The Strongest Clan’s Master Is the Weakest and Most Evil Support Class

Chapter 21: I Want to Avoid Trouble

Chapter 21: I Want to Avoid Trouble

Time flew as I had fun eating and drinking with Alma's money.

I would have liked to extend the fun times, but unfortunately we still had to visit the Skill-book Alley. Leisha seemed to have errands to run as well.

Most of all, even I was feeling bad for Alma, who was in a lifeless state of shock.

Wow~, what a fun lunch! Let's eat together again!

......I'm definitely not treating next time, you hear!

I almost burst out in laughter at the firm determination shown by Alma. Leisha laughed out loud unreservedly, and then wiped the tears from her eyes with her fingers.

Don't worry, I'm not as shameless as that. It'll be my treat next time

That's generous of you. Did you find a good request or something?

Something like that. If we succeed, we'll be in final stages of creating a clan, I suppose

Sounds like business is prospering. I wish things were going just as well for us

How is it at your end? Found any new allies?

Not at all

I said as I shrugged my shoulders. There was no point in telling a lie that would be seen through quickly.

Hmm~, not at all, huh. Then--

Leisha leaned forward and brought her face close to mine.

Just as I thought, you should join Lightning Bite. We'll also welcome Alma. It'll definitely be great! Come on!

Like I've said, that's--

That's impossible

I was about to refuse again when Alma gave a sharp refusal before I could finish.

I've no intention of being under anyone other than Noel, and Noel also feels the same, right? For that reason, it's impossible. Leisha, give up

......Well, it's exactly as she said

It was a surprise that Alma thought that way. It appeared that she did recognize me as a leader despite the fact that she was always messing around with me. I didn't know her real intentions, but it didn't feel bad.

At the declaration of our firm will, Leisha looked down and grumbled.

Muu~, there's no hope, huh? I think we would have become a great party though. It can't be helped if it's impossible, I guess. ......Then, let's be friends instead. That's fine, isn't it? Right?

Alma smiled at Leisha, who had a cheerful grin back on her face.

I'm okay with that. We're besties from now on

Woah, besties! Yes! What about you, Noel?

Even if you ask me that......

I felt bad for Leisha, but I wasn't really into it. It was one thing if it was just having a meal or two together, but expressly building a friendly relationship with a woman from another party would only create more problems. With that said, she might bear a grudge if I responded frankly that I was against it.

Could I divert the conversation somehow, I wonder?

If you wanted to be friends, you've had many chances before, right? Why now, all of a sudden?

That's because Tania was there previously......

Tania? Was there something bad about Tania being around?

It was bad~ It was so problematic~

Leisha's elven ears sank as she griped about her recollections.

You know, even though Tania was usually gentle and always had a smile on her face, she turned scary right away whenever Noel was involved. When girls from other places approached you, she furrowed her brow just like this~

The face Leisha demonstrated was a terrible expression, like she had just seen her mortal enemy who had killed her parents. Certainly, no one would dare get close if she showed a face like that.

I understand the reason now. But the reason for that was Lloyd and not me, right? The one Tania was going out with was Lloyd after all

No, it was definitely because of Noel! Even after they started going out, Lloyd was often surrounded by his fangirls, but Tania never got angry about that, right?

Now that you mention it......

Lloyd, who was ranked eight in the men you want to hook up with rankings, had a lot of fans. When walking around the city, unreserved fans often asked for autographs and handshakes. It was the same even when Tania was around, and she only smiled and watched as Lloyd was pressed by his fans for fan service.'re right......

Aren't I!? You see now!?

......Well, it must be because Tania used to think of me as a little brother. She must have been worried about strange people getting close to me

I had received many homemade meals and clothes from Tania in the past. When she started going out with Lloyd, I had stayed away so that I wouldn't get in their way, but she had been like a real elder sister to me before that.

She betrayed me in the end, so there probably wasn't any special meaning behind her actions, and they were most likely something she did to alleviate her loneliness.

It doesn't really feel like that bloodcurdling expression was from worrying about a little brother though......

