The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 70



“Hey everybody we have returned” One Rock entered the gate he immediately announced their arrival



“Big Bro”

Countless cries were heard as numerous children and woman threw themselves at their beloved and family

Shadowslash was getting more sad as he see how thin the children and women became

“Everyone we hunted a monster that could last us for 2 to 3 days” Rock suddenly shouted as he lift one of the 4 part of the Savage Tiger that Shadowslash killed


Hearing this everyone cheered it seems that food became really scarce for them at this times all of the children were even drooling as they saw the piece of meat

Seeing this Shadowslash once again sighed he never thought the village situation was so dire

After chatting with the other villagers Rock then brought Shadowslash into a somewhat better house than the other tattered ones

“Dad I am back” Rock knocked at the door

“Oh Rock you have returned” An aged voice was heard inside the house

Then the door was opened by an old man in a walking stick with a long goatee

“Dad I brought someone that wanted to talk to you” Seeing the old man Rock immediately presented Shadowslash

Seeing Shadowslash the old man kept rubbing his eyes thinking that his eyes were tricking him

Seeing this Rock laughed and explained “Dad your eyes are not tricking you this is Shadowslash the ruler of the inner part of Jade Forest and as you can see he is a monster”

Hearing this the old man looks at Shadowslash with amazement he then hurriedly invited him in

After leading Shadowslash on his bed it seems that it was the most comfortable place in the house

“May I asks why you are looking for me great Shadowslash-san” The old man asks carefully

“There is only one reason why I seek for you and that is to have your village swear allegiance to me” Shadowslash said in a somewhat loud tone

Hearing this both Rock and his dad was surprised they both asks in unison “What!!?”

Shadowslash let out a chuckle and said “I am serious if your village swear allegiance I can improve its situation won’t that be great for all of the villagers”

After hearing this both Rock and his dad thought about it and agreed if they have the protection of Inner Jade Forest Ruler their safety would definitely increased

“Okay I agree with your request in turn I want you to take care of all my villagers” Rock’s dad seriously asks

Rock was surprised to hear his father agreeing to Shadowslash request

Shadowslash smiled and answered in a matter of a fact manner “Yes of course after all once you all swear allegiance to me all of you will be my subordinates”

Hearing this Rock’s dad embarrassedly said “We’ve been talking with each other for a bit now and yet I still haven’t introduced myself I am Stone the village head of this village”

“Pffrt hahaha Stone and Rock you two really are father and son” Shadowslash laughed after hearing their names

Hearing this Rock and Stone embarrassedly scratched their head

After chatting up for a bit Stone ordered Rock to gather all the villagers to the center of the village

Once everyone finally gathered Stone showed up in front of all the villagers he was being supported by Rock

“Everyone I have gathered all of you here because of an importance announcement that is relating to the village future” Stone calmly said

Everyone then started to wait and what he will be announcing

“Everyone I decided to submit to Shadowslash here”

Knowing that it is his turn to say something Shadowslash stepped forward

When he was finally in front of everyone he started speaking through the SYSTEM

“Hello everyone you might not know this but I am Shadowslash the ruler of inner part of Jade Forest”

“I am only here for one reason I want to obtain this village but don’t be afraid as long as you are obedient and loyal to me I will not harm you on the contrary I will care for you”

After he was done speaking everyone started whispering with each other and the sounds gets louder as time passed

“Everyone be quiet!” Rock suddenly stepped forward and yelled at the villagers

“Some of you might not know this but earlier when we are hunting Shadowslash-san saved Richard do all of you think that we could hunt the tiger from earlier without suffering any casualties”

“You can asks any hunter that was with me earlier they could ascertain my claim”

After the short outburst Rock quieted down but he still looks at the villagers with a dissatisfied look

After the villagers discuss for a bit they all agreed to be under Shadowslash rule and all of them swore allegiance to him even the children

After obtaining their agreement Shadowslash contacted France and have him bring 4 Fireback Wolves, 3 Shadow Wolves, 7 Wind Wolves and 2 Mountain Hawks

After that he then proceeded to asks Stone and Rock about additional info about the village

After listening to them for an hour he found out many things like there are 33 villagers all in all 8 including Rock were adult ones that could hunt, a dozen children, there are 9 adult women and there are 4 elders including Stone

After he find out about this he had 4 adult men guard the village while he and Rock together with the rest of the hunters hunt for food

Rock’s and the other hunters weapon were quite premedial spears with a sharpen stone on its tip

Seeing how lacking they are in weapon comparing them with the soldiers he saw it was like heaven and earth

After thinking about this he remembered that they have a Bronze Rank spider members its just that Banjo sometimes would pick on them not to the point it was too much but he would try to beat them up as an excuse for training it seems that he still hated spiders

He decided to have them produce silks for the humans and also some of their strong strings for the bows

Shadowslash then brought the hunters to explore outside of the forest this is actually the first time he explored the location

When exploring he find out that it was just a rigid road towards a certain place Shadowslash knew that this road lead to a human settlement

After exploring with the hunters for an hour they finally managed to found a prey

Rampaging Stallion (Very Rare Grade Chaos Beast) (Bronze Rank) (Mutated) (Low 0th Tier of Chaos)

Shadowslash did not immediately help but decided to watch how the hunters hunt on their own first

Rock then took his giant wooden shield and started to walk closer to the Rampaging Stallion the others started raising their spears and pointed it to the stallion

The Rampaging Stallion let out a angry neigh and ran towards Rick before raising its front hooves and smashing them to the shield

*Bam* the attack broke the shield and blow away Rock

Even though this happened the other hunters did not panicked and started stabbing their spear towards the Rampaging Stallion

*Neigh* The Rampaging Stallion got angry being injured just as it was about to stomp one of the hunters a flying spear flew towards it and stabs its neck causing it to bleed a lot and was now panicking

It decided to flee but just as it was about to turn its head Shadowslash made a move and cut off its head

The hunters seeing this heaved a sigh of relief and started to pick their weapon 2 of the spears were destroyed in the process

They then carried the Rampaging Stallion corpse and started returning back to their village

When they are near the village a flaming humanoid like thing blocks their way

Hellsfire Demon (Silver Lvl 1) (Low Rank Elemental Demon) (Destructive Type Demon)

“@#@#@#@@@@##@@@#@@” The Hellsfire Demon started speaking something but because none of them understand it they all revealed a confused expression

Suddenly Shadowslash felt the Mana in the surrounding seems a bit volatile and realised that the demon was not talking with them but was chanting an incantation

Realising this Shadowslash then activated his [Clairvoyance] after scrutinizing the demon for a a sec he found the demon’s core

*Swish* with a fast swipe Shadowslash easily took the Hellsfire Demon’s core

The Hellsfire Demon aura immediately started to dissipate it let out an hysterical roar as it tried to takes its core back

When Shadowslash was about to devour the core the SYSTEM notified him

(The Hellsfire Demon decided to submit to host)

Hearing this he was quite surprised and then look at the Hellsfire Demon curiously

(Host do not need to be vigilant the demon kind have strict hierarchy so does contract as long as you accept its allegiance it will be like gaining an extra summoned monster)

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