The Sage of Einar

Chapter 480 - Conquest Of The Barony Of Clogher 1/2

Einar who was resting on a bed in the monastery with Dreide looked curiously at the letter Ansgar had sent him.

"It seems that the city of Dun Dealgan will take a long time to fall, that will be our new objective once we take the barony of Clogher."

Dreide who had her head resting on Einar's chest took a deep breath. "How many enemies are we talking about in the city of Dun Dealgan?"

Einar reviewed the letter. "Approximately 1000 to 2000 defenders in a somewhat large city and a walled castle inside the city.

According to Ansgar's description, it is a very reinforced wall. I am thinking that it must have been the first capital of the lost Roman legion that entered this place.

For that reason alone, I don't want to have to burn down the city, because I want it to become a tourist attraction. "

Dreide looked at Einar doubtfully. "What do you mean by tourist attraction?"

Einar closed his eyes and hugged Dreide. "When there is peace in the Nordic nation and we have finished our conquest, the people will be free to visit all the lands of the Nordic nation.

It is a constitutional right that corresponds to them because they are Nordic, so they can visit the ruins of Roman cities so that they can know them.

These people will be able to know the history and see it for themselves. It will be a beautiful way to keep the historical legacy alive.

In these times, nobody pays attention to the things around them why there is no point worrying about the past when you don't have to eat.

But when people don't have to worry about food or things around them, the situation changes completely.

Even we can enjoy vacations, I know it can be something difficult to imagine, but I will make sure that you, our children and the whole family can live life differently. "

Dreide sighed and closed her eyes. "I can't wait to see that."

The next day the army prepared to advance south to take the barony of Clogher, only a few soldiers with supplies were left at the monastery.

This mainly to be able to take care of the 582 babies that were in the place, which would be taken immediately to the city of Dublin.

Where they would be cared for by women who were breastfeeding so that they could be taken on the first ship to Iceland.

Because all those babies would be treated with enough care, as they would be raised in the orphanage until they were adults or could be adopted.

All of this was done because Einar believed that no child should be neglected or treated with contempt, as they were the future of the Nordic kingdom.

The army advanced through the plains and after a few days reached the border with the barony of Clogher, where the vanguard soldiers could meet some enemies.

This caused some skirmishes on the border, which ended with the victory of the Nordic soldiers. In one of the many clashes, some soldiers caught some enemy warriors alive.

Which when questioned reported what had been placed in that place by the baron who was an illegitimate son of the king.

He had stayed to fight the Norse, so he put all his troops ready to face the invaders.

Unfortunately, they never thought that the pagan army would attack from the north, so all their defenses were in the south of the barony.

When Einar heard this information, he could only smile, as he knew that he had a completely clear path to Clogher Castle.

So the army advanced directly to the castle, for this they only took breaks during the nights for about four hours.

It was a bit heavy for the army however they were able to reach the castle in just 2 days, when they did Einar ordered to close the perimeter through the castle.

As the soldiers obeyed, Einar climbed a tree and began checking the enemy soldiers on the walls that were barely 4 meters high.

With his spyglass, he realized that there were only a dozen enemies on the walls.

'I suppose that most of the army must be in the southern area of ​​this barony, since they are plains it should not be so difficult to find the enemy army.

But I would be an idiot if I didn't take this opportunity to conquer the castle as quickly as possible. '

With an Einar order, he placed the snipers in position and ordered to fire at the defenders who were on the walls.

The bullets quickly killed the defenders, who were barely able to defend themselves from the snipers.

Because they were only a small minority, they could not resist on the walls so the few survivors escaped into the battlement tower.

Well, they knew that if they stayed on the walls, they would die like the rest of their comrades. When Einar saw this, he gave the order to the special forces to climb the walls.

The soldiers of the special forces, without wasting time, used their hooks to be able to climb the walls. After this they created a defensive perimeter and prepared to open the gates.

When these were opened, a large part of the army entered and headed straight for the battlement tower, intending to capture the defenders who had survived in the battlement tower.

In order to achieve such a feat, the soldiers with shields prepared themselves with some maces covered with cloth.

After blowing up the battlement tower door, the shielded soldiers advanced and engaged the Irish warriors.

Although the brave Irish warriors could defend themselves, the Nordic soldiers were able to subdue them, suffering only a few wounds in the process.

They were able to accomplish such a feat because of the superiority of steel over iron and the experience of soldiers who had previously been Norse warriors.

As the rest of the army searched the entire castle for survivors, Einar began questioning the prisoners.

Which were only about 7 warriors, who at the beginning were very aggressive with Einar.

So he ordered that they prepare a single one in order to get the information as efficiently as possible.

"Dreide, what I'm going to show you will be the fastest way to get information."

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