The Sage of Einar

Chapter 73 - Distribution Of The Loot

A large number of people were gathering outside the warehouse as they were waiting for Jarl Sven to leave with his son Einar so they could start receiving their share of the loot.

Among those present, a little 10-year-old girl was looking at her mother who, although she had a sad look, also had a face that made her look proud.

"Mom, is it true that Dad went to Valhalla as my grandparents did?"

The woman who was holding her two-year-old son looked at her daughter and stroked her cheek.

"That's right, your father is in Valhalla he earned his place by defending his family and our entire tribe.

Fortunately for us the herald Einar promised to take care of us so you must always remember Dorete never to contradict him.

Because he obtained Odin's blessing and not only that but is his representative in Midgard. "

Little Dorete understood little of what her mother was saying, but despite that, she understood the fact that her father would never return.

When the ceremony began, Dorete looked curious as among the people leaving the warehouse was the slave who called himself a monk.

Even though he only knew him because he was one of the caretakers of the orphan children, the look he had was completely empty.

It was the first time she had seen something like that, so she did not know if that slave was sad or lost in thought.

While Dorete was paying attention to the monk, she did not notice when the herald Einar gave a speech. Unlike her mother, she was not interested in hearing the words of that young redhead.

So taking advantage of the fact that his mother was not paying attention to him, he separated from her and walked towards the orphans, because he wanted to play with his two friends that he had met.

Laura, who was sitting focusing on everything that Papa Einar was saying, didn't notice when Dorete came to her side.

So when Dorete touched Laura's shoulder she just jumped at the surprise touch of her shoulder, so trying to calm down she looked at Dorete with some disbelief.

"Dorete, you gave me a big scare, you are not supposed to be here.

If I don't remember badly, you should be with your mother and brother, because Papa Einar is going to distribute his loot to them. "

Dorete gave Laura a smile where she showed her teeth revealed that she was missing three teeth "I parted with her because I am quite bored.

I know I should be sad about why my father left us, but he often talked to me and my little brother.

He always told us that if he ever died we should not cry, since he would only be in a better place, besides he was sure that if he died, he would do it fighting for what he would never do as a coward. "

Laura understood the words Laura was saying because her parents were also in Valhalla, so they would always take care of her from there.

"Since you're bored, what do you think if you sit next to me, you wait for Papa Einar to finish speaking because after that he will play the flute.

I could hear Papa Einar mention it when he was talking to the Jarl in the warehouse. "

After saying those words Laura left half of her chair to Dorete who quite obediently sat down next to her.

Einar's passionate speech lasted a few more minutes before he ended and he offered to play a melody for the fallen on his flute.

Laura and Dorete listened to the sad melody on the flute and closed their eyes as they were carried away by the mesmerizing sound.

Inspired by the sound of the Flute, Laura recalled how her father took an entire summer to be able to carve the wooden fox that she had.

"Dad, is my fox ready?"

A large hand stroked Laura's head.

"It will take a little longer than I thought, but you can be sure it will be ready before the summer is over.

By the way, go to the house and remind your mother that today she must prepare one more dish at dinner since today is the day your aunt died.

That way we can honor his memory by showing that our family has enough capacity to get food and that something as despicable as hunger and cold will never happen again. "

Little Laura looked at her father and ran home, thinking of telling her mother what her father had said.

For her part, Dorete remembered how her father carried her on his back while showing her the view of the sea from a cliff.

"You see that blue line that is far away in the sea."

Little Dorete nodded "I can see her dad but what does it mean."

Kaj laughed and hit his chest "Crossing this sea is our ancestral home, it is a place perhaps colder than this island.

All our ancestors were born in that place, it is just that you started another tradition so you must remember that unlike your father who could not protect the ancestral land, you must take care of this land.

Dorete also always repeats the phrase that we have passed from generation to generation.

Doden er bare begynnelsen. "

Dorete who kept looking curiously at the sea repeated, "Death is only the beginning"

Kaj when hearing the words of his daughter smiled "That phrase is very important because your grandfather always repeated it to me. Because of that when he died, I did not cry for him.

On the contrary, I celebrated with my friends and toasted because he was already in Valhalla enjoying the best meals and the company of beautiful Valkyries.

So remember that when I die you should not cry for me, since your father will be in a better place, where I will do everything possible to protect you and ensure that you have a good place in the Fólkvangr.

It may not be as beautiful as Valhalla, but I am sure you will enjoy Freyja's company. "

The two girls continued to remember as the noise of the flute continued, but it wasn't until Einar stopped playing the flute that the two of them opened their eyes.

Those memories brought so much tranquility to Dorete that she just smiled and wondered if her father was already enjoying all the good things about Valhalla, for her part Laura put her hand in her clothes and squeezed her little wooden fox that her father had made her.

This scene was repeated among all the people present because the simple but lasting melody that Einar had played had made them all remember the best moments they had spent with people close to them.

While everyone was recovering, Dorete got up from her chair and said goodbye to Laura because she had the need to want to hug her mother, so she walked through the crowd of families and started looking for her mother.

It did not take long to find her because he could see her hugging her little brother, so without wasting time she launched herself towards her mother's waist and hugged her.

Henrika, upon feeling her daughter's embrace, knew that even though she had lost her husband, she still had to work hard because her daughter and her little son needed her.

The booty-sharing ceremony continued, and it wasn't until Sven said a few words that Galt's family was then invited to pass through their respective booty.

Sven and Einar took enough time to talk to the family as they presented three beautiful bearskins and five silver coins. The coins were symbolic compensation because of Galt's death.

No more coins were given to Galt's wife because their children would not starve for the promise Einar had made.

The next to pass was Kaj's family, Dorete who was climbing the platform felt a bit nervous for all the people who were looking at her, but still, she bravely received in her little hands a sack containing 5 silver coins.

For Dorete, who still could not understand the value of money, the silver coins that were inside the bag meant nothing. What really gave it value was the fact that Einar had given them.

Who promised her that she could grow up without complications and that if in the future she could help the tribe, she could be reunited with her father in Valhalla.

After this, the ceremony continued making all the families and warriors go through their respective pieces of the loot, in the case of Einar, his wives who accepted the bearskins with great happiness.

While for Sven, Elin was the one responsible for passing.

When they finished distributing the loot, they all started their way to the tables full of food and drink as they had to wait until sunset began for the Godi Asgot to perform the creation of the runestone.

Which would relate everything that happened and would be placed on the outskirts of the town where future generations could learn about the monumental history that once lived the members of the tribe who were led by Herald Einar.

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