The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 2 - Chapter 21 - Noble Education

"Miss Sheriel, once again, congratulations on receiving the blessings. I wish to celebrate this with you."

"Professor Margot, thank you."

As the ten-day vacation came to an end and classes resumed as usual, I felt like I was finally returning to my everyday routine. From now on, with swordsmanship and magic classes added, things would become busier than before. However, compared to the whirlwind days that started from my birthday, this would probably feel peaceful.

Didier complained all the way but eventually returned to the academy, while Hermes remained here since he had a check-up with Licht.

"Now then, let's begin. Since Miss Sheriel has turned seven, she must behave as an upper-class noble. Let's start by improving your attitude towards the staff."

"Professor, is it alright with Father?"

I had been wondering about this. Sergio spoke to everyone in the same tone. I hadn't seen him talk directly to the maids, but he spoke the same way to Zaris, to me, and to Marcel.

"Sergio is an exception. I can't explain the reason, so please ask him yourself. Anyway, Sheriel, there's already a chance that your appearance will invite contempt. You need to firmly adopt the mindset of an upper-class noble."

The unknown reason why Margot couldn't talk about Sergio's case made me even more curious. Margot's lessons were strict but clear in explanation. Those who serve me will definitely be of lower status, so I must not show them respect. Apparently, if I were to humble myself in front of servants in front of other nobles, I'd be declaring that I'm of lower status than the servants.

"But, it's important not to use vulgar language. Also, servants who can't move unless told from A to Z will be troublesome. To become a refined and dignified lady, express your femininity through your tone and expression."

"It's quite challenging. Besides, as a child, I can't imitate my mother."

"No, please take Dior as a role model. After undergoing the baptism, nobles are allowed to behave in such a manner."

I see, that's why it feels unfamiliar even though I have memories of another life from those dreams. Perhaps the Sheriel in the dream lacked the recognition as an upper-class noble since the baptism ended in failure. Moreover, it's questionable whether I received such an education.

Afterward, Margot verbally stuffed me with aristocratic etiquette---how to interact with nobles, unique expressions, and more. There was a month left until the tea party, so this was the final cramming session.

Fortunately, there were only two types of higher-ranking families than mine: the ducal family and the royal family. Moreover, there were only four ducal families, so I wouldn't actually meet them often. However, it was a bit tricky as the treatment varied slightly between lower-ranking nobles and middle-ranking ones. I had started to think that Sergio's way of speaking might be because he found it troublesome to adjust his behavior based on the person he was interacting with.

"The upcoming tea party will be almost like an introduction to the nobility. Please make sure not to be looked down upon by other families."

"Is it not just for girls? Is it okay to just have tea and chat?"

"Yes, there are young gentlemen as well, but after the initial meeting, they will participate in adult tea parties. The tea party itself is for young ladies only, so you must compose yourself appropriately."

If that's the case, why are young gentlemen also invited? To avoid a situation like "I thought it would be a small gathering," I should confirm with Margot beforehand how many children will be attending.

Starting from the next class, there will be simulated tea parties with the staff. Since they have grown up participating in such events, they are suitable practice partners. According to Mary, the maids are eager to participate as they find this more enjoyable than tasks like laundry and cleaning.

After finishing Margot's lesson, it was time for the swordsmanship class. While previously there was only one subject per day, swordsmanship would now be conducted alongside theoretical studies daily. It felt like this had been forcefully inserted into my schedule since it wasn't originally planned. However, since elementary schools also have physical education, I thought of it as having two subjects in a day, making the curriculum manageable.

"Alright, let's get excited! Although normally we would start with learning sword techniques from the state of having your sword sheathed, since Sheriel can use spatial magic, let's train with that."

Sergio handed me a short sword with a blunted blade and swung his own sword with his other arm, all while smiling. Swinging my sword in response to the breeze generated by his swings, the training began in a practical format right away. Shouldn't we start with posture and basic swings? I hardly remember how I trained since I have little recollection of my past life's memories, but something felt odd.

"Father, shouldn't we have some kind of warm-up exercise for this basic training?"

"Is it necessary?"

"It is necessary."

As I had rarely exercised up until now, I was afraid of straining my muscles or something. I sat down on the grass and recalled the diluted explanation Margot had given earlier.

"Why does Father speak in a similar manner to aides and lower-ranking nobles?"

"Ah, well, I don't dislike thinking, you see. When I talk like this, it gives the impression that I'm constantly thinking about something, right?"

"Huh? Is it because you seem smart that way?"

"Well, yes, that's one way to put it. In reality, I'm pretty capable, but I just don't like using that capability."

