The supporting character's harem is very normal

Chapter 409 Dorack returns

Chapter 409 Dorack returns

Doro saw this scene and immediately ran closer to Dorack. When he saw the giant beast lying on the ground, he was startled.

"That beast… Dorack, did you really defeat it?" Doro asked curiously.

Dorack glanced at Doro, not giving him any respect, and said uncomfortably: "Does that have anything to do with you?"

"You…" Doro gritted his teeth and said: "Dorack, even though you were given strength by God, that does not mean you should be this arrogant."

"God gave you strength to protect everyone, to protect this tribe, not for you to be arrogant and threaten others."

Dorack glanced at Doro and said contemptuously: "Do I have to protect you? So who protected me before?"

"Village Chief, if I still respect you, I will call you Village Chief. If I no longer respect you, then...

Dorack picked up a rock, then crushed it. Doro shivered upon seeing that. He didn't know how much strength it would take to crush that stone, but he knew that... Dorack could easily crush his head the way he crushed that stone.

"You… you…" Doro faltered, pointing at Dorack, not knowing what else to say.

"Okay, don't say too much." Dorack shook his head as he spoke: "I came here to settle the debt with Doba and repay Doik. You just need to be a witness and keep your promise."

Doro pointed his index finger at Dorack, trembled for a moment, then sighed and said: "Good! If you don't want to listen to my advice and wait until you are punished by God, then don't come to me for advice."

"You are the one who will be punished by God." Dorack did not change his expression as he spoke to Doro.

Doro snorted in contempt, and he sat down on the ground, frowning. Even though he was angry, he knew he wasn't as strong as Dorack.

Looking at the wild beast lying on the ground, Doro knew that Dorack's strength was not ordinary; on the contrary, he was very strong.

So strong that only this beast roar could frighten everyone here. But Dorack was able to defeat it and bring its body back here.

That proves that... even if all the hunters in the tribe attack Dorack, they won't win.

Doro even imagined the scene of Dorack destroying this entire village.

Doro was worried, but he suddenly had this thought: 'If Dorack dies, no one will be able to threaten this village anymore.'

However, as soon as that thought appeared, he also felt scared because Dorack was raised by God, and if he dies, God will be angry.

A moment later, Doba hurried over and was startled when he saw the giant beast lying on the ground.

He knew Dorack was very strong, but he never thought that Dorack was so strong that he could defeat that terrible beast.

Doba stammered: "That… that is…"

Dorack, just indifferent, looked at him and said: "Doba, this beast is enough to feed your entire family for more than 10 days. Therefore, Doik's debt is considered over."

After Dorack finished speaking, he left.

"Wait!" Doba shouted angrily: "Dorack, are you misunderstanding something?"

Dorack stopped walking and turned slightly to look at Doba: "Hm? What do you mean?"

Doba laughed loudly and fiercely: "Hahahaha... Dorack, I told you... the 7 days of food I mentioned are not only meat but also water and fruit."

"You dumped a wild beast here, saying this is 7 days of food… hahahaha… Do you think I'm stupid?"

Dorack frowned. He looked towards Doik, standing in the crowd. Doik bowed his head, not daring to look directly at Dorack; it was as if everything had nothing to do with him.

Dorack looked towards Doro again. Doro also realised something at this time, smiled, and said: "Doba is right; the 7 days of food must include meat, water, and fruit. Dorack, although this beast is enough for Doba's family for 10 days or even more, this is not enough."

Dorack frowned, feeling like everyone was intentionally isolating him. However, he did not get angry; he just said indifferently: "Good! I'll go get more water and fruit."

"Huh! Too late!" Doba shouted: "I gave you three days, however, three days have passed and you still only brought meat."

"I admit that you brought a lot of meat; however, the most important thing is water; you didn't bring it back at all."

"Dorack… you lost."

Dorack frowned and said: "What do you mean... Do you want to change white to black?"

"Huh! Is what I said wrong? Doba snorted in disdain.

