The Sage of Einar

Chapter 400 - Homecoming And The Macabre Game Of Fate

The members of the Thing shook their heads as they trembled in their seats like vile chickens in fear.

"Well, since you have no doubts I will be clear with you, you want the first option or the second option.

What do they want to keep your lives or die by my hand? "

The members of the Thing only looked sadly at Einar as they lowered their heads.

"I agree to unite the tribe with the Nordic nation."

"I also agree."

"I believe that with the Nordic nation our lives will improve."

"I refuse…"

Einar shot him in the head and looked at the other two members of the Thing who eventually agreed to join the Norse nation..

"From this moment on, the Faroese tribe will be the province of the Faroe Islands. You will enjoy the rights of the Nordic nation.

As an inseparable province of the Nordic nation, a defense committee will be established to guarantee the island's security.

So 2500 soldiers will take care of the island while half of the warriors will come to the island for three months to be trained.

Then they will be returned and later the other half of the warriors will be taken to the island to train.

After this, 5,000 soldiers will stay permanently guarding the province as well as the original warriors of the place.

As the first order, Jarl Mikkel will be in charge of supervising the island for a period of 10 years. After that, his performance will be seen and another governor may be elected.

However, Jarl Mikkel will be the first nobleman of the Nordic nation, albeit following the principles of the constitution.

He will be tried before the law in the same way as any Nordic man or woman. I hope what I said was clear. "

Everyone nodded, so Einar sighed and put away his revolver. "Since you have joined, I will be on the island for a few days to supervise the peaceful integration of everyone.

But I think it was a lot of talk. I think it is time to celebrate our victory against the crusaders, who escaped like cowards when they saw that they had lost.

This is a victory for the Nordics against the Christians. "

At that moment everyone began to shout and Einar gave the order to bring liquor from the ships to celebrate.

That night, everyone celebrated the victory against the crusaders. None of them knew it, but the gears of destiny worked in a complicated way.

During the following days, Einar prepared everything in the Faroe Islands until everything was ready. At that moment he returned because if he hurried he would arrive at the end of the month to attend the delivery of his wives.

When Einar got on his boat, Jarl Mikkel said goodbye to him and started on his way to the island to be able to return.

On the boat, Einar was sitting playing the accordion while playing a happy polka that his daughter Erika liked to see on the internet, although she did not remember the name if she knew there was a cartoon of blue hair moving a chive while she sang.

The happy song cheered the spirits on the ship as everyone was excited about the victory they had had. The only ones who were depressed were the new slaves.

Which would have to do a large-scale landmine clearance to be able to make the island habitable again.

After a few days of sailing in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, they reached the port of the city of Asgard on a cloudy day.

The soldiers and people seeing the return of the fleet celebrated because they knew that the Konungar Einar had won the war against the crusaders.

The atmosphere of joy began to be felt throughout the island as the optical telegraphs transmitted the news of the return of the triumphant fleet.

In just minutes, the entire island knew of the return of Einar and the fleet, so in all places a celebration of jubilation began because they had won the war.

However, when Einar came down, he could not see any member of his family. Something strange was done to him, but at that moment Eskol came riding to the docks where Einar was already.

When Einar looked at the concerned face on Eskol a sense of concern washed over Einar.

"Eskol, what's the matter? Why did you come on horseback?"

Eskol looked seriously at Einar. "Kassia is dying."1

Einar, at that moment, felt some tears come to his face. He never thought that he would have to hear those words again.

He had heard them in the hospital when his wife died of cancer and was now listening to them after returning from the war.

Einar, at that moment, mounted the horse that Eskol had used and rode quickly towards the imperial palace.

'You can't leave me, Kassia, you promised me that you would be with me, you can't leave me, not that damn pain again.'

Einar who was quite worried perfectly dodged the crowds of people who were celebrating the victory.

In just a few minutes, he reached the imperial palace, but since he was not willing to wait for the elevator, he took his horse up the stairs of the palace.

It was at that moment that the sky rumbled and rain began to fall. Einar simply ignored the cold water on his body and climbed the stairs until he reached the front door.

After entering, Einar got off his horse and entered the great hall from where he ran to the imperial palace.

When he arrived, he pressed the elevator button and waited for it to go up. When he did, Einar went down to the small hospital in the palace.

Upon arrival, he could see his family waiting in the waiting room. Einar began to run to the operating room on the way he left his clothes wet.

Without wasting time, he entered the shower and washed his body. When he finished, he came out of the shower, dry his body, and put on his medical gown.

At that moment, he entered a disinfection room where a nurse doused him with chlorine water so that he could clean him completely.

Einar crossed the rooms and was able to enter the operating room where he looked at Kassia holding a small baby. Under her, there was a large amount of blood.

At his side was a woman transferring blood, but Einar knew it. The end of Kassia was near. From the amount of blood, he knew that the bleeding was impossible to close.

Taking a few steps, he reached the ground stained with blood and after a little walk, he was in front of Kassia who was dying looked at Einar with a smile.

"You arrived on time. I couldn't leave without first showing you our son. He was born completely safe.

But I will not be with him, nor will I be able to see him grow. Please take care of him. I know I shouldn't, but I called him Mikael. It's a small miracle that he was born healthy. "

Einar approached Kassia and held her hand as he realized that she could no longer look at him and that her breath was decreasing.

Einar who was crying shook his head affectionately. "Kassia don't do it."

Kassia just smiled fondly. "Sorry I failed my promise. I am a terrible wife, but at least I could hold out until you get there.

Little Erika gave me the strength to wait, but I think my time has come.

I love you Einar. Thank you for allowing me to be a mother again… "

Kassia at that moment closed his eyes and Einar could see how in front of him was his daughter Erika who seemed to take a globe of light with her hands before disappearing.

Einar simply cried as he took from Kassia's lifeless hands his little son Mikael who snuggled into his father's arms.

Please listen here the song Johnny Cash - Hurt

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