The Summoned Monster That Is Summoning Another Monster

Chapter 89



“What!!! none of you could lead the others aren’t you all monsters surpassing Gold Rank” Shadowslash couldn’t help but exclaimed because he knew once a monster achieve Gold Rank they would gain intelligence and after reaching Crimson Gold Rank their intelligence is comparable to humans but to think this is the situation

Hearing his exclamation the others scratched their head feeling embarrassed and guilty

“Why?” He couldn’t help but ask since he knew that they have the ability to lead some low level and non intelligent monsters

Troll Commander sighed “It is because we are monsters its on our trait to attack head on and you are the only one who could balance being a monster and being smart”

“When we fight we lost ourselves and started to become wild so none of us could supervise the others because of this the weaker ones would have a high chance in dying”

“But you don’t have to worry since the monsters that died were mostly came from other forest and not your members”

Hearing this he looks at the new faces that Troll Commander brought he always wanted to know who they are and now hearing this he realised that they must be monsters from another forest


“Oh? which forests does these monsters resides in?” He then turned to Troll Commander and asks

Troll Commander looks a bit sad he then turned to the ones behind seemingly asking permittion

The monsters looks indignant, furious and sad but they still nodded at Troll Commander

*Sigh* “Actually they came from the forest that have been ravaged by the Chaos Beasts and Abyssal Demons because this is the one of the only forests that was not conquered or ravage in the island they all converged here to take one last stand against the invaders”

Shadowslash was very startled by this because the new Crimson Gold Rank that Troll Commander brought did not only have monsters but different races there is 3 elves, an ogre, a old goblin in a mage suit, 12 demi-human which consist of 2 bunny eared girls, a leopard girl, 4 wolf guy, 3 bull horned guys and 2 eagle winged ones

There were also 3 minotaurs and the rest were monsters

When Shadowslash counted their number he was shocked to find out there were actually 50 Crimson Gold Rank individuals in the cave of course including him

“With your number all of you could definitely decimate all the Chaos Beasts in the horde into ashes so why didn’t you?”

Hearing this question Troll Commander became solemn “Because the Abyssal Demons and Chaos Beasts joined forces and now they outnumber us 2 to 1 and that was not including those Chaos Beasts and Abyssal Demons from Gold Rank and Below that estimated to be at least 10,000”

Shadowslash couldn’t help but sucked in a cold breath he was extremely dismayed hearing this peace of information

“It seems that we really are on a disadvantage but what about the humans would they just leave these invaders” Knowing that the Chaos Beasts and Abyssal Demons would never leave the humans alone and would definitely destroy them he was sure that the humans would surely join in the fight

“Of course the humans also joined in this war actually it was only because all of us joined forces that we manage to held on after this long”

Shadowslash heaved a sigh of relief at least they could defend the continent even though barely but as long as they could find a chance they would strike back

After asking some more the Troll Commander left together with the other Crimson Gold Rank individuals it is still tense in the battlefield and Troll Commander only wanted to introduce the others to Shadowslash

Shadowslash then have meeting with everyone in the IMA

He told the Gold Rank members that they needed to lead at least 3 Silver Rank and 5 Bronze Rank members every time they go to the battlefield and they must cooperate with each other and maintain their unity

None Rank members stays on the cave and must not participate no matter what

His mother and all the girls must also standby on the village since he heard from earlier that the village was still there

He wanted them to guard the village and maintain the order he also had all the elves accompany them since they could return back to the cave with the portal

Also all the wolves who are on Silver Rank and above of the three great Wolf Clan would prowl about around the village but they should only maintain a distance of 30 meters from the village they could closer to the village but not farther

Air Force Division would accompany the wolves

Each group would consist of 5 Fireback and Wind Wolves with 3 Shadow Wolves as ambush and 2 Mountain Hawk and 3 Poison Feathertip Bird

He also had JM create numerous pitfalls on the battlefield on their enemies sides he had Sean Sean help him with that

He had France, J-Darwin and Karl fight in the frontline but he warned them to only fight the Gold Rank ones

Clwyd and Blaze would be the ones responsible for bombarding their countless enemies their only job is to stay in the back of the frontline and release their skills as much as they can

Sans, Gulli, Russel and him would be responsible in fighting against any Crimson Gold Rank Chaos Beasts and Abyssal Demons he was sure that Sans have already Rank up considering that he could devour a huge amount of fleshy essence in the battlefield he was the one who truly in an advantage during a war

Banjo, JL, Klain and Don Don would also enter in the frontline even though they were just Silver Rank they are no weaker than Gold Rank but when he told them about this he was shocked to find out that Banjo was already a Gold Rank monster while Klain and Don Don was very close in Ranking up it seems that after continuously fighting in the war everyone in the organization improved in tremendous pace

Red together with his brother black would be responsible in taming any Bat Demon they can capture

He couldn’t help but sigh in disappointment thinking that he did not manage to sign a contract with that Windbreaker Archer Demon

Suddenly he remembered about the Nightwalker Demon that he captured too bad the humans did not manage to kill the traitor he decided to look at its condition

When he arrived at the Bewitching Everdark Rose domain where the Nightwalker demon was held he was shocked to see how strong it had gotten but he also saw fanaticism look of the demon when standing besides the Bewitching Everdark Rose

He was shocked by this sight the Nightwalker Demon might have sensed him so it turned its head towards his direction when he saw him it immediately prostrate itself and loudly shouted “Lord!!!”

Hearing this he was startled he then sent an inquisitive look at the Bewitching Everdark Rose Spirit

“Master it was because of my ability Dark Blessing causing this demon to become extremely loyal to me that it even destroyed its contract causing an extremely harmful effect to its soul” Said the Bewitching Everdark Rose Spirit in a very cute voice it seems that it was still immature

“Oh? if his spirit was greatly damaged then wouldn’t he become an imbecile?” He then asks because from what he saw the Nightwalker demon can still think

“Master I already have solved that with replacing its soul with extremely pure dark energy now it is now considered a half elemental demon” Hearing this Shadowslash really wanted to look at its stats too bad that the SYSTEM is still undergoing upgrade

He then ordered the Nightwalker Demon to join the war and any demons or Chaos Beasts that it kills would be his and would use to strengthen the Bewitching Everdark Rose

Hearing that he could obtain fertilizers for his goddess the Nightwalker Demon immediately went to the portal but Shadowslash stopped it and told it to only participate during the night

Shadowslash then went to the Abyssal Valley to find Gulli during the gathering he did not find Gulli so he went to the valley

When he arrived there he saw Gulli practicing with his sword the two swords now look different as they were like embedded on its arm he also grown another pair of dragon arms his wings have also gotten much bigger and he have four pair of them one looks like a dragon wing while the other is like bat like demon wing

What made Shadowslash greatly shocked was how Gulli shrunk he is now only 10 meters high

His two demon horns have also gotten much longer causing him to look more menacing while his third horn the dragon horn did not change but Shadowslash felt a terrifying aura radiating from

“Hey Gulli!” Hearing his voice made Gulli freeze he then turned his head towards hos direction he then yelled

“Master!!!” Looking at how happy Gulli was seeing him Shadowslash couldn’t help but smile

“It seems that you have gotten stronger during this past months” Shadowslash couldn’t help but marvel how extremely horrifying the aura that Gulli is radiating

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