At Leisha, who looked like she wasn't convinced, I smiled wryly.

Then, are you saying that Tania held some affection for me or something? That's stupid. She was the one who chose Lloyd. It would have been fine if it was only that, but she betrayed me too. Isn't that far too much to do to someone you held affection for?

Hypothetically, even if Leisha was right, it was still something that no longer had anything to do with me. But it was such a crazy story that I had to refute it.

I'm not the person in question, so I don't have any proof, but that's to I say this......

Noel doesn't understand a maiden's heart

When Leisha was lost for words, Alma cut in from the side.

A maiden's heart is like a rampaging horse. Even if she wants to give up and love someone else, she can't give up on the one she truly loves after all, and because of that, she'll end up doing all sorts of foolish things

Yes, that's it! That's what I wanted to say!

No, I wonder......

I had been presented with an argument that I wasn't sure I understood. But because she said it with such a triumphant look, it really got on my nerves.

Someone who had been cooped up on a mountain shouldn't talk as if she knows everything

This is general knowledge. Common sense

Is that so......

Noel should learn more about a maiden's heart. I'll recommend a novel for you to read

A novel, you said...... You......

I had thought that her argument was puzzling, but to think that it was just knowledge gotten from novels. This idiotic woman had a big mouth, was crude and was a sexual harasser, and other than her physical strength, had nothing but the characteristics of a shitty small fry.

Hmm, what kind of novel? I also want to read it~

Let's see--

Leisha and Alma were having a blast talking about novels. It was good for girls to get along, but it was uncomfortable for a man like me. I wished an ally of the same gender would join soon...

--Oh, it's already this late. I'm leaving first, okay?

Leisha stood up after checking her watch.

Alma, thank you for today

......Next time is Leisha's turn

Leisha smiled at Alma, who was holding a bill with a lot of zeros in a row.

I got it. At that time, Noel should come too, okay

I'll go if I'm can

Isn't that the stereotypical reply of someone who doesn't want to go!? Hmpt!

Leisha puffed up her cheeks like a squirrel. But when I had free time, I would rather train or study... If I was being honest, I didn't really want to spend my time on such pointless things.

I've something to ask you before you leave. A dangerous drug seems to be spreading recently, have you heard of it, Leisha?

A dangerous drug? ......Ah, I might have heard rumors like that. It's a new kind of stimulant, right? I believe it has the side effect of causing people to go berserk. What about it?

No, a little bird whispered in my ear, so I was just curious if others had heard about it

So the rumors of the drug had already become widespread. The stimulant that the Gambino Family was circulating appeared to also be flowing out of the slum.

I didn't have a direct interest in this matter, but I should be careful just in case

Oh right, I almost forgot. What's your reply about being friends?

So she remembered...... It would have been great if she had forgotten about it......

......I got it. Let's get along from now on

When I responded carelessly, Leisha smiled broadly.

Yup! Let's get along from now on!

Is Noel bad at dealing with Leisha?

Alma's question was natural. I had clearly been keeping Leisha at arm's length.

It's not that I'm bad at dealing with her. It's just that she is a woman from another party. If I get close to her thoughtlessly, there will be people who will interpret it in a vulgar way. If that happens, I'll cause trouble for Lightning Bite as well

Aren't you thinking too much? If you keep saying stuff like that, you're not going to find love

To me, my work is my lover. It's also my policy to not cheat on my lover

It would be a lie to say that I had no interest in romance, but attaining greatness as a Seeker was my highest priority now. I didn't have the free time to fall head over heels in love.

After leaving the Sated Cat, we followed our itinerary and headed to the Skill-book Alley.

In the narrow alley with an arched glass ceiling, there were bookstores lined from the entrance to exit.

Although it was called the Skill-book Alley, it didn't sell only Skill-books.

The bookstores each dealt with everything from rare books to popular entertainment novels, and there were even book cafes where people could eat while freely reading the books on the shelves.

