The Strongest Conquest System

Chapter 66: Newfound Strength Part 2

Chapter 66: Newfound Strength Part 2

"I aimed my attack quite far away to see just how much greater my range has increased as compared to before my breakthrough spree."

"And it looks like my attack range increased by at least a few fold as compared to the me that was in the 12th Stage of Quantum Qi Condensation." Azmond said to himself, with a slight grin almost forming on his impassive expression.

"People would normally assume that combat power was the hardest thing to increase of all your attributes, but they would be dead wrong." Azmond fully got into the role of an all-knowing immortal cultivator once again as he lectured no one in particular.

"The true hardest attribute to increase the effectiveness of would be the range of any sort of attack." Azmond spoke in an ancient tone as he started stroking his non-existent beard again.

"What is about to transpire is a prime example of that fact." Azmond's hardened gaze traveled to the strike that he released not even a few milliseconds ago.

The pure destructive energy that was being emitted from Azmond's still-moving punch was utterly ridiculous.

A good comparison to the destruction that this simple punch of Azmond's was causing to the path that the attack followed along would be synonymous with a modern-day scorched earth.

Azmond noticed the extreme amount of damage his attack was causing to the environment and couldn't help but feel a tad bit bad over what he had done on a whim, but Azmond refused to regret what he had done.

He would just promise himself to tone it down a notch the next time he wanted to test his strength, or at least keep the needless mass destruction of the environment to a minimum.

'Next time, I will just aim my strike at the moon...' Anticipation filled Azmond's heart as his eyes sparkled a little when he saw his next opponent slightly visible through the wide assortment of clouds that had parted ways with the launch of Azmond's punch.

"..." One of the moons of this planet was left baffled at the insane claims of this tiny man.


Azmond truly was a madman through and through.


Meanwhile, the attack that Azmond released with a mere 10% of his strength was now only a couple thousand meters out, as the brunt end of the strike had already started to majorly affect the large mountain that impeded its path.

The mountain's current state was well...

Not so good...

Half the mountain had already been evaporated by the energy being emitted from the tip of Azmond's strike.

That same side of the mountain melted until it became a dark red substance that began to leak down the rest of the mountain.

The other side of the mountain was not doing any better, as it was nearly on the verge of becoming a big puddle of magma as well.

It was being heated to insane temperatures after becoming exposed to the intense aura surrounding Azmond's attack.


A few microseconds pass in the blink of an eye...

The mountain was now no more...

The attack hadn't even landed, and yet, the mountain was left a big glob of magma and melted rocks.


A few more milliseconds pass, and the attack finally hits what was supposed to be its mark, but is instead forced to pass right through the eviscerated mountain and land a few miles forward, where yet another innocent mountain stood tall and strong.

'Brother Rocky!! You were supposed to block that attack for the both of us! How could you do this to me?!??' This new mountain was freaking out internally as its impending doom was staring it right in the face.

This mountain watched its neighbor mountain get destroyed not even a few milliseconds prior, and it knew that it was next on the insane man's hit list.

Azmond's attack didn't care about the squabblings of a lone mountain, and without mercy, it struck down the mountain.

The mountain was hit with a loud bang, followed by a deadening explosion!

The mountain was ultimately shattered by Azmond's strike and split up into millions of pieces before those small pieces ended up melting into small magma puddles as well.

Azmond's strike still hadn't completely dissipated after all that, and it slightly changed directions before spiraling into the earth with a vengeance.

The earth was drilled into with a passion, as a deep, bottomless pit, dozens of miles wide, was formed after Azmond's attack ultimately subsided.

"..." Azmond was left speechless at this development as he gazed off into the distance and saw a large mushroom materializing above where his strike landed.

Azmond, like the valiant man he was, responded with a heroic tone. "Welp, none of my business now." Azmond turned his head and started walking in the complete opposite direction of the explosion before beginning to whistle with a nonchalant expression.

"I wanted to test the full extent of my power, but it looks like I should hold off for now..."

"... Is what any sane person would say, but luckily that is not a trait that anyone would use to describe me, haha!" Azmond began running in a random direction while laughing like a maniac.

All anyone could see, besides a figure flashing at inanely fast speeds across the boundless Great Wildlands, was a slightly distorted grin on that elusive figure.

'I still haven't tried out my super skillful sword techniques yet, so I can't give up now!' Azmond thought to himself with a mischievous smile, adorning his immortal-like features.


Azmond kept on running in a direction he decided on arbitrarily, followed by many sonic booms...

He kept on before abruptly stopping in the middle of a vast expanse of flat land with a few large mountain ranges in sight.

"This spot should be far enough away from both the Giant Spiritual Stone garden and the explosion that I accidentally caused." Azmond's indifference once again emerged on his features before he began to take out the already materialized lightning sword that he had been keeping inside his storage ring this entire time.

Accidentally, he says...


Azmond gets back into his sword-immortal posture as a dangerous glint flashes across his eyes.

Azmond begins to speak to the mountain ranges that surrounded him on all sides with a valiant posture. "I will give you guys the same time to prepare that I gave to the last couple mountains."

What time did you give them to prepare? ...

"Gather up all your strength and defend against my next attack as well as you can." An ice cold voice came out of Azmond's mouth as he continued speaking.

"Don't look away for a second; don't get distracted; don't even blink."

"For if you do..." Azmond's indifferent voice suddenly appeared a lot colder as the lightning elements that made up his sword started to violently crackle before Azmond got into the proper sword stance that he learned from a cultured book in his past life.

"You won't even know how you died." Azmond finished his words before unleashing all the power he could muster in the form of a simple sword strike...

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