The Sleeping Devil

Vol. 4 - Chapter 14 - First Attempt at Making Magical Tools

Upon returning to my room, we began by identifying the functionalities we wanted to include. Regardless of what we were making, defining the requirements was crucial.

"For the heat fan magical tool, it would be best if it's handheld. Functionally, it would involve adjusting the airflow and temperature, right?"

"Is it not enough to just have on and off functionality?"

"I'd like it to be adjustable based on the amount and length of hair, and cold air could be used for finishing touches."

Julius dismantled the light magic tool to show us, and we used it as a reference for designing the functionalities. Some parts of the magic array were missing, and it seemed that pressing the button completed the array.

"Is this made of magic ore? I thought it used sky stones."

"How many light magic tools do you think there are in the castle? It would be a waste of time to keep replenishing magic for all of them."

Now that it was mentioned, indeed, that's true, but...

Sky stones can store magic, but they don't naturally gather magic themselves. However, magic ore replenishes magic automatically over time. Also, regardless of one's attribute, the magic ore accumulates the magic element, so it's believed to only absorb magical essence...

Magic ore is quite expensive, so I was thinking of distributing sky stones, but considering attributes, it's a bit troublesome. I left notes on how to adjust that, and for now, I decided to focus on the composition of the magic array.

"Placing a magic array that sends out the base wind at the center, and adding a magic array that specifies the amount of magic for adjusting the airflow and temperature seems like a good idea."

Recently, we've learned quite a bit of the language used in magic arrays, which we call divine language, so if it's something simple, we can directly assemble the magic array.

From here, it's similar to programming. Just write down what you want to do straightforwardly. I draw the magic array with magic in the space in front of me.

Um, first, let's create a process to control the airflow and assign the amount of magic to use there... We should incorporate an array on the button to indicate the quantity from the outside... Oh, we also need to ensure it doesn't operate without a specific instruction... And then...

"Where did you learn about limiting the amount of magic?"

"It's from the baptism magic array. There was a set limit to prevent drawing in magic endlessly. So, when I was looking for something similar, I found words indicating quantity."

Creating three arrays with different amounts of magic to draw from and switching them out, we were able to adjust the airflow from weak to strong just as intended.

Yeah, it feels good. Similarly, if we manipulate the fire magic array, we should be able to adjust the temperature too.

"What do you think? The problem is how to switch between the three arrays... Since we need to fit different buttons in the same place."

"You really come up with so many unnecessary things... Alright, I'll design the casing."

Julius smoothly drew up the design for the casing. How can he draw lines so straight...

Oh, I see... Instead of buttons, we could slide a board with the three arrays drawn on it.

"Can we add a handle like grip that can be held with one hand to the main body? It would be great if we could have buttons here."

"It will distort the arrays and decrease efficiency, won't it? Especially with unnecessary arrays already, there won't be room for the magic ore."

"That's true... Then, please make the grip slightly thinner so that even women's hands can hold it."

I actually wanted it to have a hairdryer-like shape, but it ended up being just cylindrical.

This shape should be fine for the hot water dispenser magical tool too. Then, we just need to change the arrays inside, and it saves us the trouble of learning how to use each one.

"I want to consult with a craftsman about the finishing touches."

"We have a bit of spare time. Shall we try testing the water element?"


Sarah prepared well water for us, and we compared it with water conjured by magic. Both looked the same, but there was definitely a difference in taste or something.

"Try sensing the magic."

As instructed, I waved my hand over the water, imagining sucking in magic.

"Oh, the well water seems to have a bit of earth attribute mixed in."

"Shall we try extracting the attribute?"

Under Julius's guidance, we began extracting the attributes from the well water. The imagery was like untangling wisps of fog floating in the water with our fingers. Once we finished extracting cleanly, I took a sip, and it tasted similar to the water conjured by magic.

"It doesn't become exactly the same, does it?"

"There must be some impurities or substances mixed in materially. This falls within the realm of alchemy, but we can classify it."

Ah, alchemy...

Julius began drawing a magic array on the table, one I had never seen before, making sure it lay flat. He chanted a spell and then dropped magic water onto the completed array. Afterward, he chanted another spell.

"First, we imprint one side on the array like this. Then, when we pass the comparison object through again, the array retains the differences."

As Julius explained, the well water flowed down into a porcelain bowl placed underneath, as if being filtered.

"Right now, this array records the differences between the magic water and the well water. In alchemy, we sense and memorize each of these differences while decoding the structure of the substance."

"Can't we preserve this array itself?"

"With our current abilities, we can."

Julius grinned knowingly, as if he had already used it.

Oh... the theory of inner dimensional omnipotence...

"I want to try it too."

