The Sage of Einar

Chapter 495: Chaos in the Irish Coalition Army 2/2

Chapter 495: Chaos in the Irish Coalition Army 2/2

When King Cathalan was approaching the nun to have sex, the five snipers prepared their Nordic carbines to be able to shoot.

The special forces soldier in charge of the special operation watched with his spyglass as King Cathalan moved his hips so he ordered to shoot.

At that moment, the snipers fired precisely at the head of King Cathalan and the woman who was leaning against the window.

The two were killed almost immediately, so the special forces soldiers struck a match and began creating signals using mirrors.

The message quickly transmitted and within 2 minutes, it reached the special forces soldiers outside Princess Finnguala’s camp.

The snipers then prepared to shoot all the guards at the same time, for that each sniper chose his enemy.

Once they had aimed at the enemies, they shot at them, just a matter of seconds they ended with the lives of all of them.

So quickly the soldiers of the special forces began to enter the camp in complete silence and like true professionals they killed all the enemies that were in the tents around Princess Finnguala’s tent.

They did this because they didn’t want the enemy to be able to wake up because of the attack they were doing, when they completely cleaned up the entire place around where the princess was.

A group of special forces soldiers entered directly into Princess Finnguala’s tent, where they fired their crossbows at the enemy warriors who were on the bed.

Later, they ran to where the princess was and subdued her quickly. Once they gagged the rare ilama, they left that place to be able to go to her safety zone that was in the south.

At that moment, one of the special forces soldiers lit a match and with the mirror transmitted the information that it was the next team’s turn to finish off King Flann.

Fortunately for the Beta team, King Flann left his tent as he went to the bathroom, where once he reached a latrine, the snipers shot him completely, filling him with bullets while his corpse fell into the latrine.

At that moment, a special forces soldier ran to the latrine and very quickly and silently closed the door.

After this, he returned with the rest of the soldiers, and they left that place.

Because they were quite quick to carry out their missions, they were able to get far enough away to avoid the hunt that would take place the following morning.

When the first rays of the sun rose over the horizon, the Warriors and servants got up in order to carry out their daily activities.

One of the first to get up was a maid in charge of the castle of Bangor. The first option she made was to clean her body to later prepare breakfast for King Cathalan.

This because here the king liked to have breakfast in bed with the women with whom he had had sex. It was a somewhat strange custom, however he enjoyed doing it completely.

Well, in a way that he had to be able to show that he could care about women, although it was all a facade because he was not interested in any of that.

He simply did it because it was easier to take those women as his own in the future.

When the maid finished preparing the food, she placed them all on a tray and started up the stairs to King Cathalan’s room.

When she got to the king’s room, she threw the tray with the food and gave a full shout, alerting the warriors who were guarding the castle.

They quickly climbed the stairs because they wanted to observe what had happened, because they wanted to corroborate the safety of King Cathalan.

When the warriors reached King Cathalan’s room, they found the horrible image of the dead king next to the nun he had taken for the night.

The two of them had their faces almost completely destroyed, and the ground was completely stained with their blood.

This made the guards nervous because they did not know who had managed to assassinate their king without anyone noticing, so they began to carry information about the king’s death.

King Cathalan’s son, upon learning of the death of his father ordered that the warriors under his command stopped any coalition warrior who dared approach the castle.

That created chaos within the ranks of the Irish coalition army, but it was only the beginning because within minutes, everyone learned of the disappearance of Princess Finnguala and the massacre they had carried out with her guards.

As the last of King Faelcar’s daughters, Princess Forbflaith ordered a defensive perimeter to be created around her camp and that under no circumstances could members of the coalition approach.

This she did because she was afraid that she too would be kidnapped from her not to mention that she found out about King Cathalan’s death.

So her fear of dying was something that causes her a great deal of stress, so she preferred to isolate herself from her in her camp and place all of her warriors protecting her from her because she no longer knew in who to trust her.

A few minutes later, to the north of that place, a group of soldiers slowly approached King Flann’s latrine, because they could not find their king, fearing the worst.

They opened the door to the latrine and could see King Flann lying on the ground with many wounds, however they could find a piece of cloth next to him.

Upon closer inspection, they realized that it belonged to one of the warriors in the coalition army, so King Flann’s warriors created their own defensive perimeter.

All this because they did not know who the enemy was. Throughout the morning, the chaos in the Irish coalition army did not wait.

Two of the special forces soldiers who were in nearby hiding places were able to see things spiral out of control among the army.

The Irish kings of the coalition who had not been affected tried to appease their companions, so they met to speak.

However, they did realize that their warriors began to have conflicts outside the assembly center where they were, so in a matter of minutes.

They began to give clashes with blows between the warriors because none of them trusted their companions. These fights rose in level, so one of the special forces soldiers.

Decided to do a rather risky action, however he was willing to complete it in order to create a true confrontation between the warriors.

For this, he took a bow that he had to be able to hunt, because he preferred to use the bow than the crossbow to be able to finish off his prey.

He placing an arrow in the bow pointed towards the group of warriors who were fighting and shot the arrow, which began to fly towards the place of the fight.

When he fell through the head of one of the warriors, killing him, at that moment the warriors who were fighting drew their weapons and began to fight seriously.

Well, although they did not know who had shot the arrow, they were completely sure that it was most likely a traitor.

The confrontation between the warriors began to escalate until it got out of control, so within minutes, the entire Irish coalition army began fighting each other.

It no longer mattered if it was a child or a woman. They were all enemies, so the massacres did not take long to take place, when the kings came out to try to put everything in order.

They were overwhelmed by many warriors who were completely lost in the fervor of battle, so they rushed against them in my attempt to end their lives.

The kings, using their most loyal warriors were able to escape into Bangor Castle, where once they entered they closed the castle doors and waited for the battle to come to an end.

The special forces soldier who had caused the brawl withdrew from what place because he did not want to be near that fight, since he also had to report on the rupture that had occurred in the Irish coalition army.

Princess Forbflaith who was quite scared climbed to the highest part of the battlement tower and when she arrived, she fell to her knees while she watched in horror as the army killed each other.

She with tears in her eyes gave a cry of sadness ‘This is the end. The Nordics are going to win this war because we could not put the army in order.’

Princess Forbflaith harbored for almost an hour as the confrontation continued to unfold outside. She could only get up and start walking to the edge of the battlement tower.

She where she opened her arms she threw herself towards the ground, because she did not want to stay in that place with any of those traitors who would most likely rape or torture her.

She was completely sure that she was going to die anyway, but at least she could choose her way of dying.

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