The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 2 - Chapter 27 - The Last Day

Didier slapped Licht's unresponsive cheek lightly, and shortly after, Licht regained consciousness. Would he be alright for the upcoming baptism ceremony?

"I'm terribly sorry."

"Don't worry about it, it can't be helped. More importantly, is the ritual alright?"

"Yes, there are no issues."

That's a relief. I never expected that he would faint due to exposure to the spirit's magical power...

Sergio and Didier, as if nothing had happened, were sipping tea and chatting with Julius. It seemed that differences in magical power showed in situations like this. Perhaps it was just that the people of Beriard were resilient.

Since our break had turned into a commotion, I regained my composure and offered some sweets to Julius.

"I don't particularly like sweets, but these are good."

"I feel like I can think better after eating something sweet. You should try it when studying magic."

I should prepare some sweets as souvenirs for Julius. It might not be good for him to eat sweets all the time, but I was concerned about his nutrition. We spent some pleasant tea time this way, and we finally decided to perform Licht's ritual.

Since I was allowed to use my magic up to an intermediate level, I eagerly climbed the stairs leading to the altar. Looking at it again, the magic circle was intricate and resembled a work of art. However, there was something that felt out of place.

"Huh? The symbols here are different from the ones used during my ritual."

"That shouldn't be the case. I've used this circle for previous rituals."

If Julius said so, then there probably wasn't anything wrong with this circle. Naturally, everyone's gaze turned to Sergio.

"Wait, are you saying I made a mistake? But Sheriel's ritual was successful with this circle, right? Marcel also said that if the circle was wrong, it wouldn't activate."

"In fact, Sheriel remembers this circle? Even in Beriard, we draw circles of this size while looking at spellbooks. Isn't it just your imagination?"

I could remember things I was interested in or had thoroughly understood. However, I couldn't remember something just by copying letters or listening to it.

I didn't have confidence in my understanding of magic circles, but I was deeply moved by it, so it was etched in my memory. I could vividly recall the magic circle used in my own ritual.

"But, weren't there two more lines here?"

"Oh, now that you mention it... Well, let's try it once. If it doesn't work, we can just blame Julius for being careless."

Julius seemed disgruntled, giving Sergio a disapproving look, but he agreed to try it. With Sergio in the air, Didier at the position of life, and Julius and me on either side of Licht, we began the ritual. Originally, there should have been six people around, but now there were only two, and Licht looked genuinely worried.

"Sheriel, just as I did to you, place your hand on Licht's back and channel your magic into him."

"Um, didn't Licht also have the Spring of Power like I did? Won't it open up again?"

"That shouldn't be a problem. Licht doesn't have as much original magical power, so he should be able to handle it more efficiently now."

I see, maybe I was an exception because I had too much magical power generated. I gently placed my hand on Licht's back, reassuring him with an "It's okay." As Licht settled down from my touch, we began the ritual.

"I, Sergio Beriard, blessed by the protection of the sky."

"I, Didier Beriard, blessed by the protection of life."

Julius and I didn't participate in the incantation since our role was to replenish magical power. Licht, being aligned with the attribute of life, had Didier responsible for life magic. I hoped that it would work.

Julius began to infuse magical power. I felt the gathered magical power in his hands pull gently, and following that flow, I channeled magical power. The magic circle started to glow from where Licht placed his hands. Light also extended from Sergio and Didier, and the parts that were lacking were filled in by light extending from the center.

Declaring his new name, Licht, I adjusted my magical power carefully while listening to the incantation for the third baptism ceremony.

When light had reached every corner of the circle, Julius quietly stood up and gestured for me to leave the circle. To ensure that Licht could concentrate, I slowly withdrew my presence and slipped outside. The faint light that lined the magic circle continued to shimmer as if it were rising into the heavens.

The moment the incantation ended, a pillar of light descended from the sky, as if in response to the rising light. It wasn't blindingly bright, but it was a beautiful, gentle column of light that enveloped Licht.

"It worked."

"My circle wasn't wrong, was it?"

Julius gazed proudly at the column of light. Gradually, the light dimmed, and by the time it completely disappeared, Licht had collapsed within the circle, clutching his shoulders.

"Licht, congratulations. You have been blessed by the gods."

"Yes... How fortunate it is to be blessed by the gods with this name... Thank you, Lady Sheriel, everyone."

