The Sage of Einar

Chapter 470 - A New Year With News In Europe

In the capital of the Frank empire in Aachen, Ludovico was looking seriously at some documents.

On his face you could see an obvious concern, this because the information he was reading was referring to the war on the island of Ireland.

'In a few months, he has conquered most of the kingdoms and only the largest kingdoms survive.

But by estimates they shouldn't last beyond March or April, making Ireland a lost land.

King Einar is not only a pagan, he is a real danger to the Christian religion. According to the description of some survivors, he calls himself messiah.

Not only that, it is said that he wrote a bible that contains dangerous information like the gospel according to Judas Iscariot.

The majority of his army is made up of Christian converts to Nordic Christianity, which completely rejects the idea of ​​the church to be able to communicate with God.

Also, the weapons that he is using vary in levels, however the most dangerous are those that can throw vases with a substance that he burns without the possibility of extinguishing.

Like some weapons that can shoot a kind of arrow that can create an explosion.

His numbers are vast and no enemy army has managed to do substantial damage to the enemy army.

According to the merchants and nobles who have escaped, a rumor is spreading that the next point to attack will be the island of Brittany. '

Ludovico laughed in a desperate attempt to keep his fear hidden because the son of a bitch was complying with his threat.

Putting the letter aside, Ludovico rose from his throne and walked towards a table where there was a map of Europe.

Which he had made based on the ancient maps of the Romans, with the command of him a peso to look for the island of Ireland and once he found it he looked at the places where the enemy attack could arrive.

'Once this island falls, those Norsemen should start in the mountainous area to the north.

However, it is very possible that he asks for help from the pagans that we have in the north of the continent, if that is the way he should avoid making his work easier.

I think we will start the attack on the Dannevirke wall in March. That way, he won't be able to get reinforcements.

However, another powerful force will have to be prepared among the peasants and all Christians, so that it can be sent to the island of Brittany.

If we cannot end the threat of King Einar, the Christian world will be in danger. It should even ask the Byzantine empire for help.

I am sure they should help us, but if that fails, maybe I could ask the Muslims of the south for help.

Sometimes the enemy must be your ally. I just hope we can end this war as quickly as possible. '

Ludovico, after this gave orders to his courtiers so that they would start preparing everything because he could no longer delay the attack on the pagans in the north.

In a dark and dimly lit room, Adelaide stared at the wall, her shabby hair only showing that her sanity was fading day by day.

Well, her father had locked her up in that place as punishment. She could only receive food twice a day and she had a small bucket to do the bathroom.

But her father left her without the possibility of being able to talk to someone, so she alone in the room freaked out.

The first thing that happened to her was that she started talking completely alone because of her feeling lonely.

In a short time she began to have hallucinations in which she could see her mother or her grandfather, somehow even though she was enclosed from her the fantasy world of her that she had created with her mind it helped to stay alive.

Well, otherwise she would have ended her life because she had nothing to do, however despite that she continued doing everything possible to keep her body in shape.

Because she was hoping that one day she could get out of that place.

In Rome, the Supreme Pontiff Gregory IV was staring in horror at the latest report he had received from Ireland.

"Damn that stupid heathen king, he is becoming a real problem for us. Not only is he strong, but he is also going to conquer Ireland.

We must stop him when he begins his invasion of Britain, otherwise we will not be able to end him. He is a real danger for everyone.

Especially their Nordic church, they are simply reshaping the church into a more natural way where no excessive bureaucracy will be needed.

He is reducing our power completely. That is what worries me the most because what will we do if we lose power.

I don't think I'm a normal person and I'm sure none of you want it or I'm wrong, cardinals. "

The cardinals who were sitting around a large table shook their heads at him. One of them raised his hand. "We could send assassins to try to end his life.

I believe that he will not be able to attack us in that way, because he has no allies within the continent, so we can be sending assassins with impunity.

However, that will only work at the beginning because sooner or later he will start to have guards. We should call a second crusade.

This time, we should call Christians from all over the world to be able to fight against the Nordics. We must remember that sooner or later Emperor Ludovico will also attack the northern part of the continent.

So we must advance quickly in order to create a gigantic army that we can divide the two.

Because there are few men, I propose to create a unit of women, warrior nuns willing to fight the pagans.

This is not something new because during pagan Rome many women fought alongside men against the stupid pagan Romans.

I think it is our best option because in that way I am sure that at least we will be able to gather an army of at least 500,000 people.

I know it sounds impossible, but with the integration of women into the army and a mandatory recruitment for all the faithful we could do it.

We could send half to the north to fight the heathen on their stupid wall and to Britain so we can fight the heathen king Einar.

However, it is a very dangerous method because we already lost the first crusade and if we lose this second one again; it is very likely that the faithful will lose their faith in us. "

Gregory IV took a deep breath and looked at everyone seriously. "I think it is the best option. If no one agrees, new rules will be created in Rome. Also, contact the Jews to hire assassins to kill King Einar.

We must be prepared for everything. "

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