The supporting character's harem is very normal

Chapter 406 Trouble Arrives

Chapter 406 Trouble Arrives

Dorack felt something was wrong, so he continued asking: "Why did you accept such an unreasonable condition?"

Doik gritted his teeth and spoke sadly: "Everyone in the village thinks I'm close to you; that's why they don't want to help me."

"At that time, I didn't know what to do to find food. In the end, I had to borrow Doba's food."

Doba laughed loudly: "Hahahahaha... Doik, don't try to run away. When you borrowed my food, many people witnessed it, including the village chief."

"If you don't return the food to me, no, if you don't return the food to me in five days, the village chief will kick you out of the village, hahahaha…"

Doik bowed his head, not daring to say anything. Dorack looked at Doik helplessly; he then sighed and said: "Okay, don't worry, I will help you."

"Heh!? This..." Doik said embarrassedly: "Dorack, you saved me once; I haven't paid you back yet. How can I continue to bother you?"

"You do not need to say much." Dorack clasped his hands: "Your family used to help me and raise me. I still owe your family a lot.

"Dorack, thank you…" Doik's eyes turned red, as if he wanted to cry. After all, in recent times, his family of five, including him, has had to eat and drink sparingly.

Anyway, he could only borrow two days of food from Doba, along with some wild fruit, so Doik never had a full meal.

He even had to starve and give food to his wife and daughter. His parents also had to drink water and eat wild vegetables to cope with hunger.

Doik had never felt so desperate and helpless before.

Dorack sighed. He didn't think he would implicate his benefactor. Doik's parents had given him food many times before to help him cope with his hunger.

It could be said… that without their help, Dorack would probably have encountered many difficulties, or he may not even have been alive today.

Dorack looked towards Doba, frowned, and said: "I will pay his debt. I will pay you enough food for five days."

"You?" Doba laughed loudly: "Hahahaha… Dorack, if you want to pay the debt for him, that's fine. However, if you do that, you must pay me seven days worth of food."

"Doba!" Doik shouted angrily: "Don't be so unreasonable! I only agreed to give you five days of food because I had no other choice."

"Now you're saying seven days of food, are you crazy?"

"Huh!" Doac said contemptuously: "Good, then now you should immediately pay me my five days worth of food; otherwise..."


Doik wanted to say something, but Dorack raised his hand, blocking his words.

Dorack looked towards Doba, frowned, and said: "Good, I will pay for seven days of food. However, we need someone to witness this transaction."

"Huh! Do you think anyone will want to help you? Dorack, you have no other choice; either go hunting to pay for seven days of food for Doik."

"Or… go back and starve. Of course, if you run away while hunting, the consequences Doik will suffer... will be terrible."

Doba spoke while laughing contemptuously. Of course, Doba also did not know that Doban's group died because of Dorack.

However, villains were all like that. They all do stupid things and think they are smart.

The male lead is much smarter than them, but they hold back for bullshit reasons.

Dorack now had enough ability to kill Doba; however, he did not do so. Among the people who raised him when he was young were Doba's parents.

That is also the reason why Doba was lucky to escape death, even though he was also Doban's subordinate. No, to be more precise, Doban is his older brother.

But when Doban died, Doba was not sad at all; on the contrary, Doba felt happier. After all, his parents only cared about his brother.

After his brother died, almost all the resources and food, including power in his family, belonged to him.

That's why, when his brother died, he was the happiest.

Dorack frowned: "Are you threatening me?"

Doba pointed the sharpened wooden stick in his hand towards Dorack: "That's right, what can you do? Hit me?"

"You should know that you are no longer protected by Chief Doro. With just one denunciation from me, you will be immediately kicked out of this tribe."

Dorack said nothing; he just silently looked at Doba with eyes filled with murderous intent.

"What…what the hell are you looking at?" Doba shouted in fear. Dorack's eyes were so terrifying that it made him so scared that his body trembled and his spine went cold.

It was as if, if he dared to threaten Dorack, he would surely die. Doba had only felt such terrible murderous intent coming from the monsters he saw while hunting.

