The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: CHAPTER 127 UNDEADS

“Actually I was told there was a rumor about an elf slave if I can find the trader I would rescue her after all I know the elves would rather die than bend so I would definitely know she was forced” Shadowslash suddenly remember about the rumor circling around the city

Herish hearing this nodded before leaving Shadowslash and Herish actually do not have any problem to the slave traders

Actually at first they were disgusted by them but after finding out that most of slaves were not forced to be slaves some of them were sold by their own relatives for money while some just sold themselves to feed their family especially now that famine is running loose in the continent

Shadowslash now at least accepted the idea of owning a slave

Even though he somewhat accepted this situation he still knew there are other slave traders that would do criminal things just to sell

He now have a mission of saving the elf and of course for him the slave trader was already a dead meat who knows he might obtain some cash and obtain a couple of free slaves

After having lunch and rest Shadowslash then went back to the city he wanted to obtain more information about the rumor and also he wanted to truly integrate himself in the city


He was strolling around the city not only to obtain more information he also wanted to search for any plot of land that would be great to build the Guild Hall to

Just as he was walking around he heard a commotion and saw three adult thug looking men harassing two kids

Both kids looks thin and wears torn clothes the older one was a girl while the other one was a boy

“Hehehe cursed bitch how dare you ignore my instructions don’t you know what I do to disobedient children” After saying that the leader of the brutes started laughing so did his two henchmen

“Oh? you seem very tough but it seems that your just a sissy picking on a child why don’t you pick on somebody your own size” Suddenly a mocking voice was heard

“Who the f*ck!!” Hearing the mocking voice the leader of brutes got angry and turns his head towards Shadowslash

Suddenly his expression become malicious and sarcastically said “Look who’s talking if you wear a woman’s clothes I would definitely see you as a top class whore hahaha”

When Shadowslash heard their ridicule a very chilling aura burst from his body causing the laughing three brutes expression to change

“You know at first I just wanted to beat the three of you because your action disgust me but now I change my mind” After saying that Shadowslash put the three in an illusion and manipulated them to walk with him and go out of the city

The two kids might. be curious or just wanted to follow Shadowslash but they did follow the four of them

The commoners of the city seeing the three brutes following Shadowslash became quite scared but upon seeing their stupid expression everyone became quite curious

Once Shadowslash got farther away from the city he woke up the three brutes

After waking up the three brutes found themselves standing in an open and barren land

Just as they were very curious what the hell is happening a cough from the side was heard

When they turn towards the sound they saw Shadowslash smiling at them

Then it dawned to the three brutes why they were now out of the city and upon remembering the bone chilling aura of his the three of them paled immediately it seems that their ending is now very near

Upon realising this the leader of the brutes suddenly kowtow and started explaining “Boss we we did not mean to anger you right guys”

The two other brutes follows their leaders action and started to agree to whatever he is saying

Just as the three were begging Shadowslash sounds of a horse galloping was heard

The three of them thought that a knight came to rescue them they have a couple of secret and was working to somebody important so they thought that their master ordered someone to rescue them

“Hey Sans took you long enough” Just as the three were now hoping that their rescue was coming they heard Shadowslash greeting the rider

Shadowslash have already called for Sans when he was bringing the three brutes away from the city

He wanted to experiment on something just as the three brutes were still begging Shadowslash stabs their head one by one he did it as quick as possible

Seeing this the two kids trembles in fear seeing their reaction Shadowslash let out a chuckle before stopping Sans on the next procedure

He then took the two kids arm and brought them back to the mansion

When Shadowslash left Sans then proceeded to do what task that Shadowslash gave him

He first put his hand on the leader of the brutes head before activating [Death Dominator Mode] and sending a large amount of Death Qi towards the corpse

Suddenly the corpse started convulsing and after a while it calmed down

Seeing this Sans tilt his head sideward he was very confused why did his method fail

He then calms down and tries to feel the Death Qi in the air

Suddenly he felt a faint special kind of energy submerging in the brute’s body but after a while it would be destroyed by the sun’s light

Sans finally realised why his method did not succeed it is because it is still morning

He then drags the three brutes corpses back to the mansion

After returning he told Shadowslash what happened

After listening to his explanation Shadowslash told him to dig three human size hole to bury the three in and have him to input an amount of Death Qi in the three corpses till night

After telling Sans what to do he went back to the city he was happy to find a method to increase the strength of his organization

Other than that he found the two siblings that he rescued have potential to be mages

The older sister has white hair and have affinity towards two elements according to Hentai it was Ice and Astral

Shadowslash was actually surprised to find out that another element

From Hentai’s explanation Astral element is a fusion of Light and Space and a bit of Yin element and Astral Element can only be trained during the night since Astral energy only came from Astral Bodies

For her brother he have black hairs and have affinity to the element Dark and Water

So he had Mitz teach the two of them just like Terris

He also add to the two of them to the special group and gave them names for the older sister she was called Star and the little brother Haze

After an eventful day night came everyone was asleep other than Sans

He spent all day infusing the three corpses with a large amount of Death Qi other than that Shadowslash told him to increase his experiment so he found a way to do so

One corpse resides in a hole filled with large amount of flesh

One corpse would be infused by Death and Yin Qi

The last corpse have Chew collar on it so that it would be also infused with Demonic Qi

At the dead of the night the three holes that Sans buries the three corpses in started to tremble

*Boom* An arm came out of the first hole the hole that was filled of meat

After a couple of minutes a very scary looking monster came out this one is made off of a cluster of meat it looks like a zombie version of Hulk the corpse used for this was the leader of the brutes

Just as the first zombie came out the second one

This time the corpse become thinner but the length of its hair increased it also have very long and sharp nails to its arms and legs it also developed razor sharp teeth and silvery eyes

The final one also burst open from its hole when it came out a flood of Demonic Qi also burst out

The last corpse lost all of its flesh and became a skeleton who was at least half a size bigger than average size skeleton it also have two bone horns on its head

When the three undeads came out they all instinctive kneeled in front of Sans

Even if Sans was not on his [Death Dominator Mode] the three undeads would still worship him because he was their creator

Sans knew that the three of them would definitely get stronger if they would fight each single day so he decided to request from Shadowslash to have him train the three undeads in Howling Ridge

Morning came Shadowslash went to find Sans if their experiment is a fail or not

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