Dorack shook his head: "At first, you only said 7 days of food, not mentioning water or fruit. Now, when you see that I can bring back enough food, you change white to black."

"You said that 7 days of food must include water and fruit. Doba, why didn't you say it from the beginning and instead waited until I got back?"

"This is not my fault... but you didn't say it clearly."

Doba gritted his teeth; he was so angry that it was fierce: "Dorack! What the hell are you talking about? Here, everyone knows that one day's food must include water and fruit."

"Ah!" Dorack smiled disdainfully: "It seems... you are all on the same side."

"Huh! So what?" Doba shouted: "Dorack, I recognise that you are very strong; you can hunt a wild beast that even many hunters cannot defeat."

"However, you did not use your strength to protect the village and everyone, but instead you were arrogant and threatened me."

"Everyone… You saw it too, right? In three days, he can hunt a wild animal that a family can eat for 10 days."

"However, he did not help everyone. On the contrary, he was arrogant and threatened me, saying I changed white into black."

"Think about it; if we had his help, we wouldn't need to be afraid of other tribes; we could also get more food."

"Someone like that doesn't deserve to be in our tribe."

Everyone who heard that also nodded, agreeing with Doba's words. After all, in just three days, Dorack was able to capture such a large beast. With his help, everyone wouldn't need to take too many risks.

"Doba is right; he is indeed very stingy."

"Huh! From the moment he didn't share the pieces of wood that could block that arrow, I knew he was a bastard."

"That's right. Someone like him doesn't deserve to be in our tribe."

"God gave power to the wrong person; Doba would have been way better."

"Yes, he should have given power to Doba; then our village could have developed quickly."

"Village chief, quickly drive him out of the village."

"I feel the same way. Drive him out of the village. If we let him continue to stay in the village, I'm afraid one day he will cause us harm."

The sounds of scolding continuously rang out. Doba heard everyone supporting him and smiled with satisfaction.

"Dorack, you heard me right. Okay..." Doba smiled and said: "I'm not a stingy person like you. On the contrary… I am very tolerant."

"Now, as long as you kneel down and swear to God that you will be eternally loyal to me, I will let you continue to stay in this tribe. Of course, I will forgive Doik's debt."

Dorack frowned. After a moment, he laughed and said: "Hahahahaha... Do you think I'm stupid, Doba?"

"You… you… all of you…" Dorack pointed towards the villagers standing here, laughing contemptuously: "Hahahaha… you are just a bunch of cowards. When I was being oppressed by other people, where were all of you?

"When I said I could create something that could stop arrows, did you believe me?"

"No, you didn't trust me. You even laughed at me and looked down on me. So... why should I help you?"

Doba shouted: "Dorack! What you said is wrong. Anyway, people here don't think you can do those things, so they don't trust you."

"Could it be that because of such a small matter, you turn your back on mediocrity? Are you still a member of this tribe?"

"You were given strength by God because he saw you had potential and you wanted to help the tribe. However, you used that power for the wrong purpose; do you think that is good?

"Wait until God comes back and knows what you did; he will definitely be angry and kick you out of this tribe."

"There's still time for you to regret it. As long as you…"

"Hahahahaha…" Dorack laughed loudly, interrupting Doba's words: "Do you think I'm a child that is easily fooled? Doba, if you and the others want to push me out of the village, just say so."

"I… Dorack, have never feared you. Anyway, in this place, I don't feel the love and respect that you guys have for me."

"You never trusted me, and you never defended me."

"Good! As of today, I am also not a member of this tribe. Doro... quickly declares, saying that from today, Dorack will no longer be a member of this tribe."

Hearing that, Doro sighed, and Doba quickly said: "Village chief, quickly declare that Dorack will be kicked out of the tribe."

Doro looked towards Doba, then looked at everyone. Finally, his eyes stopped at Dorack: "Dorack, go back to your place. Wait until God comes back; I will ask for his opinion."

"Village chief!" Doba shouted.

"Alright." Doro sighed and said: "Don't talk about this anymore. I have decided that when God returns, we will discuss further."

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