The Sage of Einar

Chapter 455 - Conquest Of The City Of Cruachu

Ansgar, who already had everything ready in his army, began to advance to the north to reach the city of Cruachu.

This is because the time had come for him to conquer the city otherwise he would delay the entire advance of the army.

For he was completely sure which Einar would be about to complete the conquest of the western part of the island before he took the city of Cruachu.

The army then advanced through the swamps to the north. As they advanced, they encountered some completely abandoned villages.

Although somehow many animals were already living in them, such as deer, rats, or even some bears.

This makes a bit of a surprise to Ansgar because of the large number of animals that had shown when a place is left, demonstrate that the wildlife will regain its old territory.

After advancing for a few days, they reached the city of Cruachu, which had walls of 5 meters and its wall had a rectangular shape.

Which was very similar to the Roman walls, despite that the army began to besiege the city.

The defenders of the city that were only a group of 500 warriors tightened their weapons, because they were afraid of facing the enemy army.

But they had no other choice as their families were in the hands of the Irish coalition army, which had threatened all the defenders with horrible punishments to their families if they surrendered without a fight.

Although they did not know how they were going to achieve that, all of them will fight simply to safeguard their families.

Ansgar, after sending a messenger was surprised to see how the enemy warriors killed the messenger with sadness in his eyes.

All this he could see because of the use of his spyglass and the closeness he was.

'It is quite curious that they have killed the messenger with their faces filled with sadness. That can only mean that they are threatening them to fight.

Although what strikes me the most is the fact that it appears that there are few defenders, not to mention that the city appears to be almost completely empty.

That should mean that the Irish coalition should be planning to use the population for something, although it could also be a way to save the population.

Whatever the reason, I think it is a waste of using siege weapons to attack defenders. '

After thinking that, Ansgar prepared the snipers that he had in his army which were only 300 and ordered the army to assemble five wooden towers for the snipers.

What he planned to do to conquer the city was to use snipers to completely kill any defenders that would be found on the walls or a place in sight.

That way, he would only spend bullets and could conquer the city without damaging it.

The soldiers, following Ansgar's orders, began the arduous task of assembling the 5 wooden towers.

After 3 days, the towers were completely assembled, so the soldiers allowed the snipers to climb.

The defenders who did not understand why the enemy army had built gigantic wooden towers watched with curiosity as soldiers climbed to the top of the towers.

That did not worry them at all because they were confident that no kind of arrow could reach where they were.

Because they had done tests during the construction of the towers by shooting arrows in a desperate attempt to kill at least one defender.

But they realized that they were too far away, so they were confident that the enemies could not attack them when the snipers had already risen to their positions.

Ansgar ordered that they prepare. In order to draw the enemy's attention to the walls, he ordered a group of 100 volunteers with steel shields to advance towards the walls.

By pretending that they were going to carry out an attack in this way, they drew the attention of the enemy so that all the defenders came out of their hiding places.

The defenders of the city of Cruachu realized that enemies were approaching, carrying metal shields. They quickly rang bells to alert all the defenders.

In just a matter of minutes, all the defenders were gathered, who were on the walls holding their arches. This intending to be able to finish off the attackers.

Ansgar, seeing that no more defenders came out, ordered the snipers to fire at will.

The warriors on the walls heard thunderous noises, so they felt some fear before they could see their comrades starting to fall dead.

They did not understand what was happening. They simply watched as their companions died every time a noise was heard.

This only lasted a few seconds before they started running. The snipers for their part did a very well done job in which they did not stop shooting at any time.

So the enemy soldiers who were running died from shots in the head or in the back.

Ending their lives in this way, however, despite the excellent performance that the snipers were doing, at least 30 warriors escaped to safe areas.

Which ran towards the city to take refuge in the buildings because they knew that they could no longer continue to maintain the charade of the city with defenders.

Ansgar, seeing the deplorable state of the walls just smiled and ordered his 50 special forces soldiers in command of him to climb the walls and open the gates.

The soldiers of the special forces then approached the walls and, using hooks climbed up to the top of the walls.

Once they arrived, they ran towards the doors, which they opened without problems because they did not encounter any kind of resistance.

When the doors were opened, the Nordic army entered the city, where they quickly searched the houses and buildings in search of people or survivors.

Ansgar sighed when he saw the empty city 'I suppose they took the population of the city but they would do that. They would win by leaving the city empty.'

With some curiosity, Ansgar entered one of the houses and noticed that there were valuables and some things that the inhabitants could not take.

So he frowned, as perhaps things would be more complicated than he had thought.

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