The Successor of the Underworld is a Cheat Player

Chapter 58

The Successor To The Underworld Is A Cheat Player 58


The special rewards that emerged from this only scratched the surface of Sein’s growth.

Considering just his level, it was over 10.

When everything about Sein was added up…


It would be impossible to express it merely in terms of levels.

Snap, snap.

Sein cracked his neck, loosening his joints.

Sein’s hunt.


Had just begun.

In front of Sein’s eyes, it seemed as if a black wave was rushing towards him.


A deafening roar, like the ground shaking, was the frenzied howl of the massive monsters, easily five times the number of monsters other candidates faced.

Yet, the smile on Sein’s lips as he faced them was unwavering.

“This is it.”

It comes to mind.

“This is what it is.”

The glory of the past, the memories that were just pure joy.

-This can’t be! This is a game?

Skipping meals, enjoying the game while returning to life.

The true joy of Sanctuary was…

“This is it.”

This was it.


At Sein’s call, the Holy Sword began to emit light.

Bastion, consuming Sein’s sanctity and vitality as if being sucked in.



Sein didn’t fall victim to the creature as before.

A tightly clenched fist exuded immense strength.

And slowly.


He slashed horizontally towards the monsters rushing at him.

At that moment.


A white line seemed to be drawn on the horizon.

“I’ve lived for this taste.”

Sein, opening his eyes, stood in a dark space.

It was the Jumadang.

The area former Chwerry players referred to as the level-up zone.

He had thought it might be impossible in the current world, but with Rasel’s help, he could hunt more monsters than in the glory days of the past.

Step by step.

Sein approached the stone of life.

It shone even more brightly than before, as if representing Sein’s shining life.

“Whether it’s Dante or Naball….”


Sein placed his hand on the stone of life.

A brighter red light shone.

He could feel another bonus being etched into his body.

“It’s all over. Damn!”

He couldn’t contain the boiling excitement.




There was no crisis.

“Was that guy not actually a monster hunter?”

“Chichiron’s crazy dog definitely devoured monsters.”

Sein was truly perfect and precise.

He knew what monsters could barely be dealt with by the candidates’ efforts, accurately assessed the crisis, and took action himself.

“You wicked bastard.”

That’s why it was literally hell.

There was no rest.

Sein’s control of strength was perfect, allowing only the necessary rest.

“What a waste of potions.”

He also refrained from giving potions, knowing well the extent of injuries that wouldn’t strain him in battle.

Of course, it seemed like Sein took care of the remaining potions separately.

“Don’t die. You brats.”

Hell, literally.

They had to continue battling monsters without a break.

“Starting today, we change our approach.”


“Sleep time eliminated.”

“….Damn it!”

The candidates protested Sein’s words.

No matter how much power they had like superhumans, their shells were human.

If humans don’t sleep…

“Not dying. And why is there no time for rest? Who said not to sleep? I mean, there’s no designated bedtime.”

Sis was the one who understood Sein’s words.

“…Starting today, we hunt in shifts. We divide into teams and need to get used to it.”

One side sleeps, while the other protects and hunts monsters.

What they thought was absurd.

“Is this going to work?”

It suddenly became possible.

Once difficult, then easy.

“Hey, food’s ready. Eat later.”

They further divided the team, assigned meal duties, and even had rest time.

Of course.

“Why are they leaving me alone?”


Firecrackers bursting louder.

Sein didn’t just leave it be.

Yet, the reason the candidates could endure wasn’t solely due to the contract with Sein.

“How much stronger do you think we’ve become?”

“I don’t know.”

Feeling the increase in strength in their bodies.

Being able to easily deal with trolls that were hard to hunt yesterday.

After a few days, being able to hunt monsters alone that they couldn’t before.

Sein was replicating the sense of achievement that had driven many crazy in past games.

And after a few more days passed.


The first moment when the battle completely ceased arrived.

“What’s this?”

Sein took the lead and asked.

“…A labyrinth.”

Sis replied.


I had heard of it before.

When the saturation of darkness had progressed considerably, or rather, when it had fallen too low.

The darkness that had descended upon the world would release a maze to defend itself.

“This is not something we can handle on our own.”

The enemies of the maze were all creatures of darkness, and if the maze remained unconquered for some time.

“This is something that needs to be reported to Rasiel.”

The maze spewed out numerous creatures of darkness, decimating the surrounding areas.

