The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 2 - Chapter 5 - Secret Ritual

"Kitty, were you a magical beast?"

The specks of light vanished without a trace after a while.

It wasn't a dream, right?

Um, if it can use magic, that means it has magical power, and if it has magical power, does that mean it's a magical beast? But what god's blessing is associated with black?

Or is it possible to use magic even without a blessing?

Those who possess magical power are bestowed with divine blessings at birth, and the hair color reflects the attributes of the deity that blessed them.

It's like the color of the gods. It's an absolute label bestowed by the gods.

Sheriel, with her nonexistent hair color, and the black cat shouldn't be able to use magic because they lack blessings.

... No, maybe that line of thinking is wrong. Simply put, the black cat is a cat with magical power.

She knew something similar from her past life.

"Could it be a Nekomata?"


Perhaps the word "Nekomata" was unfamiliar to the cat.

Although its tail isn't split, in a world with Griffins, there could also be Kappas, Dragons, and Nekomatas.

The fact that even an attributeless cat can use magic was a thing of both hope and despair.

"Amazing, kitty. I tried using magic today, but it didn't work for me. I had some expectations for the baptism ceremony. In the ritual, my hair was supposed to turn blue, red, or lavender. It would've been lovely to match my brother. And then... everyone would've said 'good for you'... But..."

Her throat tightened, and tears gathered in her eyes.

That's right, she had expectations.

She thought something would change today.

She believed there would be a different future from that ominous dream.

The gloomy emotions that her family had removed were now returning.

"Why... why me... But you know, I like my hair. I can't say it because everyone worries about it... but..."

As she spoke, a warm tear trailed down her cheek.

Once the flow of tears started, it couldn't be stopped.

Tears streamed down heavily, revealing the vulnerability in her heart that she didn't want anyone to see.

"It's a beautiful color, right? But it's useless... hic... It's terrible, not being loved by the gods... such... such words aren't necessary..."

The black cat descended from the bed and sat down, gazing intently at me, as if questioning whether it was listening or not.

"I don't know, I want to say that I don't care about gods... Hiccup..."

My throat tightened as if it were filled with stones. Breathing became difficult, and I tried to regulate it by taking a deep breath.

"Haah... Even though everyone is kind to me, the thought of becoming a burden to everyone... It's painful and suffocating."

Words were ineffective.

My regulated breath immediately became erratic. Even when biting my lips to suppress my voice, tears wouldn't stop.

...I can't be of use to anyone.

Reaching out to the black cat, as if clinging to it, I tried to embrace it.

Then, the black cat began to emit a faint light.

For a moment, there was a flickering noise, as if there was interference.

Sheriel blinked her eyes repeatedly.

"Well, it can't be helped..."


The black cat disappeared. In its place stood a damp, young man as dark as eternal night.

Age, race, and any other distinction couldn't be determined.

With ice-blue eyes and a cool expression.

With a straight, transparent-white complexion.

Even when he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, his sacredness remained unchanged.

In other words, he was an incredibly beautiful human figure that took one's breath away.

This is the beauty of those who are rare...

Thick black hair, like a green aurora, gently hung over his shoulders.

"Beautiful hair..."

"Is that so? It's the first time someone has said that."

"I wish you had told me earlier. I feel embarrassed being seen like this..."

Sheriel gave up on thinking. It would be rude to dwell on the transformation of the Nekomata into a human.

But just a little. If she thought that the cat had transformed into such a beautiful person, she couldn't help but remember her embarrassing behavior from earlier and feel ashamed.

Although I knew that Nekomatas could transform into humans, I let my guard down... It's my own fault...

"Kitty, how old are you?"

"Fifteen. Aren't you surprised?"

Well, my cat lived until eighteen, so fifteen is quite a long life, isn't it?

Or is it because you had magical power that you were able to become a Nekomata so quickly?

"I was surprised. But today has been overwhelming... By the way, what's your name?"

"...You can call me whatever you like."

After thinking for a moment, the face that still retained a slight hint of youthfulness spoke with a faint smile.

The soothing voice, neither high nor low, was pleasant to the ears.

"In that case, how about 'Kuro'... It's a bit too cute, so 'Noah'?"


Noah tilted his head slightly, his expression remaining unchanged.

It was difficult to tell what he was thinking, even more so than in his cat form. Truly a Nekomata, with an air of enchantment and mystery.

"So, earlier, when you said 'it can't be helped'... What did you mean?"

"Hm? You failed the baptism ritual, right? Do you really want to use magic that badly?"

"Yeah... I just want to live a normal life here as much as possible. But without any divine protection..."

