The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Shang JunLin couldn't help thinking about that image. He tried to suppress the rising corners of his mouth. "It will certainly give the King of Yue a headache." His voice still held a trace of a smile.

Shen Yu hinted with a look. "Your Majesty?"

Shang JunLin: "Doesn't the noble monarch still have the token of the Hidden Dragon Guard? Just order them to do it."

Shen Yu hesitated. "Would it be inappropriate to ask Your Majesty's Hidden Dragon Guard to do something like that?"

Shang JunLin didn't care. "It's just passing a few letters. It's not a difficult task."

After ascertaining the time and place the King of Yue and Shen QingRan had arranged to meet, Shen Yu told the Hidden Dragon Guard to deliver the messages.

To be honest, Shen Yu didn't have anything in particular planned. He just wanted to inflict some unhappiness on the pair.

He was pretty sure he could guess what Shen QingRan wrote in his letter to the King of Yue. It would be the same sort of thing as in his last life. Thanks to his knowledge of future generations, Shen QingRan was able to trick a lot of people. In that book, it said Shen QingRan was favored by the King of Yue because of his unique personality and endless array of original ideas.

Shen Yu leaned back against the soft couch and poked Shang JunLin's leg. "Isn't Your Majesty curious about what Shen QingRan wrote to the King of Yue?"

The man who was approving memorials paused slightly, and then his leg muscles tensed. He put down his pen and grabbed Shen Yu's disorderly hand. "This emperor is only interested in what the noble monarch writes."

Shen Yu gazed up at Shang JunLin, and the corners of his mouth quirked. "Is Your Majesty hinting that I should write you letters?"

Shang JunLin simply put down the report and scooped Shen Yu into his arms. "This emperor thinks the noble monarch might as well help me read memorials for a while."

Shen Yu squirmed a little and refused. "Your Majesty has to learn to do things on your own. You should squeeze those ministers, not me."

"Noble monarch, don't move around."

Shang JunLin's voice suddenly became low and hoarse. Shen Yu's body stiffened, pressed by a sudden, scorching hot presence. He didn't dare to stimulate Shang JunLin anymore.

After sitting for a while, the heat didn't dissipate at all. Shen Yu couldn't stand it. "Your Majesty, let go," he whispered.

It's really hard to be poked constantly ah.

Shang JunLin wasn't planning to do anything. He patted Shen Yu's lower back and relaxed his arms.

Shen Yu hurriedly stood up. He moved to the other side of the soft couch and looked at Shang JunLin carefully. "Your Majesty, why don't I step outside for a while?"

"No need."

Shen Yu picked up a book and sat on the other side of the couch, flipping through it absentmindedly.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Yu lifted his head from the book and glanced at the man sitting perfectly upright on the other side.

The emperor's robes were heavy. Shen Yu couldn't tell whether Shang JunLin had extinguished the fire.

Shen Yu turned a few more pages of the book, and then he looked at Shang JunLin again. "Your Majesty?"


The voice was calm. It seemed like nothing was wrong.

The alarm in Shen Yu's mind died down. He relaxed and slowly returned to Shang JunLin's side. "Your Majesty, this isn't good."

Shang JunLin didn't look back. "And who should this emperor blame for that?"

Shen Yu, who squirmed his way into the fire and did nothing to help to extinguish it, shut his mouth.

The room was quiet. For a time, there was only the rustling sound of the folded memorials and the soft sound of a writing brush against a page.

In order to take care of Shen Yu's health, the room was kept at a high temperature. In such a warm environment it was easy for people to drift off to sleep.

Shen Yu blinked his eyes and felt a little tired.

Aware of his sleepiness, Shang JunLin handed over a memorial. "Look at this, noble monarch."

With some doubt, Shen Yu took the memorial and opened it.

"Eh? There's progress already?"

The memorial had been submitted by Lin County. The excitement of the person who wrote the report could be read between the lines.

"After the noble monarch gave this emperor the booklet of water control methods, this emperor immediately ordered someone to go to Lin County. According to the news they sent back, they've already seen results."

Lin County's problems couldn't be solved overnight, and Shang JunLin didn't expect to see a clear outcome immediately after trying the new methods. To his surprise, after less than two months there was already good news.

