The Strongest Conquest System

Chapter 61: Mysterious Black Space Part 2

Chapter 61: Mysterious Black Space Part 2


20 minutes later...

"What the hell is this nonsense?!??" Azmond was left in a stunned state after he looked at the still unscathed black surface.


"How do I leave this place then...?" A worried look began to appear on Azmond's face.

"What do I do if my Little Ice Flower wakes up from her deep sleep while I am left in this weird black space???" That's right, Azmond wasn't worried over his own safety...

He was worried about not being by Crystalline's side when she wakes up.

"I need to get out here! But How?!?" Azmond was starting to freak out a little when he thought about his Ice Bunny being all alone when she woke up after sleeping for so long by herself.

"There has to be a way out of this place, but what is it??"

"Why was I sent to this weird space to begin with?? Is it some sort of trap set up by those clowns beyond the heavens who were messing with me earlier?" A deep rooted hatred spread across Azmond's face before it disappeared once Azmond began thinking deeper into the matter.

"No..." Azmond responded to his own question with a knowing expression.

"Although they tried to strike me down with that large lightning bolt earlier, It wasn't enough to fully kill me, which means they must've been taking some kind of gamble on whether or not I would make it out of that predicament alive."

"Why would all mighty dic*heads like them take a gamble on whether or not I would die when they have so much power at their disposal?"

"My earlier theory that something must be restricting them from taking drastic actions and immediately cutting me off from this life must be true."

"And, if that is truly the case, the setting up of an impermeable space like this one would definitely be against whatever rules are working against them." Azmond muttered to himself, wearing a discerning expression.

"If this weird space is not set up by some chauvinistic a*sholes, then I must be in some sort of space... of my own creation????" Azmond was astonished at his own thought process, but that was the only thing that made any sense to Azmond after cutting down the potential causes.

"...But How?!? How did I create such a space without even being aware of it?!? Is this some mind trick???" Azmond was pacing around inside the pitch black space with a disorganized train of thought.

And as if a flash of an idea was transmitted inside of Azmond's brain, he suddenly stopped pacing. "Wait. Could it be because of my breakthrough?" Azmond asked himself with a stupefied expression.

"That is the only thing that makes any sense... I didn't do anything special between my breakthrough ending and now."

"My breakthrough must've been the catalyst that set this whole situation in motion, but why??" Azmond was still a little confused on that part. Why would a black space materialize out of nowhere because of his breakthrough??

"What is so special about the breakthrough into the 15th Stage of Quantum Qi Condensation???" Azmond began pacing around again until he was hit by a sudden bolt of inspiration as a knowing look emerged on his face. "Ohhh! My Quantum Gate Skill! Yes, that must be it! That is the most special aspect of the 15th Stage of Quantum Qi Condensation!" Azmond had finally figured out what he thought was the cause of this weird predicament before another question popped into his head.

"What do I do with this information, though?" Azmond felt like an idiot after figuring out the catalyst for the creation of this black space, but not knowing a single thing he should do with that newfound information...

"Maybe it has something to do with my comprehension of the Quantum Gate Skill? Hmm..." Azmond put on a contemplative look as he affirmed his theory.

"YES! That must be it! This space must be some sort of training ground or something that will allow me to gain full comprehension of my Quantum Gate Skill."

Azmond, after deciding that this must be what he has to do in this black space, walked a few meters away and tried to summon his Quantum Gate Skill.

"No time to waste then! I should just get right to it and see if casting the Quantum Gate Skill will help me get out of this strange place." Azmond's expression, which went through a multitude of emotions, turned into his usual indifferent one as he began to cast his Quantum Gate Skill.

Somehow, Qi was being swirled around the inside of this mysterious space as massive amounts of it swarmed towards Azmond before the entire place was subsequently lit up like a dazzling light show.

"Finally some light in this damned place." Azmond's gaze traveled toward the bright Qi coming straight at him.

He stared at the Qi for a moment before focusing back on the task at hand.

"I could very well have died the last time I used this skill... Hopefully, this time, something different will happen." A wry smile nearly appeared on Azmond's face when he thought of his past recklessness when he last summoned this skill.

"Oh Welll! No reason to chicken out now! Hahahaha!" Azmond spoke with a crazed voice before loud, maniacal laughter resounded across the black space.

Azmond held up both of his hands before saying a couple words that could very well be the cause of his death.

"QUANTUM GATE!" Azmond's insane smile never left his face, even as he cast the skill.

There was no need to say the spell's name out loud, but Azmond thought he would seem cooler that way.


The Qi from within the black space and a good chunk of Azmond's own Qi gathered into the atmosphere as a swirling mass of cosmic energies began to form above Azmond's hands in the shape of a black hole.

The black hole above Azmond's hands started to expand.

5 meters... 10 meters... 20 meters... 60 meters... 180 meters... 500 meters... 1000 meters...

"It is doing something far different than what it did last time. That is for sure." A stupefied look spread across Azmond's features as he looked at the giant black hole that was increasingly growing in size above his hands, like it wanted to devour the very world itself.

The giant black hole kept on growing and growing.

1500 meters... 1800 meters... 2500 meters... 4000 meters... 5000 meters... 7000 meters... 8000 meters... 9000 meters... 9999 meters...

The massive black hole ultimately stopped increasing in size once it reached a grand total of 9999 meters.


"This is going to be fun!" A small grin emerged on Azmond's face as he prepared to unleash the full destruction of this catastrophic spell upon the black space.

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