This was also the reason why the concept of territories had emerged on the continent.

“The maze must not be easy to see…”

Just how many monsters had been slaughtered, really?

The candidates seemed to be in awe, recalling the time they had spent rather than the maze before their eyes.

It was only natural for the maze to be dealt with by a massive organization like Rasiel.

“Well, this is a first.”

“That’s right.”


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However, the candidates could sense something belatedly.

“No way, right?”

That there were those interested in the maze.

“So, there are creatures of darkness, or rather, monsters inside?”


“T-That’s right…?”

“Are there any treasures?”

“I’ve heard there are special artifacts that can only be found in the maze. Rare high-grade magic stones that are hard to come by…”

As always, Sys responded to Sein’s question mechanically.

But even Sys sensed something was amiss and said:

“No way, right?”

“It’s not.”

Sein was approaching the entrance of the maze where some candidates were standing, admiring the maze.

“How can we just overlook this?”

“Sein! This is…”


Sein locked eyes with a candidate who had been closest to the maze.

At the moment when he felt something odd and tried to turn away.

“Iz Sparta!”

Sein’s kick struck the candidate’s abdomen.

Sein’s strength was enough to burst a troll’s head, and even if he had restrained it, it was powerless against Sein’s kick.

“Aaargh! You crazy son of a biiiitch!”

The candidate fell straight into the entrance of the labyrinth.

“You can’t come out until it’s closed.”


Everyone could sense it.

“We lost. Damn it.”

That they would soon enter that hell.




“Has time really passed like this already?”

The chilly cold had passed, and it felt like spring had arrived.

Rashiel’s guild master, Alman, glanced out the window and suddenly scrunched his face.

A letter clenched in his hand.

It was a note that had become worn from being read over and over.

“When the time comes, I will return, so wait.”

It was a letter sent by one of the candidates.


Alman let out a bitter laugh.


The note crumpled weakly, unable to resist Alman’s power.

It had been barely a month, yet the reason the note had worn out was precisely this.

Anger, and disappointment.

“They say there’s a stage where humans accept death.”

Alman muttered to himself.

“Sain, are you my death?”

The promised deadline had arrived.

Sain hadn’t promised a deadline.

“Is it tomorrow.”

It was the day of the exchange event promised by Dante, another of the Demorus’s three organizations.

“If you fled out of fear….”

Alman, who was saying that, turned his head sideways.

He was definitely not one to run away.


‘They said there was a reaction in the labyrinth at the last location.’

However, when Rashiel belatedly began the investigation, the entrance to the labyrinth was nowhere to be found.

That meant two things.

Was the reaction in the labyrinth a mistaken assumption?

“They’re not crazy, so would they have just entered there without any hesitation.”

It was said that once someone entered the labyrinth, it closed its entrance.

Alman knew how crazy Sain was, but he didn’t think he would do that.



That’s what I wanted to believe.

If they were to enter the labyrinth, the inexperienced candidates would suffer a greater hell than what they would face in the Exchange Arena and coldly perish.

It was then.


On the other side of the window, there were those entering through the entrance of Lasciel.

“The free distribution period must have ended.”

Lasciel, in addition to various volunteer activities, occasionally carried out relief distributions for the poor.

The reason Alman thought this way was because those entering through Lasciel’s entrance seemed nothing short of beggars.


“This is insane.”

The figures and faces, the aura seemed familiar.

Alman realized.

There were those boldly entering through the main gate of Lasciel.

“Stop right there.”

Naturally, Lasciel’s guards couldn’t turn them away.


The guards wrinkled their noses at the foul smell wafting.

“The free feeding period is over.”

The guard, sensing that the people coming for food were from the poor area, spoke.

“And where you’re heading is not the main gate. Remember that next time.”

The guard gestured with disdain, covering his mouth and nose as if disgusted.

“…Damn it.”

Then a clear curse was heard.

“What did that bastard say?”

“It seems like he called us beggars.”

“…Well, we do look like beggars.”

Somewhere, the voice was familiar.

“As much as our pride is our pride, we’ll let it slide this time. Move.”

“These lunatics….”

Eventually, as the guard was about to draw his sword, emitting a threatening vibe…


But the guard couldn’t draw his sword in the end.


The one standing alongside the guard asked.

It was strange that his colleague, who seemed ready to swing his sword at any moment, suddenly stopped.

“My, my body, won’t move.”

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