Shen Yu's drowsiness immediately disappeared. He carefully read the memorial and sighed. "That's good."

If they could prevent trouble ahead of time, the huge losses of his previous life would never happen.

Soon it was the date the vassal kings would depart. Unlike previous years, when some of them tried to dawdle and others refused to leave, this time the vassal kings packed up at dawn, gave their salutes, and rushed off without waiting for anyone to send them.

Meanwhile, the number of scholars heading to the capital for the examination continued to grow. A few woke up early and were able to watch the vassal kings depart.

Some of the scholars who'd just arrived in the capital were puzzled. "Why are they in such a hurry to leave? They're not going to wait?"

"The scheduled time is today, or I'm afraid all the princes would have left even earlier."

"Why's that?"

"Hahaha, didn't you hear what happened? They're probably afraid that if they stay they'll end up like the King of Huaiyu and the King of Li."

After the vassal kings departed, the capital returned to calm.

The King of Yue's carriage made a public show of leaving. No one noticed the real King of Yue had changed his clothes and gone to an establishment where examination candidates had gathered.

Shen Yu and Shang JunLin also disguised themselves and left the palace.

In order to avoid being recognized, both of them camouflaged their faces a little, pretending to be scholars who'd traveled to the capital for the exam. They went to the largest restaurant and lodging house in the capital, Yingxing House.

The owner of this establishment was a clever businessman and knew the importance of reputation. During Spring Festival, he welcomed scholars who came to the capital for the exam and charged them low prices.

If they won scholarly honor, not only would their food and accommodations be free, they'd also receive lucky money. All they had to do in exchange was leave an example of their calligraphy.

A lot of candidates were willing to stay there for that reason. After all, Yingxing House had produced numerous successful scholars, which made it auspicious as well.

Shen Yu and Shang JunLin sat face to face by a window in an elegant private room. Shen Yu listened to the endless introduction of the waiter and gave a thumbs up in approval. "You have a skilled proprietor."

"That's right." The waiter was obviously proud of his restaurant. "Aside from everything else, the taste of our dishes is unique. If you spend time here you'll definitely think it's worth the money!

The waiter didn't forget to do business after giving the introduction. "What would the two of you like to order?"

"Bring some of your signature dishes." Shen Yu thought. "Do you have any good desserts or snacks here?"

"You asked the right person. Everyone who tries our light refreshments says they're excellent. We have everything from sweet to savory. If I say so myself, there isn't another restaurant in the capital with more styles of snacks than us."

"In that case, bring us something sweet. Whatever's the most popular."

"Of course. Wait one moment and I'll tell the kitchen to prepare them." The waiter took note of each item they ordered. "What about wine? What would you like to drink?"

This time, without waiting for Shen Yu to speak, Shang JunLin said, "No wine."

The waiter was startled. He probably didn't meet many male customers who didn't want alcohol. However, he adjusted quickly and his expression didn't change. "I see."

"It's because I'm not in good health and can't drink," Shen Yu explained with a smile.

"Of course. Please wait here a moment."

Today the city felt different from their last outing. Shen Yu hadn't experienced such a lively atmosphere in a long time. He poured a cup of green tea for himself and Shang JunLin.

He handed the cup to Shang JunLin. "How does Your Majesty feel?"

There was a great deal of noise and commotion downstairs, including a lot of boisterous, incessant conversation. They were in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city, integrated with the glittering world outside the palace.

As he felt the cool breeze against his face, Shen Yu felt that he'd truly gone back to the past.

Shang JunLin took a sip from his tea cup. "If Ah Yu likes it, we can come more often."

"Then I'll trouble Ah Lin to accompany me a few times," Shen Yu said with a smile. "Without Ah Lin, it wouldn't be fun by myself."

"You just want me to follow behind, pay for and carry things for you, right?" Shang JunLin mercilessly pierced Shen Yu's lie.

"Ah Lin, aren't you clear about that already?" Shen Yu rested his chin in both hands. "If I just wanted someone to carry things, any palace servant would do. Ah Lin is different."

After some coaxing, His Majesty was quick to pay for everything during the rest of the outing.

Yingxing House worked quickly. Even though there were a lot of guests, Shen Yu and Shang JunLin didn't have to wait long. About a quarter of an hour later, the dishes began to arrive one after another.

