The Sage of Einar

Chapter 87 - Assault On Distant Lands

In a small village within the swamps of the county of Dithmarschen, very close to the wall of Danevirke.

A lumberjack was preparing to leave his house as he had to go to cut down some trees because winter was getting colder every time.

This eventually caused the demand for wood in the town to increase, so the cost also increased.

Martin took his ax and said goodbye to his family before going outside where he could see his town covered in snow.

Unfortunately, I could not appreciate all the beautiful snowy landscape due to the wooden wall that surrounded the town.

When he got to the door he met his friend Aalais who was on guard "Aalais, have you seen something strange on your guard?

I don't want to suffer from some retaliatory attack from those damned heathens. "

Aalais who was holding a rusty spear shook his head "I don't think they dare launch an attack because in the East the emperor's forces are fighting against the entire bulk of the heathen.

Besides, the earl must have launched an attack yesterday, so we should wait some time before some messenger brings us news. "

Martin, feeling more secure, left the protection of the wall and began to walk towards the forest near the frozen swamp.

After walking for a while, he arrived at the usual place where he cut trees, which was located on a small slope.

He did this because it was an easy place for any enemy to notice. It also had the advantage that there was an old hut.

Which he used as a refuge and it was a place where he could cut trees without feeling pressured.

With his ax in hand, Martín walked to a small pine tree, which he touched with his hand, and repeating a small prayer in Saxon that he had learned from his grandparents.

He began to make a line in a part of the pine tree with a dagger since it would be his guide so that the tree fell away from where he was.

When he finished, he took his distance, and holding the ax with both hands he began to cut the tree.

As he cut down the tree, he did not pay attention to his surroundings due to the fact that he could only hear the natural noises of the forest.

Anders, who had a piece of dried meat in his mouth, looked with his only eye at the woodcutter who seemed not to have noticed that he was already surrounded.

So he raised his hand and motioned for a group of his soldiers to capture the woodcutter.

Martin who was still cutting the tree heard some noises coming from his side. This made him stop and walk slowly towards the bush where the noises came from.

When he arrived, he used his ax to move the bush and had to take two steps back because he was surprised to see a rabbit jump out of the bush.

Shaking his head, Martín got ready to follow the rabbit's trail since it would be his food, but he couldn't walk anymore, as some arms stopped him and pulled him to the ground.

In horror, Martin saw a group of Danes, who were misaligned and quite dirty, so he knew that perhaps their fate was worse than death.

Anders, who had the head of the rabbit he had just hunted in his hand, walked to stand in front of the Christian woodcutter, and using his ax, he ran across the face of the woodcutter threatening him.

"I'll be honest with you lumberjack either you give me the information I want or I will have to cut you piece by piece until I get what I want to know from your mouth.

I can assure you that I am a very busy Berserker, so you better give me an answer now. "

Martin who was sweating knew from the cold of the ax that it was not a joke what that Dane was saying.


I don't know anything, I'm just a humble lumberjack ... "

Anders interrupted the stupid speech of the woodcutter by giving a hit hard in the face with his ax.

Martín who was disoriented by the blow looked in horror at the pagan who seemed not to be playing.

"This is the last chance lumberjack, I don't care who you are and I don't care what you do.

Answer me, are you going to answer my questions the good way or the bad?"

Trembling with fear, Martin shook his head and remained silent as he knew that if he spoke his family could die or suffer an even worse fate.

Anders formed a smile on his face and looked at the group of scum that was holding the lumberjack.

"The woodcutter is a man. There should be more like them among the Christians, maybe that way our people could go to Valhalla in large groups.

Since he is a man he deserves the treatment of a man, put a piece of wood in his mouth, and hold his hands. "

The lumberjack who wanted to break free could only move his head from side to side while someone put a piece of wood in his mouth.

With his mouth gagged by the wooden stick, one of the Danes took his arm and placed it on the snow. The woodcutter tried to remove it but the force with which they were grabbing it was abysmal.

Anders, when seeing the closed hand of the woodcutter frowned "Since you want to lose all the hand do not blame me ..."

Using a stone Anders began to hit the woodcutter's hand repeatedly, he could only try to kick while screaming.

But none of this worked because he was completely subdued, but despite not being able to move or produce any sign of pain.

Martín, who felt that he was in hell, could only cry while he saw how the bones of his hand began to come out of his skin due to the constant blows that Anders was giving.

Seeing the lumberjack's completely discarded hand, Anders wiped away the little sweat from his forehead and looked at the lumberjack who seemed to want to faint from the pain.

Using her hand, she patted her face and removed the wooden stick from her mouth.

"What's the matter, can't you bear losing a hand, where's your will power?"

Anders pointed to the cloth patch on his eye "I lost my eye in battle and personally took it upon myself to burn my eyelid to prevent the wound from becoming infected.

You must be able to bear losing one of your hands! "

Martin glared at the Dane in front of him and using what little strength he had left, he spat in his face.

Anders began to laugh and put the stick back in the woodcutter's mouth "That's how I like them to be my enemies.

Killing people like you makes me feel hopeful that someone can finish me off, but while that happens, how about we continue with your other hand? "

After this Anders began to strike with the stone the other hand of the woodcutter.

In the afternoon in the fortified village, Aalais who was guarding the wooden wall gate soaked a piece of black bread in hot water.

'This bread is always so stale and tastes awful, but I guess it's better than nothing.


Damn earl and his robbery disguised as taxes, he took the little grain that we had saved; it is a relief that my wife was able to hide enough that we did not starve.'

When he finished eating his only meal of the day, Aalais could feel the need to do the bathroom, so he left his guard post and looked for a somewhat hidden place to shit.

Seeing that the guard had left his post, the bulk of Anders's warriors came out from among the hiding trees and approached the wooden door that stood alone.

Upon arrival, they opened it and ran into the small town. The villagers and the few guards tried to confront the Danish raiders near the gate.

Anders, who was one of the last to enter, heard the screams of the women and children inside the village.

So he raised the head of the woodcutter he was holding in his hand and spoke into his ear.

"You hear those lumberjack screams, they are the beautiful noises of a job well done.

It is a pity that you could not resist having lost all your limbs, but I will bring you as a memory tied in the cord of my waist.

When your head is completely rotten, I will clean it and give it a good claw so I can drink the delicious mead. "

As Anders walked between the houses that were burning and the women were being led towards the entrance of the wooden wall.

His arms opened, and he breathed deeply the scent of blood and smoke that was in the environment. Almost unconsciously, he laughed.

The horrible laugh of Anders was heard throughout the village, making it completely unmistakable among the screams and laments of all the villagers.

Who were being killed and some other bastards who were being abused.

At night, the decapitated heads of all the village men and children were placed around the wooden wall.

In the faces of each of the heads, you could see the pain they had felt before being beheaded, there were even some that were so beaten that it was impossible to recognize them.

Anders who was lying on a makeshift bed on the floor got up slowly, trying not to disturb the naked torso of what had once been a woman.

Before she got up, she pressed one of her breasts to her torso. "It's a real shame that you couldn't be a decent woman like the others.

But look on the bright side, now you don't speak, you don't move, and best of all you're obedient. "

After this Anders who was covered in blood decided to leave since he wanted to better appreciate everything he had done.

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