For this reason, visitors were not limited to Seekers, and there were many ordinary people as well. It was a place that was open enough for a couple, or even a family with children.

It's different from what I imagined. It's a bright and fun-looking place

Alma said with sparkling eyes.

I was surprised too when I came here for the first time. But its assortment of Skill-books is, as the name suggests, perfect. Unless it is very rare, every Skill-book in circulation is gathered here

What kind of Skill does Noel want to learn?

Either a buff Skill that increases defense or a debuff Skill that hinders the actions of enemies. What about Alma?

I want to increase the number of my Throwing Skills. In preparation for when I become a Chaser, I need to get used to the Skill now. It'll still be useful even if I become an Assassin instead

That was a good choice. Like Alma said, a Throwing Skill wouldn't become useless whichever way she ranked up. I was going to give her advice if she was at a loss, but it seemed like there would be no problems if I left it to her to choose a Skill-book.

Okay, in that case, we'll split up here

Eh, you're not going around with me?

Unfortunately, the bookstores that deal with what we each want are different. So when you find what you want, buy it yourself. Use this check to pay

I took a bunch of checks from my pocket and handed one of them to Alma.

The budget is up to 1 million Fil. I'll keep Link open, so let me know when you're done shopping or when the Skill-book you want is over the budget

Which store deals with Skill-books for the Scout-series Jobs?

Scout-series would be that bookstore. I'm going into this one

After I pointed out the respective bookstores, Alma nodded.

Got it. Then, I'm off

Don't forget to get a receipt

After confirming that Alma had headed to the bookstore, I also walked into the store I came for.

Oh, isn't it the youngster, Noel. Long time no see

When I entered the store, a grandfatherly man called out to me in a friendly manner. It was the owner of this store. He was a Gnome. They were characterized by the sheep-like horns growing out from the sides of their forehead. As the elderly shop owner had white hair and a great beard, he looked just like a real sheep.

Are you looking for a new Skill again?

The shop owner smoked his pipe and laughed gently.

I had used this store twice. It was when I had purchased the Skill-books for Assault Command and Stun Howl. The shop owner remembered me well because they were both expensive purchases.

I want a Skill-book for learning either defensive buff Skills or movement hindering debuff Skills. Do you have any in stock?

Yes, I have the full selection for both types. I'll prepare a list for you

Thanks. That helps

It's my job. You don't have to thank me. Oh yeah, it's different from what you want, but I've acquired a Skill-book that you may be interested in

The shopkeeper took out a blue book bound by a leather belt from near his feet. It was a Skill-book. As they lost their effect once they were read, Skill-books were strictly sealed so that no one could read them without permission.

What Skill is that for?

It's Exorcism

What did you say!?

Exorcism was one of the very few offensive Talker Skills. Its effect was limited to undead types such as ghosts or zombies, but the effect was tremendous, as it could instantly vanquish an enemy of the same rank. Even if the opponent was of a higher rank and resisted the Skill, it wasn't the end as it could still drastically weaken the opponent.

This was one of the Skill-books that I wanted no matter what because most of the undead would no longer be a threat once I learned this Skill.

Isn't this a super rare item that you haven't been able to acquire all this time......

Yes, it has been decades since I last laid my eyes on one

......I'm afraid to ask, but how much is it?

It's 30 million Fil

30 million!?

I had figured, but it was really exorbitantly expensive. Skill-books were expensive in the first place. For something that was super rare like this, a price of 30 million Fil was only natural...... Even the strongest Skill I had at the moment, Assault Command, had cost me 18 million Fil when I bought it.

B, by the way, can I pay by installments?

That's impossible. I've already been contacted by several collectors who want it. I want to sell it to Noel, who can make good use of it, rather than handing it to a collector, but unfortunately it's difficult to trust you at the moment. Have you formed a new party yet?

So you've already heard......

Being remembered wasn't all good. Just like this, the shop owner would also know of bad results and situations.

Like the shopkeeper said, I had stopped Abyss-related activities, so no matter how many achievements I had before, they were only a thing of the past, and my social credit value was zero. There would be no one who was foolish enough to accept 30 million Fil in installments from someone like me.