Tears welled up in Licht's eyes. He had been through a lot until now. Being recognized by the gods for Licht must have held a deeper significance than any ritual or blessing.

"Now, Licht, try using magic."

"Dirk, come here! Let him heal your arm."

Brother, please, let him indulge in sentiment for a moment. Moreover, Didier intended to test Licht's magic by healing the arm of Dirk, who was the Chief Aide-de-Camp. Dirk was on his way, looking eager, but was this master-servant relationship alright?

"Wait, even if Dirk is healed, it'll hurt, won't it? If you want to test it using this method, why doesn't Big Brother Didier cut his own arm?"

"Because I have the attribute of life, my self-healing ability is high. If I heal myself, we won't know if it's the effect of his magic or my own healing, right?"

"Then, should I cut my arm? If Licht fails, Didier can heal it, right?"

As we were discussing whose arm to cut, Licht suddenly looked pale, as if he had been cut on his own arm. Seeing us like this, Julius intervened, seeming somewhat exasperated.

"The Beriards seem to have a thing for blood, huh? It doesn't have to be someone's arm; couldn't it be a branch or something?"

"Can wood be healed too? In that case, let's go with that. I feel sorry for the trees, so Licht, please do your best."

Reluctantly, the gardener, Licht, brought a nearby tree branch to us, and Sergio cut it off. After confirming that basic magic couldn't heal it, Licht, holding the branch in one hand, began the intermediate-level incantation.

"I, Licht, blessed by the protection of life, hereby offer my healing magic to the Heavenly Gods. Grant me the divine words of life. I humbly beseech the Goddess of Life for her favor---"

As Licht recited the incantation, a magic circle appeared, and a peach-colored light extended from the severed end of the branch, drawing the two pieces together. As Licht moved the branch, as if guided by the light, it was restored to its original state as soon as the light disappeared.

"Licht, that's amazing!"

"I-It really worked!"

Licht tightly clenched his hand, looking as if he couldn't believe it.

"Oh, so you can overwrite a name, indeed. So, there wasn't anything wrong with the magic circle?"

"Father, if it's alright with you, could you show me the magic circle used for my ritual? I would like to investigate it with Professor Julius."

"Sure, it'll be a good way to pass the time during the journey back. Besides, Julius has no plans for the evening, as he mentioned earlier, so I intend to invite him to dinner."

Today is the last day of the year. The main festivities will begin tomorrow, but dinner has already been made a bit grander. Only a minimal number of servants are in the dining hall, while others have gathered in a separate room. I had asked the servants I knew to prepare a celebration for Licht.

In my previous life, this might have been akin to a year-end party. People look back on the year and discuss how they will spend the upcoming festivities. During the Blank Festival, everyone in the kingdom is essentially on holiday. Ministers working in the royal palace, commoners tending to fields, and even slaves bought with money, all enjoy their vacations equally.

However, it seems some people still work diligently during this time---merchants, to be specific. Among those who conduct business in line with the festivities, there are even some who earn an entire year's worth of profit in these five days. It's amusing how similar these things are in various worlds.

"Professor, there are some unusual dishes, so please only eat what you can."

Come to think of it, Julius didn't have an aide distributing the dishes. I pondered what to do, and it seems Julius sensed it. He took out a long staff and quickly began drawing a magic circle next to himself. During the meal...

Kah! When the magic circle lit up, a well-dressed young man appeared there.

"Is Lord Julius calling?"

"I was invited to dinner."

...No, it can't be that you suddenly summoned him with just that explanation...

The young man who received a summoning that seemed to fit the word "summon" so well stood there without saying a word. He quietly surveyed the dining hall and, without changing his expression, performed a noble's courtesy. I was the one more taken aback by this situation.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I apologize for this unusual introduction, but let me introduce myself. I am Owens, Head Aide-de-Camp to Lord Julius. From now on, I hope we can get along."

Owens, with golden hair that reminded me of Alphonse's, neatly cut at the shoulders, raised his head elegantly and maintained a fixed smile as he swiftly took out tableware and cutlery and began arranging them. However, words that sounded like an incantation came from nowhere.

"Lord Julius, may I request a word in advance? I thought I might faint from shock at being summoned in such a way when it's just before the festival. It's surprising to be called to someone else's dinner without prior notice. If I was in the middle of changing, what would you do? However, it's as expected of my lord. Despite it being a completely unexpected summons, I didn't even leave behind a single limb due to transfer sickness."

