, being careful not to wake his two wives.

After this, he put on an animal skin coat and leather boots; before leaving the house, he looked at the bed with a smile.

'Rest well, my loves, I'll see what I can buy with the fishermen.'

When Max went outside, he felt the chill of the air, so he just exhaled and began his walk towards the village.

As he walked, he saw how some slaves were digging and how some craftsmen started their day making concrete partitions.

Gisli, who was giving instructions on the way to Einar with some joy, "Good morning, Einar, do you need something from us, or would you like us to help you with something?"

Max just smiled. "Thank you very much for your help Gisli, if you could prevent the slaves from coming to the house, I would appreciate it as I am going to go to the village to buy some fresh fish."

"You can be sure that I will prevent someone from approaching the house."

After patting Gisli on the shoulder, Max continued his walk towards the center of town.

When he got to the center of the town, he could see some tents and some wooden tables where the fishermen sold everything they had caught.

In the small market, Max could see a large number of women; some were looking at the quality of the fish while others were haggling with the fishermen.

Max, who found the scene picturesque, went to the fisherman's position he had met yesterday.

Lars, a veteran seal hunter in a small fish stand, was looking with his grandson at a clay pot that Einar had made yesterday.

"Grandpa, this clay pot is impressive; the meat that we have put inside has not started to rot.

It's like there's snow inside it. "

Lars stroked his little grandson's head. "Herald Einar called it a cooler, although I don't understand how it works.

I can be sure that only Odin should have come up with this fantastic idea, and we are fortunate that the herald allowed us to taste the fruit of his wisdom ... "

Lars was interrupted when he heard the noise of someone hitting his wooden table; turning his face, he was surprised to see Einar smiling at him.

"Herald Einar, what a joy to see you here today; your creation called cooler works very well.

Yesterday my family was able to eat fresh meat in the afternoon, and even in the morning, we were able to eat it without being afraid that it was spoiled. "

Lars's grandson happily stood on a chair and pointed to the clay pot "Heraldo Einar, how the cooler works."

Lars looked with some fear at his grandson, and when he wanted to grab him to avoid asking, Max stopped him.

"Don't worry, Lars, children are naturally curious.

By the way, little boy, what is your name? "

The little boy clenched his fist and said proudly, "My name is Borg Moen, Herald."

Max stroked the little Borg's hair. "Okay, Borg, I'll explain how the natural cooler works.

How do you know inside that clay pot there is dirt and a smaller clay pot which is where the food is kept.

The soil around the small clay pot is made up of sea sand, earth, and stones.

Your grandfather has to wet that earth with spring water or saltwater and leave the clay pot in an area where there is shade, but the sun reaches it.

This will cause the water on the ground to evaporate, but so that the water can evaporate, it absorbs the heat from the food.

So the interior will always be fresh, as long as the earth has water. "

Little Borg looked at his grandfather in surprise. "Grandpa, you heard that cooler works with magic."

Max scratched his chin as he sighed. "Little Borg, if you really want to learn more about what you call magic, you should ask your grandfather for permission so that you can join the classes the children take in the great hall.

In a few years, you could do things like that cooler or even something much more fantastic. "

Max's hand ruffled Borg's hair. "The limit is only set by you; maybe you can believe that it is not possible to fly in the air or even go to the stars.

But there will always be a way to do it, you may not be able to do it physically, but you can create formulas or something with which in the future it can become a reality. "

Borg opened his eyes and imagined what it would be like to travel in a Drakkar into space, so he quickly turned to see his grandfather.

Lars smirked, so Max noticed the fisherman's change in attitude.

"You don't have to worry about expenses; if little Borg wants to learn, he will always be welcome.

What I'm going to say is a secret, so Borg shouldn't tell anyone. "

Borg and Lars nodded as they regarded Einar seriously.

"Next year I will start an education program for the children of the village, so it will be compulsory to go to school.

Lars, the offer so that your grandson can study will continue if you cannot always wait for the following year since the Thing's obligation to go to school will be approved.

Now that we are talking about serious matters, I would like to order some seal meat and a liver. "

Lars looked at his grandson with a smile and began to cut the meat off a seal.

After buying the meat, Max left Lars's stall and went to buy some vegetables that some people were selling.

When he finished buying what he needed, Max went to the great hall; as he walked, he was glad to see how the whole village was working, some children helping to dig up land while some slaves carried wheelbarrows full of red bricks.

He could see his parents having breakfast in the great room, so he sat at the big table. "Good morning, mother and father; I would like to tell you that yesterday's experiment was a success.

So I wish you could send Seren over to show you how to make the cooler later.

With the artisan guild's help, the cooler can be sold for two silver coins; one coin will be for our family and another for the artisan.

It should be sold in 5 silver coins for foreign merchants, but some changes will have to be made to the structure.

Others may be able to imitate the cooler, but our secret will be in the soil combination it uses, so even if they imitate it, they won't be able to achieve the same results. "

Sven, who was biting a fish, started laughing, "Son, I will always trust what you do; I will make sure Seren comes to your house.

Also, remember that we have afternoon training today. "

Max, who had risen from his chair, nodded. "You can count on it father, I will take care of making our little expedition deadly against white bears.

I would also like to stay a bit longer, but I have to make breakfast for Kassia and Helmi. "

Elin watched her son leave the great hall and squeezed Sven's hand. "I think our Einar has matured quite a bit in this time.

I can't wait to see what our grandchildren will be like. "

Sven exhaled and took a long drink from his beer mug. "He's a son's pride; I think we raised him well enough.

I can't wait to see my grandchildren either; I'd like to teach them how to use a sword and fish. "

Elin and Sven continued talking as Max walked home.

The first thing Max did when he got home was to remove the meat and vegetables from their leather bag.

After this, he began to prepare to cook breakfast while he watched his wives sleep in a bed.

'Erika, you are going to be a big sister, you may not be with us, but I will take care of making your sisters and brothers know that you existed.

Maybe your bad father can forget your face, but he will never forget the experiences we had together. '

Helmi, who was dozing, could see out of the corner of her eye how Einar shed some tears while he was cooking.

So with some care, she got out of bed and walked to the front of Einar, and then hugged him.

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