The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 123

Chapter 123: CHAPTER 107 HENTAI

Now the cave seems like a miniature forest filled with numerous kinds of life

The unintelligent animals and low level monsters were used as hunting materials for the members of the organization

Shadowslash was quite satisfied of how much the cave have grown just as he was calmly watching the fishes and other animals living with each other Yshelia started speaking

“You know Shadowslash-san I have been thinking and realise that the Intelligent Monster Alliance is now an inappropriate name for the organization since now that the organization do not only consist of monsters but also those from other races”

“And it is also not an alliance but an organization under you so I think we should change its name”

Shadowslash also agreed thinking about this he told Yshelia “Okay why don’t I gather everyone or at least their representative and lets have a meeting about this”

Shadowslash then contacted everyone he even contacted Sans but he received his reply that he was too busy


Since finding out Shadowslash owns the land Sans increased his effort in absorbing the remnant Death Qi that was left in the battlefield

Once nearly everyone was gathered Shadowslash finally starts the meeting

“Okay I have gathered you all here to discuss on the new name of our organization and also officially give a name to the cave”

After everyone heard this they then started to whisper on the person besides them discussing to each other

Lily raised her hand and after seeing him nod she starts to tell her idea “What about calling the organization Shadowslash-sama Organisation and the cave Shadowslash-sama Paradise”

Shadowslash hurriedly shook his head and denies the idea even though mostly everyone accepted the idea

The others also started to share their idea one after another until the next day

After a whole day of discussion everyone finally agreed on a name well except for Shadowslash that is

Shadowslash Organisation

While the cave was now officially named Safehaven Paradise

After everyone dispersed Shadowslash started to continue training

Now Hentai was slowly forming his monster core and was now his dream of becoming human once again was slowly becoming true

The others are also doing their best on training spiritually

Gulli did not even teach and left it with one of the warriors he trained on the ways of the sword

He focused himself on becoming a human he borrowed some of the idea to the memories he obtained from the dead dragon in the cave while some of the ideas came from his bloodline

Mary also trains day and night improving her wisdom and spiritual strength with the daily dose of Silver Yin Water from the Lunar Silver Lake the improved version of Yin Pond and the Fox Grass that said to enhance a fox bloodline she was now becoming much more beautiful and intelligent

The girls upon seeing this also trained themselves

Russel was not worried at all since Shadowslash told him he will be responsible for carrying them throughout the adventure

A month have passed and finally Shadowslash body managed to adapt to his current level

The others have also trained their spiritual strength to a degree

Because of Sans and the others hard work some of the forest started rebuilding themselves

There were also three more villages in Hundred Race Land

One of the villages were created to house goblins, the other was for gnomes and the final one was for the humans

As Shadowslash slowly create his own kingdom the rest of the rulers of the land was getting interested on his land since Shadowslash managed to improved the quality of the land and make it more beautiful but none of them dared to take any advances towards the land

Numerous elves would travel across the land planting and taking care of the plants

The Air Force Division would daily fly around the land scattering seteds and scouting for lost people to bring into Hope Town

There was also the rumored black knight who would always travel the land in solo

Numerous spies were disposed off by him causing numerous dreadful rumors about him

Of course the rumored black knight is Sans who was nearing completion to his assignment

Shadowslash finally decided to start his adventure once Sans returned back

Hentai was now finishing Shadowslash transformation

Shadowslash also bought numerous books from Helia his payment was of course meats and fruits which was considered precious at this time since there is a food crisis going on

The books he order was human language, myths and legends, Currency book, Monsterology books and finally books about different kinds of plants

He also bought simple or basic book for numerous kinds of human warrior classes

Knights, Warriors, Assassin, Beasmaster, Tamer, Mages and Archers he did not manage to get a book for training healers abd summoners since it was super rare even the Mage book was already extremely rare he only manage to obtain it because his friendship with Helia

Of course he did not forgot to buy their appropriate books for their classes

Basic Archery book, Basic Swordsmanship book, Basic Spear Wielding book, Basic Saber Wielding book, Basic Shield Handling book, Basic Mana Gathering book, Basic Dagger Handling book, Basic Scout Practices book, Basic Taming boo, Basic Blood Fusion book

He also bought Basic Horsemanship book just in case

Archers are jobs that focus on handling a bow and high rank archers do not even need arrows but create their own arrows using their Mana and Energy

Knights are those that wear heavy armor and wields shield

Warriors are extremist who only wields their weapon and wears armor that do not restrict their movement because they are like the attacker of the human classes

Assassins have numerous kinds of jobs such as scout, spy and of course as killers so they must be extremely nimble and cautious

Mages are the literal cannons of the human classes since everyone had their own element to be compatible with there are numerous different kinds of Mages

Tamers could be easily understand easily since its job was to tame monsters to fight for them

Blood Fusion book is for Beastmaster unlike Tamer Beastmaster use the blood of monsters to strengthen their body and possibly obtain the monster’s bloodline the only downside is that there is a high risk of going berserk

Also basic books for jobs such as Basic Blacksmith book, Basic Tinker book, Basic Apothecary book, Basic Tailor Book, Basic Livestock Raising book and etc.

Once Shadowslash obtain the books he first had Hentai records them before distributing it to Hope Town increasing the strength and quality of the people living in his land

He also release numerous kinds of rewards for those who became proper human warriors

Those who have high talent for Mages class Shadowslash will gift them access on teleportation to the cave

Those that are young and have talent on any classes could train inside the cave for a week every month

Also those that could become proper blacksmith, tailor or etc now have a chance on living in the cave as long as they obtained enough contribution to Hundred Race Land

Even though this was disadvantageous to the humans but there is no such thing as equal in the world

Once this information was released numerous people became excited and all of them start to train themselves on the classes they wanted or was already good at

Shadowslash also had JM bring the gems ores he found underground

When Shadowslash saw the amount of golds, silvers, bronze and gems that JM obtain he was momentarily dumbfounded

The amount of gems could fill a cart, the amount of gold could fill a vault in a bank, the amount of bronze could 3 vaults but the most abundant was the Silver there were also a small amount of Mithril Gold that could fill a cart

It could fill a house maybe because JM was interested in eating Silver that’s why he managed to obtain a large amount of it

Since they were still unprocessed they still could not be used as currency but Shadowslash was not worried since Hentai was the one processing them into coins

Blaze would first melt them before Shadowslash absorbs it into his Mind Space or Spiritual Space and leave it to Hentai

Shadowslash also have Hentai combine some of the gold and silver and fill them with Metal Element before giving them to JM as rewards

With this reward JM could strengthen himself rapidly and could become much more sensitive towards Metals and Metal Element

With the huge amount of money Shadowslash become much more confident on his adventure

One Gold Coin is equal to 100 Silver Coin and One Silver Coin is equal to 100 Copper Coin

Shadowslash did.not change the value of currency on his land but he did change the design of the coins and also added another form of currency the Mithril Coin

Since Hentai could create a small ore vein using some of the ores JM brought and converting them into pure elemental energy Shadowslash could have unlimited supplies of coins inside the cave

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