"Dorack!" Suddenly, a voice rang out, causing all three people to pay attention to the person who spoke.

Doro slowly walked over, seeing that Dorack and Doba were about to have a conflict. He sighed and said: "Dorack, don't bully Doba."

Hearing that, Dorack frowned: "Are you saying... I am bullying him?"

"Is that not the case?" Doro asked confusedly: "I know you are very strong, however, after all, Doba is also a member of our tribe. Besides, his parents also helped you when you were young, don't you remember?"

Doba also said contemptuously at this time: "Village chief, don't talk about that with a stingy and cold person like him."

"If he was grateful to my parents and to those who helped him, then he would have helped everyone and paid back everyone."

"However, when we needed his help to use his wooden board that can block arrows, he didn't want to give it to anyone."

"Village chief... now he's angry and he wants to beat me because I lent food to Doik."

"What?!" Doro frowned, looked towards Dorack, and questioned: "Dorack, what is this? Why do you want to fight Doba? Do you know how much Doba helped Doik?"

"Did you know that Doba's parents also saved you when you were young? Did you know that?"

Dorack frowned and spoke: "You haven't even asked me what's going on before you're already hastily blaming me. Doro, I feel like you are really being biassed."

"Village chief…" Doik spoke up.

"Village chief!" Dorack also spoke up, interrupting Doik's words: "Doba lent Doik food, but Doik only borrowed two days of food, but he needs to pay for five days of food. Is that fair?"

"That…" Doro heard that and looked towards Doba: "Doba, I also think that's a bit excessive."

"Huh! Is it too much?" Doba said contemptuously: "I think that's very reasonable. If you think it's too much, you can borrow food from other families; why borrow from me?"

"I was very lenient, letting him borrow food when no one wanted to lend him food. That's why it's normal for us to get 5 days of food back."

Doro sighed; of course he knew this. It's just... Doba's parents were his best friends when he was young, and he didn't want them to feel uncomfortable.

Finally, Doro looked towards Doik and Dorack: "Doba is right, you don't need to discuss this anymore."

"Anyway, Doba said that as long as Doik is able to hunt, he can return the food to Doba."

"No need!" Dorack then spoke up: "Chief Doro, if you say it's fair, then I don't need to say anything more."

"However, I will pay for that food on behalf of Doik."

"Like I said…" Doba spoke up: "If you pay that debt to Doik, you must pay me seven days of food."

"This…" Doro couldn't control himself anymore, so he walked to Doba's side and said in a low voice: "Doba, you should be satisfied. Seven days of food is too much, you..."

"Village chief, although I am forcing him to pay me seven days of food, I can give you two days worth of food." Doba smiled and said.

Doro was startled when he heard that. At this moment, he began to hesitate. After all, he is old and cannot hunt like young hunters.

He could only pick a little fruit to eat or receive a little meat from the young hunters, thanks to their respect for him.

However, that is still not enough. Because his only son had died, his family still had a daughter-in-law and two grandchildren who needed him to take care of.

In the end, he could only nod and say: "Remember what you said."

"Of course, village chief, I have never lied to you."

Hearing Doba's words, Doro glanced at him, then looked back at Dorack, sighed, and said: "Dorack, are you sure that you want to repay Doik's debt?"

Hearing that, Doik felt embarrassed and looked forward to Dorack's response. Anyway, he didn't have the ability to hunt now. If he had to repay Doba's debt, his family would starve to death.

That's why... he still hoped that Dorack could help him again.

Dorack knows what Doro, Doik, and Doba are thinking. He nodded and said: "I will definitely repay the debt on behalf of Doik. Merely…"

He glanced at Doik and said: "After paying off his debt, my family and I will no longer have anything to do with each other."

"Consider it like I've returned the favour to Doik's parents."

Hearing that, Doik immediately knew that Dorack wanted to cut off his relationship with him. However, Doik could only nod; after all, he did not want to starve to death.

Besides, five days of food to pay Doba is too much.

"Good!" Doik nodded and said: "As long as you help me repay the debt, from now on, my family and you will have nothing to do with each other."

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