30 million Fil...... As might be expected, it's really impossible to pay that all at once.....

It was regrettable, but I had no choice but to give up. When I dropped my shoulders, the shopkeeper smiled for some reason.

One month. I'll hold onto this for one month without selling it to anyone

Eh? Hold on to it......

Until then, try to gather money with your party members. If you want to surpass Over Death, you have to be able to do this much

I, I understand! I'll definitely become able to buy it in a month, so you must absolutely not sell it to anyone! It's a promise!

I couldn't help getting excited like a child, but this was a chance that I didn't want to let slip. I wanted Exorcism so much that I would pay an arm and a leg after all. If I missed this opportunity, who knows how long it would be until I got another chance at it.

I won't break my promise. Youngster Noel, don't betray my expectations

Leave it to me. If I have a month, it'll be perfect

I had no intentions of remaining stuck in my current predicament anyway. There were many possible ways to overcome the situation. And if there was a deadline, my motivation would double.

At the shop owner's testing look, I nodded strongly.

I gave up on my planned purchase of the Skill-book and decided to save that money for Exorcism. Rather than strengthening myself in a half-baked manner, it would be a better use of the money.

However, that was what I had judged based on my circumstances. The plan for Alma was to buy a new Skill-book as originally planned.

There was still no contact from Alma. Maybe she was delayed while making the purchase. I headed to the store where Alma was.

When I entered the store, Alma was just at the counter finishing up her purchase.

Oh, Noel came?

Alma tilted her head slightly when she noticed me.

Yeah, I was done on my side. What Skill-book did you buy?

Armor Piercing. A Throwing Skill that halves the effects of the target's defense. It's price is 800,000 Fil

I see. That's a good Skill

I immediately came up with many uses for this Skill after hearing about its effects. The range of possible strategies would be greatly expanded.

And this too

Alma took a large box that had been placed on the counter.

What's that?

Fufufu, this is--

She opened the lid of the box. What she took out of it, was a stuffed teddy bear.

......What's that?

It's a stuffed teddy bear

No, I can tell that just by looking. Why is there a stuffed teddy bear here?

I love them, so my shop deals with them specially~

The one who had replied in place of Alma, was the young female shop owner.

Isn't it cute~? Please take good care of him~!

I don't care. What are you talking about?

I understood that this store sold stuffed teddy bears. That was something that did not interest me one bit. What I had a problem with, was why Alma was holding onto one.

Err, are you going to buy that?

I'm going to buy it. The Skill-book costs 800,000 Fil, and it happens that I can pick him up using the remaining 200,000 Fil

You're going to charge it as a party expense!? That's not what I meant when I said that the budget was up to 1 million!

Or rather, isn't 200,000 Fil pretty expensive? I'm not sure because I don't have any knowledge about stuffed animals, but I do know that they are luxury items.

Idiot, don't buy such things using party funds. Hurry up and put it back on the shelf

Eh~~! Buy it, buy it! Buy it!

No means no! A selfish child is no child of mine!

Boo~..... I wanted to hug it when I slept......

What the heck are you saying when you're already 21 years old......

When I was at a loss for words with amazement, Alma made a show of sighing loudly.

Got it. I'll give up on it


In exchange, Noel will be my hugging pillow instead. I'll head to your room when I'm going to sleep so keep your window unlocked, got it? Well, even if you lock it, I'll be able to get in

Oh well, it can't be helped. I'll buy it for you

It's cheap if I can buy my personal safety with just 200,000 Fil.

Leisha x Noel? ()

There may be a few of Noels replies in the last conversation that seemed slightly out of place, but that was just Noel using stereotypical replies by parents to selfish children which means that despite Noel complaining about Alma messing around with him, he is not above joking back at all

Next chapter, we will be looking through the eyes of another character who has never had a POV before. Who will it be this time?

Stay tuned because the story is going to be turned up a notch and well be at full speed till the end.

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