Is this ventriloquism? Owens was speaking without moving his mouth at all, but it was definitely him talking. He was lecturing Julius in a droning voice, just loud enough that I could barely make out the words. Even Julius seems to receive scoldings from someone. I couldn't help but let out a faint smile, thinking, 'Does even Julius sometimes get scolded?'

Once Owens, who had finished preparations in an instant, returned, our eyes met. I quickly addressed him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you for the first time. I apologize for this rather unconventional introduction, but let me offer my greetings. I'm Sheriel. I'm learning magic from Professor Julius, so we invited you to join us for a meal. I'm sure this sudden invitation must have surprised you."

"Well, well. I've heard about Lady Sheriel from my master. Such a charming young lady. Please take care of Lord Julius in the future."

Owens, who smiled gently, didn't seem to be concerned about my hair color, just like Julius. He truly didn't seem like the type to be bothered by such things. Neither Hermes nor Didier appeared particularly cautious, so it seemed he wasn't a dangerous individual.

"Professor, he's an amazing aide, isn't he? He blended in so smoothly after being summoned out of nowhere."

"Owens is only good at adaptation."

When Owens returned, I explained the dishes to him. He didn't take notes, and after listening attentively to my explanations, he began serving without hesitation. From his swift movements, I could tell he was an exceptional aide, perhaps even on par with Zaris.

After everyone had finished tasting the dishes, Julius started eating. He delicately brought the food to his mouth, and after each bite, he seemed a bit drowsy, lost in thought. Perhaps that was Julius's true expression. Normally, he would wear a sculpture-like, emotionless smile, but I preferred this more human side of him.

The members of the Beriard family, too, had quickly become accustomed to Owens' sudden appearance, and the atmosphere at dinner was lively and pleasant.

"Professor, do you like the food?"

"Yeah, it has various flavors. It's interesting."

And so, we enjoyed the end of the year in a cheerful manner.

It had been quite a year, filled with various challenges, but we had all survived it. The Blank Festival marked the beginning of another year. After the festival, unknown worlds awaited me - a long journey to the north, forming contracts with spirits, tea parties with Alicia and Giselle, and there was something else I felt excited about, but there were many enjoyable things to look forward to.

I enjoyed the last day of the year to the fullest, pushing myself to my physical limits.

■■ Epilogue ■■

On the last night of the year, the people of the kingdom drank, feasted, sang, and danced, celebrating with merriment. Nobles and commoners alike, even slaves, were allowed to do so on this day. It was already past midnight, and the Blank Festival had begun.

However, in a place that gave no indication of such festive revelry, there existed a secluded spot.

In a chamber within a tall tower, a bit removed from the royal palace, a man was fervently training under the faint moonlight.

He didn't voice his grievances. Speaking them aloud would only amplify the resentment, bringing everything under its control. Yet, there was undeniably a deep-seated anger welling up from within him. In this closed-off tower with no outlet for his anger, he could only think of one way to endure - by training his own body.

The floor disappeared from view as he continued to train, and he looked up at the narrow window where the moonlight barely filtered through. There was no glass or any barrier, just an open gap, and in it were two eyes, black as night.

He wondered if it was time for him to lose his composure, as a dry laughter escaped his lips. On the other hand, he thought in a detached manner, how many years had it been since he last heard his own laughter?

Suddenly, when he thought the moonlight had returned, a small, jet-black creature landed at his feet.

Ah, this must have been what was blocking the window. He could sense a disproportionate and divine magic within the creature's small body. He instinctively kneeled before the creature. In response, the creature produced a peculiar magical device from seemingly nowhere.

The creature hadn't made any visible movements, yet the unfamiliar box-shaped magical device now sat before him. Who could have possibly brought it here? This was a prison where only guards on the other side of the door or winged birds could enter.

The man quietly accepted the unbelievable situation that was unfolding before him. He gently opened the lid of the magical device and found a small piece of paper inside.

He grasped the paper tightly with his rough, calloused hands. Who on earth...? As he raised his gaze, he realized the creature had already disappeared.

"A messenger of the devil..."

The man had long since ceased praying to the gods. He had come to know, through personal experience, that the gods didn't save people. So, the one smiling at him now was probably not a god, but a demon.

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