The Sage of Einar

Chapter 498: Continent information

Chapter 498: Continent information

In the port of Rouen in the Frank empire, a group of Jewish merchants from the island of Brittany were in a tavern when suddenly a man in a black hood entered.

Without wasting time, he walked to the table where the Jews were. Once he sat down at the table, he asked for a mug of beer.

Three this he looked at the Jewish merchants seriously and from his bag that he had he took out a few letters which he placed on the table.

One of the Jewish merchants took out two silver coins and placed them on the table. The hooded man took them and put them away before getting up so he could leave the place.

Not without first intercepting the innkeeper who had his beer in his hand, which he drank and with a sign of his hand showed that the merchants at the table would pay for it.

The tavern keeper, seeing that the Jewish merchants felt, simply returned to his place to continue serving customers.

The Jewish merchants stayed a while longer in the tavern, however when they finished drinking their beers they left that place and headed towards the port.

Well, they did not trust in being able to see the information they had in any of those places, this because it was quite valuable information.

That is why they went to their ships, because it was the most protected area where they could review all the information that had arrived.

Once they reached the ships, they reviewed the letters. The first ones they reviewed did not contain valuable information of any kind, they were simply details of nearby cities.

Like a price comparison to sell different kinds of products, however, in one of the letters they managed to find important information.

This because it came from the region of the Italian peninsula, when they saw the name of the person who had sent it, they realized that it belonged to one member of the Jewish council.

Without wasting time, they began to read the letter.

‘At the beginning of the year, the Supreme Pontiff Gregory IV gave the order to search for the best creators of poison in the Italian peninsula.

Bishop Clemente has also been in charge of looking for assassins. It did not take us long to find out that his assassination plan was aimed at King Einar.

Our spies within Rome have reported what appears to be great concern because of the Christian religion which the Nordic nation has been fostering.

Fortunately, they have contacted us to be able to hire the murderers. Unfortunately, we cannot refuse, however we have exact information on who the murderers are and how they will locate them once they arrive at the port of Winchester.

Because they have contacted us as those in charge of carrying out the murder, they are going to meet with Jewish representatives in that place.

We recommend keeping them always checked, as we suspect that they have also sent three other groups of assassins.

This is because they do not want to entrust us alone with the task of assassinating King Einar, complying with the parts of the treaty that correspond to us. I strongly recommend informing King Einar of this information immediately.

In order for you to prepare to face the threat of the assassins, you will also need to seek out the other groups of assassins they have commanded.

Although we do not really know who they are, they could be easy to distinguish due to the fact that in the peninsula’s region of Italy people have dark or brown hair.

However, all the information we have in this place will depend entirely on you to find signs of those murderers on the island of Brittany.

We also have information on which Muslims have started to move, unfortunately we do not have enough personnel to be able to cover that area.

But we can assume that they are preparing for an invasion of the island of Sicily, but we cannot fully confirm the information.

However, we can confirm that there is a movement of Berber tribes that are heading towards the Hispania region.

We do not know completely why they are doing it, however we can assume that they are preparing for a war that information will also have to be delivered to King Einar.

Well, it could have problems once it reaches the European continent because we are completely convinced that the Franco empire will not have enough strength to be able to stop an attack by the Muslims. ‘

After reading the letter, the Jewish merchants prepared to leave for the kingdom of Wessex, as they had to deliver the information immediately.

Because they all knew the importance of the treaty, their people had made with King Einar, as they all wanted a place they could call home.

This mainly because they were completely trusting Einar, because they considered him a valuable ally, although they weren’t completely sure if he would keep his word.

They were not afraid to help him because in some way he was more reliable than the Christian kingdoms, which simply looked for them for the money they could generate before they expelled them to steal all their wealth.

A few days later in the kingdom of Wessex, Jewish merchants handed the information over to their superiors who quickly began to transmit it efficiently through their entire network of spies on the island of Britain.

While this was happening in the city of Carcol, something strange was happening because from the west a small ship in bad condition arrived.

When the ship managed to dock at the docks, a group of nobles and some warriors managed to get off to be received by the soldiers of the city of Carcol.

The nobles, seeing the soldiers who had received them, looked at them with sadness and quite fear.

“What is the reason for coming from Ireland?”

One nobleman who was quite depressed walked up to the soldier and looked at him with tears in his eyes. “The Irish coalition army was defeated, although I am not entirely sure how it happened.

In just a matter of minutes, an army of over 200,000 people began fighting each other.

The Nordics won the war, and we are completely lost. The island of Ireland was completely conquered by the barbarians, God has abandoned us and you too should be concerned.

Well, I’m almost completely sure that the Nordics will put all their effort into conquering this place, even though we were numerically superior to them, we lost and worst of all; it was due to ourselves. “

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