They didn't fail their reputation as the number one restaurant in the capital. Every dish was full of color, aroma, and flavor.

Shen Yu paid close attention to Shang JunLin as he ate. Seeing his eyebrows relax, Shen Yu knew the man was satisfied with the meal.

One of the dishes was braised carp in sauce with a rich, beautiful brown color. Shen Yu glanced at the dish several times but didn't serve himself.

His eyes swept carelessly downstairs and then stopped. Shen Yu tugged Shang JunLin's sleeve. "Ah Lin, do you think that's the King of Yue?"

Not far downstairs, a man in white was standing with two young young men dressed as scholars. It wasn't clear what they were talking about.

Shang JunLin followed Shen Yu's finger. "It's him."

Although the King of Yue was in disguise, Shen Yu had dealt with him so long in his previous life that it was impossible not to recognize him. Moreover, the King of Yue had initially approached him with the same appearance.

Shen Yu took a piece of food and put it in his mouth. "What is he doing here?"

"Maybe he's hoping to meet people who will become officials at court in the future." Shang JunLin carefully picked out the bones from the fish and pushed the bowl in front of Shen Yu.

Surprised, Shen Yu looked at the bowl in front of him. "This is"

"I've seen you look at the carp several times without lifting your chopsticks. Are you thinking about bones? Don't worry, I picked out all the bones in this bowl. You won't choke on any."

Shang JunLin's tone was as usual. He didn't think he'd done much.

Shen Yu slowly took a piece of fish and put it in his mouth. His heart was aching and tender. He couldn't have said what he was feeling.

As he slowly ate the fish in the bowl, Shen Yu didn't spare any more thoughts for the King of Yue.

But some things don't disappear even if you stop caring about them.

The two ate quietly for a while. Then a noise came from outside their room, and one of the voices belonged to none other than the King of Yue, whom they'd noticed not long ago.

Shen Yu didn't intend to pay attention to him, and when he glanced at Shang JunLin, he clearly had the same intention.

Then, from outside, the door suddenly slammed open. The waiter came in with an apologetic face. "I'm very sorry to disturb the two guests."

Shen Yu looked over and saw a woman in pink standing before the King of Yue, telling him something in a stern voice. Around them were several other women dressed in fine clothes.

Two young men dressed as scholars stood awkwardly to the side, looking like they wanted to persuade her but didn't know what to say.

Shen Yu scanned the crowd. He wasn't surprised to see Shen QingRan standing not far from the King of Yue.

Shen QingRan was dressed in light blue. His head was bowed and it wasn't possible to see his expression.

Seeming not to notice that the door had just been knocked open, the woman in front of the King of Yue appeared to be annoyed by whatever he'd just said. She suddenly raised her voice.

"What do you mean by that? Feelings? Aren't you just raising fish? Look at this." The woman pointed to all the people around her. "Red, pink, green, yellow, blue Are you planning to collect all the colors and open a dyeing workshop?"

TL Notes:

establishment, lodging house and restaurant, restaurant A traditional Chinese restaurant. These places frequently offered accommodations as well as food. They had two or three floors and could host multiple banquets at a time. Downstairs might be scattered tables, while upstairs were small private rooms. Some had multiple buildings connected by raised balconies (Baidu)

lucky money tips given on a happy occasion (e.g. a wedding, birthday celebration, etc.), money given by family to celebrate a happy event

(an example of their) calligraphy ink treasure calligraphy, beautiful writing, valued piece of calligraphy or painting

light refreshments, snacks dessert; snack; light refreshments; pastry; dim sum

braised carp in sauce carp cooked with soy sauce and brown sugar

raising fish Internet meme from a TV show which means a person is raising their own "fish pond" of backup people to date. They're emotionally unfaithful and playing around etc. (Baidu)

Are you planning to collect all the colors and open a dyeing workshop? An idiom for people with insatiable greed. Give them one, they want three more. Give them an inch, they want a mile, etc. There's a similar version which means someone puffed up after a little praise or went to extremes ("gave you a little color and you opened a dyeing workshop") (Baidu)

Transliterated names, places, and titlesnew in this chapter:

Yingxing House

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