The Sage of Einar

Chapter 83 - The First Proof Of The Printing Press

During the afternoon, Einar, who was on the outskirts of the village, looked serious as a group of slaves was working on the drain.

These used red partitions which were stacked forming a tunnel whose upper shape was arched.

Einar hadn't wanted the sewer tunnel to be too big, so it was barely one meter high, eight inches long, and one meter fifty wide.

This he did so that if an enemy wanted to infiltrate, they could not have so much room to maneuver so it would simply be enough to open one of the valves that were connected to the different hot springs so that the sewers were filled with hot water.

Ensuring that any enemy would be drowned.

Another thing that he also noticed was that the fire pit system was being implemented correctly since wherever cement was being used they were present.

Einar with his arms crossed looking at all the workers and slaves present.

'If only we had more population, I could implement a more sped up construction plan, I just hope that the merchants can grant an unlimited supply of people.


Because I really do not want to organize a slave hunt in the British Isles, I do not have ships and not to mention that although the tribe has brave warriors.


These are not enough to deal with two or three hundred angry farmers every time we go to any village.


Since I cannot guarantee a win without losses. '

Einar who was lost in thought did not notice when Seren arrived and subsequently touched his shoulder.

"Herald Einar, it is good that I found him since I want to show him the printing press that we have just assembled in the morning.

Although we currently only have the wooden runes available as the Latin alphabet is too big. "

Einar turned his head and looked at Seren, "Alright let's go to the great hall first for some paper and also for my father-in-law.

I think he will be delighted to know that we can write the entire history of the tribe in runes which will be preserved for countless years. "

After this, the two began to walk towards the great hall.

While this was happening, Asgot was drinking some pine leaf tea while listening carefully to Dorette's story about the strange dream she had had and where she could see the Valkyrie Erika.

"It all started at night when I was asleep, at that time I was having a dream about eating delicious food.

In the dream, I was eating some pieces of bread, but when I was about to taste a piece of dried meat, I could see how the Valkyrie Erika appeared in front of me.

With his strange clothes and a smile on his face, he took some food from the table to later start eating, although I was a little angry that at no time did he say a word to me.

But I really got angry when I saw how she ate the last sweet honey there was, but it was then that I remembered that she was someone important to the tribe, so I could only sadly see how she ate everything.

When I was resigned to seeing all my delicious food disappear, I felt two large hands touch my shoulders and when I raised my head, I could see the unmistakable face of my father.

He looked at me with a smile and pointing to the Valkyrie; he said a few words to me but I couldn't hear anything, so I could only see him with some discomfort because I didn't know what my dad wanted to say.

Unfortunately, I couldn't keep seeing it since the sunlight made me wake up, but knowing what Herald Einar said, I told my mother about my dream, and then here I am. "

Asgot, who just heard Dorette's story, stroked her white beard 'It will be that the Valkyrie Erika is hungry.


I think it is necessary to speak to Einar about this matter. '

"Thank you very much for telling me what you dreamed Dorete, this information you told me is very important, it also shows that your dad has most likely already reached Valhalla.

I would also like to remind you that if you have another similar dream or where the Valkyrie Erika appears, do not hesitate to inform me or Einar. "

Dorete nodded and got up from her seat "Yes Godi Asgot, if I have a similar dream again I will come and tell you immediately, but changing the subject I can have one of the honey sweets on the table."

Asgot smiled at Dorete and motioned for her to take a few sweets. Although they were some offerings, she felt there was no problem giving her some sweets.

When Dorete left, Einar who was accompanied by Seren caused him some curiosity to see little Dorete with her mother leaving the great hall.

Upon entering, he met his father-in-law who told him about Erika and her strange appearance in Dorette's dream. This surprised Einar quite a bit who had no idea how to satisfy his daughter's hunger.

So he scratched his chin and looked at Asgot thoughtfully "I think maybe it's a sign for us to make a small temple or failing that an altar.

As for what things to put in it, we should put some dried meat and water. That way maybe the next time Erika appears she will tell us if she liked the offering we left her. "

'Daughter, I hope you do not bother if the offering I leave you is very simple, but your father has a bit of trouble getting ingredients, not to mention that it is impossible to prepare a chocolate shake that you liked so much.


But if it's any use, I'll try to dream about food.'

Asgot who agreed with Einar's idea yelled at Juni to start preparing a small altar with the necessary offerings so that Valkyrie Erika could be at ease.

Einar who was seeing how his father-in-law was working turned to look at his side and realized that Seren was waiting for him, so he informed Asgot about the printing press and the need for her to accompany him.

When Juni arrived with the materials Asgot had requested, Einar took her by the arm and asked her to find him some leaves.

With the materials ready, Einar, who was accompanied by Seren and his father-in-law, began the walk to the workshop, since he could not wait to see how the printing press he had designed worked.

On the way, he met Lars, who was talking to Teresia.

"Lars, I was talking to Ansgar and we would like to invite you to dinner that we are preparing tonight, I think little Borg will enjoy spending time with our children.

By the way, dinner will be dried bear meat with some vegetables and a little wheat that we had saved. It may not be much but I think it is the least we can do for you. "

Lars, who at the beginning wanted to refuse, had to accept because Teresia's look would make him feel guilty if he refused.

"Of course we will go Teresia, I will take care of bringing a small offering for the elf of her house, I would like to bring something a little bigger but since the death of my wife, I have not had the time and the desire to make some crafts to the elves.

Although I always keep some saved in case they are needed at some point. "

When Einar and his companions arrived at Seren's workshop, they opened the door and saw that Ibssen and Gerd were sleeping on the floor, but in front of them was the fully assembled printing press.

Einar looked a little curious at Seren "I think you should wake them up and allow them to sleep in their beds as the floor is too cold and they could get sick."

Seren who was blushing due to the embarrassment she had felt walking towards the two artisans on the ground and very kindly lifted them up as if they were two drunks.

The two artisans, without understanding what was happening, only followed Seren's orders, who guided them to a bed where the two of them were immediately thrown asleep.

Ignoring what had happened, Einar looked with joy at the simple but functional printing press in front of him, it's just that he regretted that the wooden pictures with the Latin alphabet had not been finished.

So the first test would have to be done using the runes. Fortunately, he had brought his father-in-law and Seren was nearby so he only had to prepare a small text so that it would be printed on the sheet of paper.

"Seren arranges the runes as Asgot informed you, father-in-law what I would like to write is.

Dette er det forste beviset pa at mennesket skapte en maskin som kunne skrive for ham. "

Asgot repeated in his mind, 'This is the first proof that man created a machine capable of writing for him.


Something strange about what Einar asked me, but I consider that his words have force. '

Seren who had heard Einar's phrase followed Asgot's instructions, so from the printing press she opened the slot where the wooden boxes that had the runes were placed.

Following the letter the order that Asgot gave her with the wooden pictures, she creates the phrase that Einar had asked for, to prevent the wooden pictures that had the runes from moving.

She used some blank wooden squares which kept fixed to the squares with the runes, after this using a brush he placed black ink on the runes to later place a sheet of paper on the metal plate.

Einar, seeing that everything was ready and knowing that he had to make the last move, took the crank of the printing press and pulled it.

This caused the place where the wooden runes were to drop down and crush the sheet of paper. When Einar raised the handle on the paper the runes were marked, making Asgot and Seren both happy and amazed.

Since they had witnessed another miracle from Einar.

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