The Sage of Einar

Chapter 500: Searching for the survivors of the Irish Coalition Army 2/2

Chapter 500: Searching for the survivors of the Irish Coalition Army 2/2

As the canisters of chlorine gas fell inside Carrickfergus Castle, the defenders felt fear.

This was because they did not understand that it was that greenish mist that was in the environment, however they were sure of something and it was that the mist was covering the castle doors.

The defenders, when seeing this mist prepared themselves, however when the first screams began to be heard, the defenders realized that things were much more dangerous than they thought.

Because of the large number of people that were crowded on the walls, the defenders fought to escape.

Some preferred to jump to try to survive, however, because of the green mist it was completely impossible to see where they could fall, but despite that they took a risk.

So many of them jumped on the snow, saving their lives, but that was momentary because a few warriors fell on them, which crushed them, not to mention that the chlorine gas mist was dangerous in that place.

So they were unable to advance very far before falling, dying on the ground as they tried to crawl to escape, however, because of their skin being burned and blindness caused by the chlorine gas.

All of them were completely dead on the ground where they remained until the chlorine gas burned their lungs. On the walls, chaos had led to battles.

This was because most of them wanted to stay on the walls, in a desperate attempt to avoid the green haze which was slowly rising like gas to where they were.

Due to this, many defenders fell from the walls because of fighting, while others simply died in the exchange of blows.

Ansgar, seeing this, smiled and ordered the snipers to put on gas masks and advance to places from where they could fire their Nordic carbines at the enemies who were too concentrated on the walls.

The snipers advanced a few meters and when they had a sufficient distance; they shot at the enemies, who died, so chaos was present in the defensive troops.

Because of this, the warriors on the walls decided to risk escaping to the battlement tower while the others jumped, as they had no other choice.

If they stayed in that place, they were simply going to die, so they created a way to escape.

One of the many defenders was a warrior priest who, looking at the chaos on the walls, held his crucifix. “Our Father, if we have failed you, I hope you can have mercy on us and on our soul.

These pagans are using sorcery to kill us, it is simply impossible to defend ourselves or divine father have mercy on us.

All his loyal fans are going to die in a horrible way … “

The warrior priest could not continue with his prayer because he had gotten close enough to the edge of the wall, so they shot him. The bullet went through his skull, causing him to fall through the wall to the ground.

The chaos lasted for a few more minutes until most of the defenders died or died. Only a few escaped to the battlement tower where they entered the tunnels below the battlement tower.

Ansgar, seeing that there seemed to be no living soldiers, gave the order to guard the perimeter so that the following day the special forces would enter the castle.

The next day a group of special forces soldiers approached the walls where they could see the large amount of corpses on the ground outside the walls. The special forces soldier only shook their heads.

To later climb the walls of the castle of Carrickfergus, where once they arrived, they found more corpses, which they decided to ignore.

After this, they opened the doors of the castle, taking a while in the process because of the large number of corpses that prevented the doors from being opened correctly.

When they opened the doors, the Nordic army entered the castle where they searched for the surviving enemies that they could see in that place.

However, after checking the battlement tower and some buildings they only found corpses, which had died from falls, from chlorine gas or had simply ended up dying because of the cold to which they had been exposed.

After this, Ansgar place a few soldiers to defend the Castle while it was being cleaned so that he could advance to the barony of Slemish.

Where he would have the last showdown with the surviving troops of the Irish collision army.

He knew that they couldn’t be anywhere else because they wouldn’t have enough food or cover to survive for so long.

Not to mention that over time the deserters would lose the ability to attack any enemy.

Two days later, Ansgar’s army set out north to enter the barony of Slemish, all with the intention of ending the last stronghold of Irish resistance.

Unlike the other baronies, the Slemish baronies were completely filled with enemies who brutally resisted the Norse army to advance.

They were able to do this because the barony of Slemish was in the mountains and hills to the north.

Being a rather complicated area to attack and which could be defended very easily, however despite this, the Nordic army continued its advance.

To avoid unnecessary casualties in the army, Ansgar ordered the soldiers to prepare enough forward soldiers and snipers to be able to monitor all the areas where they were advancing.

But despite these efforts, from time to time some Nordic soldiers end up dying because of attacks by the Irish using bows.

In most of the times the attacks were completely stopped, however there were moments in which it was not possible to stop the deaths.

All this delayed the advance of the army by a full week, which had to make its way through the hills and mountainous area of ​​the Slemish barony.

But it was all worth it when the army was able to reach Slemish Castle.

Which was located in a fairly strategic area which prevented the castle from being attacked from the flanks, leaving only the only entrance as a support point.

Because of this Ansgar, he had to make the difficult decision to completely destroy the castle because he did not want to waste any more time trying to conquer it in another way.

Although he could attempt to launch glass containers of chlorine gas, he could not do it correctly due to the fact that he did not have a full view of the interior of Slemish castle.

So he went the fastest route to be able to destroy the castle, for that he ordered his entire army to prepare for the siege.

Also, because they were in an area where there were a lot of enemies, the Nordic army had to create large fortifications around their camp.

This to avoid any kind of attack from the enemies towards the camp at night.

After three days of assembling the Ansgar onagers, he began with the calibration tests of the onagers, so they started shooting vases of sand towards the ramparts.

The defenders were surprised by this, but did not pay much attention, as they were completely confident that they could defend the castle from whatever kind of attack they might make against them.

Well, it was simply an almost impregnable fortress, which was located in a terrain quite favorable for defense and which made it quite difficult for any enemy to attack.

After a few minutes, they are throwing vases with sand. Ansgar gave the order to throw vases with Nordic fire.

The blue Nordic fire began to spread on the walls and inside the Castle as more and more vases fell on them.

The defenders, in a desperate attempt to use water to try to put out the fires that were taking place in that place.

However, it was completely useless because the water only caused the fire to become much larger; the defenders, seeing that they could not defend the castle.

They decided to put all their efforts in defending the battlement tower, which was not being affected too much by the Norse fire they were launched on the castle.

This was mainly due to the fact that it was in a fairly high area which avoided the attack range of the onagers.

However, not all the defenders were able to reach the battlement tower, as the fire that was created around the keep prevented them from entering.

So they had no choice but to try to jump off the wall to save their lives, which was completely useless as they ended up dying immediately.

The fire continues to spread around the Castle for at least two full days, destroying any kind of construction or corpse that could be seen in that place.

Seeing that the fire had been completely extinguished, Ansgar gave the order to enter the castle so the soldiers of the special forces climbed the walls, which were in very bad condition because of the fire.

But despite that, they proved to be quite durable, as they did not collapse, although the same could not be said for the door to enter the castle.

Well, when it was opened it fell and the snow because of the damage it had suffered.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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