"Then, first---"

In reality, alchemy was much more difficult than regular magic. Unlike magic, which can be operated with imagination and flow, alchemy requires precise procedures, and a keen sense is needed to detect differences.

"Alchemy might not be suited for me..."

"You'll get used to it eventually."

With an unmistakable smile, Julius smoothly brushed off my concerns, and his strict guidance continued.

"You want to use the well water like magic water, right? Try setting up a spell to remove the differences stored in this array from the target."

Following our designated roles of Julius designing and me implementing, I constructed the magic array as instructed.

The complex parts involved generating arrays from invocations and assembling them like puzzles, but we managed to accomplish most tasks.

"The magic arrays for alchemy are also in divine language?"

"It would be strange if they weren't, considering they were created by the gods. In reality, alchemy is also part of magic."

While regular magic is controlled by imagination, alchemy is controlled entirely by magic arrays. This requires quite detailed specifications, but it seems to work well with magical tools.

In addition to impurities, we also removed the earth attribute, making the array quite complex.

"It's done! Let's name it the Purification Magic Array!"

As we chatted, the array was completed successfully, and we immediately tried filtering the well water.

The taste and texture in the mouth felt exactly like magic water. Just to be sure, we checked with the initial difference detection magic array we learned, but we couldn't sense any differences. It was perfect...

"With this, it might be possible to extend waterways to the town. However, the water from the river might have different qualities. Probably, the earth attribute might be weaker."

"To extend it to the entire territory, we'll need quite extensive water quality testing..."

Thanks to Mia, whom I met at the dark auction a year ago, I've been able to learn a little about the lives of commoners. We started corresponding as a way to practice writing, so not much was written, but with the assistance of the teacher arranged by Rainer, our exchanges have been smooth.

Commoners typically draw water from rivers or wells, and they use something like slime to decompose waste, similar to what nobles use. Although we considered introducing sewage systems depending on the waste disposal methods, it doesn't seem to be an urgent issue. So, for now, I've returned my thoughts to the spa salon project, thinking it would be convenient for me if it worked out.

If we draw water from nearby water veins and purify it with this magic array... Wait, do we still need to treat wastewater?

Since it's only for personal use at the moment, I've just been letting the pipes flow into the backyard. However, if multiple people bathe in the spa daily, it would be too much to discharge into the noble district.

"Shall we end today's lesson here?"

At Julius's voice, I remembered we were still in the middle of class and thanked him before heading to the cafeteria together for dinner.

Over the next few months, I've been busy training salon employees, checking spa facilities, developing the casing for magical tools with craftsmen, and so on.

I've also visited the mansion under renovation to explain directly to the craftsmen and check on the progress. It was difficult to explain to the illiterate carpenters through documents or intermediaries.

And sometimes, after the craftsmen left for the day, Julius and I would go to work together. Since we had discussed it beforehand, we smoothly applied magic arrays while illuminating the area with lights. It felt like preparing for a cultural festival, and going out at night was a bit enjoyable.

"Was there any problem with the purification magic array?"

"Yes, I had the maids try it as well, and they can use soap just like with magic water, and their skin doesn't dry out."

"If anything, it would have been better to include poison detection, don't you think?"

"Can you do that!?"

Even though I had already applied several arrays, why didn't he mention it earlier? It's my fault for not thinking of it, but I grumbled as I applied a new array with poison detection.

"Now, it's time for the underground facilities. I suppose construction is already finished?"

"Yes, the craftsmen did a great job."

"I can't help but wonder why you came up with such an idea."

As we descended the stairs to the underground, Julius sighed as if he couldn't understand at all.

"For me, what's more mysterious is why nobody thought of it until now."

Apart from the purification magic array, we're only using existing technology. But not just this, it feels like magic isn't being utilized much, even for other things.

"Because there's no need for it. Those with spare capacity for invention are probably busy with military development, and as for everyday matters, that's what servants are for."

"But Professor, you don't have any servants, do you?"

"Owens will take care of it, so there shouldn't be any issues. If he had some free time, he might have come up with something decent," Julius remarked.

It seems that even in territories known for their inventions, most of their efforts are directed towards developing weapons.

Humans innovate when they feel inconvenienced in their lives. However, it's understandable that even if they feel inconvenienced, they may not be inclined to take on additional tasks if they don't have the resources to spare aside from their current work.

I have a fundamental motto inherited from my past life, "No effort is spared to make life easier." So, when I see inefficient methods, I can't help but get frustrated.

There wouldn't be a need for reform in the territory if there were no inconveniences, but since I have the freedom to do as I please with facilities under my management, I decided to make this facility as self-indulgent as possible this time around.

If there are no problems after using it tomorrow, I might gather the stakeholders and hold an explanatory meeting.

As summer draws to a close, my birthday is just around the corner.

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