The Sage of Einar

Chapter 407 - The Arrival Of An Unexpected Visitor

In the city of Asgard, the atmosphere was quite pleasant as the process of sowing had begun throughout the island.

The entire population was quite excited because for the first time potatoes would be planted on the island. They had heard from some small producers in the greenhouses.

That it was a very versatile food and that it could also be used by them.

They were also happy that just a week before the creation of the private farmland was approved, although it was not very big.

Citizens could buy and sell their land to cultivate. Einar to avoid a misfortune created laws that regulated the purchase and sale to prevent monopolies from being created on the land.

The livestock law was also passed, so that everyone in the villages could have animals for grazing. The condition was that they would have to help plant the state lands.


Einar had created a state and private system to be able to start creating wealth among the citizens. He did not care that the island was quickly distributed.

Well, it had the Faroe Islands and Greenland so that its citizens could expand without mentioning that the integration with the kingdom of Ireland will be gradual, so there will be no lack of land.

But that was only the beginning because the island of Brittany was a land large enough to be distributed.

Einar who was plowing the field with Laura and Daven smiled "What do you think of getting your hands a little dirty helping to plow the fields."

Daven sighed as he felt tired, but happy. "This activity is a lot of fun but dad, is this necessary?"

Einar nodded and looked fondly at Daven "You must know that it is extremely important to know how the island develops in order to know what the needs of the people are.

As a prince, you must know your people not simply believe that because you have power you are superior to others because at that moment you will create a bubble where you will only think about your own privilege.

By this I mean that at a certain moment you might come to think that people can eat cakes or that they can drink expensive wines simply because you can.

That is the first mistake that monarchies make, locking themselves in a bubble of privileges where they simply forget that they have a people or people who depend on them.

For them, many times it is easy to take things from their own citizens simply because they can do it, but they never think that maybe that farmer or that merchant had to make a sacrifice to get those things.

Eventually, the hatred will accumulate and will end up creating a social unrest that can lead to a real carnage.

But when you know what life is like in the country and the city, you see first hand what are the actual needs that your people are needing.

For example, in this period of time, what have you been able to observe? "

Daven scratched his head and looked seriously at his father. "That the labor force is scarce, but the bulls are helping a lot with the primary tasks.

Also that the compost seems to be a lot but it will hardly be enough for this field. "

Einar approached his son and stroked his hair. "That was a good answer. Now how would you solve those problems Laura."

Laura smiled and hit her chest. "Buying more slaves and having meat sellers donate their bones so we can compost like we do in the imperial palace."

Einar also approached his daughter and stroked her hair. "Come to what I mean, you were able to correctly answer the questions that I asked you.

But they did it because they were present at the time when the tasks were being done in which those tools were being needed.

If you had been in the Imperial Palace behaving like Christian noblemen, you would never have known what was needed.

When you have power, you have two options to see reality as it is or to isolate yourself from it in a completely separate world.

Where simply reaching out guarantees you have everything you want, when you enter that point of power you are no longer qualified to have it.

At least not within the rules of the imperial family. That is why, from the third generation, the emperor will be elected by a council of the imperial family.

With this, only people prepared and able to fulfill the mission of the imperial family will be chosen, which is not a game.

Well, the lives of thousands or perhaps millions of people will depend on the decisions made by the emperor or empress ... "

Einar interrupted his words when the noise of the merchant alarm began to be heard, so a smile formed on his face.

"All right kids, you have the rest of the day off and you can go play games at the imperial palace.

You can also ask your mom Laisa for some caramelized apples. Just remember the golden rule. "

Laura and Daven said at the same time "We have to brush our teeth after eating sweet things because we could get cavities and lose our teeth."

Einar nodded and let his sons go to the imperial palace accompanied by his imperial guards, while he headed towards the harbor.

When he arrived, he was surprised to see the large number of Nordic ships, which seemed to be full of people so Einar could feel a sense of joy.

Well, with those Nordics who will arrive, he could create an army in conditions to be able to take the island of Brittany.

After a while, the main Drakkar arrived on the island with the only difference that a woman with blond hair and a crown on her head descended from within.

She was accompanied by an entourage of guards. The woman's blue eyes caught Einar's attention, as he could see in them the reflection of evil.

I knew that why he had that same look after Kassia's death.

The woman walked to face Einar and shook his hand. "It is a pleasure to meet you Konungar Einar. I am the Dronning Regenten Malene of the kingdom of Denmark.

I come on behalf of the alliance for the signing of the mutual aid treaty and the distribution of land after the war. "

Einar smiled and gently squeezed the woman's hand. "Nice to meet you Dronning Malene."

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