Even though this cat had already heard all of this earlier, he was still digging into my wounds.

"Yeah, I guess. It would be troublesome to be taken to the Mage Guild."

"Really? The Guildmaster said they might come, but what should I do? If they investigate and can't find anything, will they send me back right away?"

At worst, even if I were taken away, it would only be for a few months. But anything longer than that was absolutely unacceptable.

After all, Sheriel didn't have much time left. She didn't have another ten years to spare.

Spending most of her life as an experimental subject was truly unappealing.

"Let's go outside for a bit."

Noah declared and lifted Sheriel up in his arms.

Just as I was thinking that Noah was quite tall, I suddenly felt the wind on my cheeks.

I realized that I was outside, in the damp night air.

"Huh? Why, what's happening!?"

"Shh. Be quiet. It would be troublesome if we were discovered, especially me."

"Ah... This place, the altar?"

"Try performing that ritual again. I'll assist you, so just do as you were told."

"But the person who performs the ritual..."

The magic circle was still there. However, the essential magicians were all inside the mansion.

If I were to call them, Noah would be caught as a suspicious person. And Noah himself wanted to avoid attracting attention.

When Noah reached the center of the circle, he set Sheriel down and took out a knife. With a smooth motion, he cut Sheriel's right hand, leaving a large gash in the palm without hesitation.


"Look, unless the ritual is completed, the wound won't heal. Kneel down and place your right hand on the center of the circle."

Even in human form, Noah was still a cat...

No matter how much I cherished and played with them, there were many times when I accidentally got scratched. Cats don't mean any harm. They're just cats.

"What should I do... I don't even know the prayer, and I don't have any divine protection..."

"Just repeat my words. The prayer is just a key. You don't need to know the meaning or put any feelings into it."

I don't really understand, but it seems like if I go through with this, I'll be able to receive blessings, so I have no choice but to do it...

If nothing happens after this, Noah will probably give up. So, as instructed, I kneel down.

"I'll move a little bit of magic from your back. Just keep going like that, okay?"


Noah placed his hand on Sheriel's back.

I could faintly feel his body heat.

"I, Sheriel Beriard, have been granted the divine protection of all."

"I, Sheriel Beriard, have been granted the divine protection of all."

Huh? Divine protection of all...?

While I continue to echo Noah's pleasant voice, my mind can't keep up at all.

Suddenly, my back starts to burn with heat, and something begins to twist and turn inside me, as if stirring my internal organs.

With a shiver that makes my entire body's hair stand on end, a light gradually spreads from the spot where I was touching the circle.

"To the gods dwelling in the heavens, we offer our prayers."

"To the gods dwelling in the heavens, we offer our prayers."

Honestly, I don't understand the meaning, but I repeat every word of Noah's speech. It's a mysterious voice that is quiet yet distinctly audible.

Sheriel somehow feels a sense of familiarity in that calming sensation.

Just as it seems that light has reached the entire circle, symbols of the six gods begin to appear and slowly revolve around the circumference.

Quietly standing up, Noah continues the chant and walks outside the magic circle, making a steady tapping sound with his shoes.

"Be bestowed with blessings through the ritual of the six gods descending from the heavens."

"Be bestowed with blessings through the ritual of the six gods descending from the heavens."

I made eye contact with Noah as he turned around.

I felt as if a loud sound had echoed.

I could feel the vibrations in the air, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes, resonating with the world.

The world in front of me was pure white, and I couldn't see anything.

But there was no anxiety at all; instead, I was enveloped in a reassuring feeling that made me want to cry.

This is the blessing... I finally understood the meaning of being "loved by the gods."

As I surrendered myself to the various emotions welling up inside me, the white world gradually regained its color.

When the figure in front of me formed the clear shape of Noah, the surroundings were back to the usual castle garden.

"W-What just happened..."

"Happy birthday."


Unbelievable. No, I actually understood. I have just received the baptism. But why?

"Is this Noah's magic?"

"No? I only helped."

"Um, my attribute... earlier, it was 'all'..."

"We should discuss the details next time. It would be better."

From Noah's gaze, I could hear the bustling sounds of people's voices.

"But my hand! Heal it!"

I extended my hand, which was already numb from the pain, and it was only stained with dark red blood; the wound had disappeared.

Noah muttered something softly and gently waved his hand, and there was no blood or scar left.

"I'll come to visit you again tomorrow night. Have a good dream."

With those parting words, noise entered Noah's figure again.

Without even having a chance to reply, he disappeared in the next moment.

How awful! How could he leave me in this situation?! Everyone around me is like this.

A cat, no, a cat monster...

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