The Sage of Einar

Chapter 452 - Dreide's Trial At Castlebar Castle

Einar hearing about Ansgar's gains and losses could only smile because it was great news.

"Messenger, take the following orders to Ansgar, to leave 500 soldiers in the castle of Chainoc and to attack the city of Cruachu.

Once finished, he need to wait for my arrival at the Barony of Sligo where I will get support from the Celts in that region.

At that time we will begin the attack on the northern kingdoms, but for the moment just bear those words. Tell him that I will send a messenger when I have completed the conquest of the two remaining baronies of this kingdom. "

The messenger nodded and left to be able to transcribe the message so as not to forget it. Einar only saw him leave in silence before continuing to eat.

'I suppose this war will end sooner than I thought, however I feel that it will not be that easy because the kings will be threatened.

Because they have already joined forces to fight our army and have lost, it is very likely that they will withdraw and prepare their troops to be able to defend themselves in a gigantic battle.

That would be the best option for them, although there will always be the possibility of where to fight together. They decide to separate and defend their own kingdoms independently. '

Einar drank some herbal liqueur and looked at his reflection in the liqueur. 'I'll have to check which of the two theories is true once we end this kingdom.'

Two days later, the army of Einar left for the Barony of Castlebar. The road was complicated because that winter got a bit worse.

So the advance was slow, however there was no problem on the way. The only thing that made Einar uncomfortable was that there were only corpses in the villages.

This showed that the famine caused by the nobles, merchants and clergymen, had depleted the population of Ireland.

The only thing Einar could trust was that the people would have been able to escape to the kingdom of Ireland, since if they had at least saved his life.

"The damage on this island will be very difficult to solve. I only hope that our Nordic allies can capture the population of the Franco empire in large quantities.

That way, it will be pretty easy to fully repopulate the island, but possibly delay my plans because of it. "

Dreide who was next to Einar looked at him with a smile. "I'm sure that even if you delay your conquest, it will not affect the fact that you are going to conquer them at all.

Although I think you could use that time to improve the weapons of the soldiers, if only all of them could carry one of your revolvers, things would be much easier.

But if you have not done it, it is because you lack materials to be able to create more of those weapons, however I think you could improve the armor of the soldiers.

Even at this time that I have been with you, I have realized that they can be improved.

I also feel that we should improve the army supply lines, as we do have strong backing from the Kingdom of Ireland, though.

What are we going to do when we enter the region of Scotland which is going to be quite isolated from us and where we do not have a trusted ally.

If I remember correctly, the map you showed me, we could only receive support from the Kingdom of Ireland when we have already conquered the entire mountainous area of ​​Scotland.

Although the Orkney Islands could be a good place to establish a supply center to support us in the conquest of Scotland.

Like the islands in the west of the Scottish region, where there are many established Nordic tribes.

Also, with the western islands, we could have direct contact with your father-in-law. Although my father is the leader of the tribe, our population is very small.

If we gather the support of the other three Celtic tribes, we could be able to create a small army that can be trained in special forces tactics.

It's not to show off, but growing up in the swamps teaches you many techniques. "

Einar looked at Dreide with a smile. "You don't stop surprising me. I think you have a gift to be a leader. I'm sure my son Daven will have a good time with you.

He is a talented kid, and he really likes strategy. "

Dreide smiled and patted Einar on the shoulder. "You can be sure that I will spend time with him as with the rest of your children because at some point they will also be my children and they will be the brothers of our children.

Because I won't let you go, because I have seen your potential in this time and I want my children to be strong and intelligent like you.

Besides, they can't have a better father. "

Einar sighed and returned the smile to Dreide. After this, the army continued advancing in the Barony of Castlebar until three days later they reached the castle of the barony.

With an order, the army besieged the castle. The defenders of the castle, seeing the grand army, simply tightened their weapons and prepared to fight.

This because the Suffragan bishop had told them that if they could defend the castle, they would get a place in the new archbishopric that would be founded on the lands of the old kingdom of Ui Maine.

Not only that, but also if they were to die in combat they could get the forgiveness of all their sins and be able to obtain the glory of God.

No doubt all the defenders had fallen for the promises that the bishop had made, so when the messenger arrived at the castle gates, he was mercilessly killed by filling his body with arrows.

Einar who was looking at everything from his spyglass smirked evilly 'I think those bastards broke the record for killing the messenger in the fastest possible way.'

Turning his head, Einar looked at Dreide. "The enemy seems to be determined to fight. What do you think would be an excellent strategy to finish them off?"

Dreide stroked her chin. "We don't know the exact number of defenders. The castle is quite different in design than normal castles.

However, it only has one visible entrance, because time is very important and a castle like this can be discarded.

I would propose an attack with Nordic fire using catapults since sulfuric acid and chlorine gas are complicated weapons to produce according to your words.

However, the Nordic fire seems to be the one that is produced in the fastest way and reaches our troops in the greatest quantity. "

Einar nodded. "Very good. You have control of the siege. I want to see how you do it. You can ask me for help to calibrate the onagers.

However, the rest will depend on you. "

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