Wow, that reason was even more trivial than I thought. I see, that's why Margot-sensei didn't want to say it. During his time at the academy, Sergio had met a cunning friend and began imitating his way of speaking under their influence. While we were both bent over in a forward fold, Sergio folded his body and turned his face toward me.

"It also gets troublesome to differentiate. And also, I'm the strongest in the kingdom, even without adopting any particular attitude. Though there was one guy recently, he tried to oppose me."

"I understand very well."

I had decided to quietly learn social etiquette. Just as Margot-sensei said, it's evident that being looked down upon is undesirable. If it were only me, it would be fine, but it would be disgraceful for my teacher and my parents. I couldn't become a vicious heiress who bullied others with her power.

As my body gradually warmed up, the outdoor air felt pleasant enough. Sergio urged me to pick up the sword.

"Although it's a swordsmanship class, shall we start by creating a space? To store your sword, it's best to imagine it being filled with something cotton-like. This way, you can take out any weapon you like, no matter how many you've stored."

"Can you specify which sword to take out?"

"Um, when you put it in, if you're conscious of what you're putting in, and when you reach in thinking, 'I want that,' it will come out."

This was the complete opposite of Julius' explanation in terms of sensation. Sergio had divine protection from the void and was most skilled in spatial magic. He was a genius in terms of sensations. However, if he himself could do it with that image, I had no choice but to believe and follow.

Since imagining cotton made it hard to pierce through, I imagined something like a sponge made of urethane foam. Then, I chanted the spell in my mind. With a tingling sensation of magic flowing, a palm-sized pocket dimension appeared before me. I tried inserting the sword, and it got stuck about halfway through.

"Hmm, you should use a bit more magic. Also, to store many swords, you'll need an intermediate-level spell, so you should learn that from Julius."

"Do I really need several swords?"

"Yes, swords might break or become unusable halfway through, so it's also good to have spears and daggers as well."

What kind of battlefield were they imagining? However, it's better to be prepared. Since I could use all attributes, I should aim to be able to create intermediate-level spells. Following Sergio's instructions, I stored about twice the amount of magic I used earlier and recreated the space. This time, all the swords fit in.

"Well then, while imagining the space containing the swords, recreate the space once again... Ah, the spell to take it out is different. It's 'Uvir.' Alright, go ahead."

I imagined the closed space and the swords inside it while chanting "Uvir." The image seemed firm enough; a space appeared, allowing a glimpse of the hilt from the entrance. I smoothly pulled out the sword, and after a short while, the space closed.

"I did it! How does it look?"

"Yeah, Sheriel, you have good muscle memory. To be able to smoothly transition to the next movement while pulling out the sword, let's practice by changing the position and orientation of the space."

Perhaps my body had already memorized the weight of the sword, as I was using enhancement unconsciously. I could swing the sword quite effortlessly. Even footwork and reading the sword's movements seemed to have been somewhat retained.

"Father, don't you use magic in swordsmanship?"

"People who can do simultaneous chanting fight with a windshield. But both methods end up being somewhat mediocre, so I don't recommend either."

Saying that, Sergio summoned a transparent shield and effortlessly blocked my sword. In the end, even if it was called non-vocal magic, if chanting was needed in your mind, it seemed better to concentrate on sword techniques. While Sergio said, "This level of shield can be easily pierced," I was easily repelled.

Though it didn't feel like I was starting a proper self-defense class for ladies but more like intensive combat training, the swordsmanship class was fun. By the time it ended, my hands were buzzing and numb. I think I worked hard to the point of worrying whether I could hold a fork properly during the upcoming meal.

Licht was absent from the dinner table. Though he was treated as a dispatched priest until the conclusion of the ritual period, he was going to serve the Beriard family from now on. He was going to have dinner with the maids and aides. I was advised not to invite him for tea. Since Didier had also returned to the academy, the suddenly quiet dinner table felt a bit lonely.

"Sheriel, we have a costume fitting tomorrow, so be prepared for that."

"Can't I wear the dress from the debutante ball?"

Perhaps it's because of my commoner roots that I think that dress could be worn for another two years. However, Dior's response had a slightly different direction.

"The tea party is a bit more flashy, you know? Since the recent event was only for family, you can wear it a couple more times, but it's not suitable for a tea party."

I see, so the dress would change between the evening debutante ball and the daytime tea party. Although I had learned this from Margot today, I had completely forgotten. It's not that I was distracted by the thought of the costume fitting. Absolutely not.

"Thank you, Mother. I really like that dress, so I would like to wear it again."

"Yes, during Walpurgis Night, children can also participate in the evening event, so wear it then."

So, the next outing would be in half a year. By then, I probably wouldn't have grown so much that I couldn't wear it. Listening to Dior's stories about tea parties and getting details about swordsmanship class from Hermes, I enjoyed a peaceful dinner.

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