The supporting character's harem is very normal

Chapter 412 Lathel's decision

The blood-coloured mist emitted an extremely terrifying, murderous aura. Even though Doba was silenced by Lathel, he was not afraid. On the contrary, he hated Lathel even more.

'It looks like... this person will be a great villain.'

Lathel then glanced towards Doro and saw that the mist on Doro's body began to turn a little black but then immediately turned pink.

Seeing that scene, Lathel sighed inwardly. He never thought that the person known as the village chief, the person who always said he would worship him and respect him forever, would be so easily shaken in his mind.

In fact, Doro also did not dare to think of betraying Lathel. However, when he saw Lathel instantly turn Doba's mouth to stone, he suddenly realised that God seemed to be favouring Dorack.

If I have favoured Dorack, then it will be difficult for him to continue living here. Anyway, there is no one in this place who could defeat Dorack, so... they would have to betray him and run away from this place.

However, as soon as that thought appeared, Doro immediately extinguished it. He didn't understand why he had such terrible thoughts.

Lathel nodded and said: "To be more precise... you guys are basically jealous of Dorack and blaming me for being unfair, right?"

"This…" Doro hesitated, not daring to answer. Everyone was the same, although at first they were very steadfast in the idea of asking God to do what they wanted, but when they saw Doba's mouth turned to stone, they were immediately afraid.

Doba's mouth was not completely petrified, Lathel only used his magical energy to lock Doba's mouth.

After all, he was a high-level magician, and Doba was just an ordinary person, so Lathel could do this easily.

"Doro…" Lathel suddenly called Doro: "What do you think?"

"I…" Doro hurriedly said: "God, I think you must have some noble reason for giving great power to Dorack."

"That's why I think Dorack has gone down the wrong path. He has great power, and he is also a member of the tribe; he must use that power to serve everyone."

"At the very least, he must share everything with everyone and protect everyone from other tribes."

"However, not only did he not share the food he earned with everyone, but he also did not protect everyone from being hunted and killed by other tribes."

"I… a person like that is not worthy of the power you gave him. Everyone here hopes that you can take back your power and give it to someone more worthy."

Hearing that, Lathel rubbed his chin, nodded, and asked: "So... who do you think is worthy of having this power?"

Dorack heard Lathel's words and began to feel uneasy. However, he was not too worried. Anyway, he has found a way to develop his strength.

Even if God takes back the power he gave him, he can still walk the path to becoming a god by another method.

That's why Dorack still confidently knelt here while indifferently looking at the people around him. In his heart, he silently memorised all the faces here. When he had enough strength, he would take revenge.

No, he didn't even want to take revenge either. After all, he didn't want to have anything to do with a corrupt tribe like this, as it would make his hands dirty.


'I... how will you decide? Will you be on my side, or will you be like these dirty people?' Dorack thought in his heart.

Doro, hearing God's question, immediately looked towards Doba and quickly said: "God, I think Doba is very worthy of receiving that great power."

"Doba's father was once the tribe's strongest warrior; Doba is now also one of the tribe's strongest hunters."

"He always thinks of the tribe, and always helps and shares food with everyone."

"God… Besides him, I don't see anyone more worthy than him."

Hearing that, Lathel nodded slightly and snapped his fingers.


Doba became able to speak. He frowned and looked at Lathel. Although he hid his emotions very well, the murderous intent in his eyes was extremely terrifying, as if he wanted to tear Lathel into a million pieces.

Even if Lathel didn't pay attention to his eyes, just looking at the mist surrounding Doba's body would tell what he was thinking.

Doba now took a deep breath, tried to calm down, smiled friendly, and respectfully said: "God, perhaps I am not as strong as Dorack, but my heart is always with the tribe."

"I always hope that everyone in the tribe can eat well, sleep in warm and soft places, and enjoy a safe life."

"I even dream of turning this tribe into the most powerful tribe in this place."

Hearing that, Lathel nodded. He didn't say much but just waved his hand and said: "I understand. Then… from now on, Dorack will no longer be a member of this tribe."

Dorack was startled when he heard that, but not too surprised. He just frowned and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Lathel noticed the mist surrounding Dorack, it was still white and without any stains. There hadn't even been a moment where that layer of fog turned a different colour.

Doba heard that and smiled fiercely.

"However…" Lathel suddenly continued: "I am not an unjust person; that is why I will propose a challenge between you and Dorack."

"Challenge?" Doro frowned, feeling extremely confused.

Doba felt that something was wrong. He glanced at Doro, then looked back at Lathel. In the end, he could only listen silently.

"That's right, just a small challenge." Lathel smiled and said: "You also said that... Dorack possesses the power given to me; that's why he's so strong, right?"

"That's right." Doba quickly spoke up: "If I had the same strength as him, I could do more things than him, help people more."

"Good!" Lathel nodded and continued: "Then... I will give you the same power as him."

After Lathel finished speaking, he took out a pill like he had given Dorack before and threw it at Doba.

"Eat it; if you can endure its excruciating pain, then you can possess the same power as Dorack."

"If you cannot endure it, then what awaits you is death."

"Well… do you want it?"

Doba frowned and said: "God, that's a bit unfair."

"No… This is very fair. Dorack also experienced that feeling; he overcame it, or... can't you overcome it?" Lathel said, smiling.

Doba could hear the contempt in Lathel's voice, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"God… you…"

"If you don't want to, then…"

"Good!" Doba stood up and took a deep breath: "Dorack, look carefully. I will also become strong like you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he swallowed the pill. Immediately, his body turned red like a block of embers, emitting white smoke as if he were on fire.

"AAA!!!" Doba screamed in pain, and everyone who heard that also backed away in fear, not daring to come close to him.

Doro was startled and quickly begged: "God, Doba... he..."

"Don't worry, like I said." Lathel slowly explained: "If he can overcome it, he will possess the same power as Dorack. If he can't bear it, then… he will die."

"AAA!!!" Doba screamed again. He lay on the ground, writhing like a worm, screaming miserably.

Seeing that, Doro could only grit his teeth and wait, not daring to say anything more.

Dorack observed everything that was going on, his face still maintaining indifference. However, at this moment, his face showed a bit of surprise.

Doba really overcame that terrible pain, in fact, the time he endured was even less than that of Dorack.

Doba slowly stood up, feeling the power flowing through his body, and smiled fiercely.

"Hahahahaha… hahahahahaha… finally… I can finally possess this power, hahahahaha…"

"Dorack…" Doba pointed at Dorack and said arrogantly: "Come here, I will tear you into a million pieces."

Dorack frowned and looked towards Doba. In fact, he was a bit surprised that Doba was able to overcome that terrible pain.

However, even if Doba wanted to defeat Dorack, he wouldn't be able to do it, even in his dreams.

"Alright! The challenge is very simple." Lathel now waved her hand, interrupting Doba's words: "Dorack will leave the tribe. If the tribe can develop based on Doba, then Dorack loses."

"If the tribe is destroyed again, then Doba loses."

"Hahahaha, God… don't talk nonsense." Doba smiled arrogantly.

"Doba, pay attention to your words." Dorack frowned and said: "I... you cannot be disrespectful to God."

"Hm?! I can say what I like; will you hit me?" Doba said provocatively: "Come here, give me a punch." Hahahaha… you can try..."


Without warning, Dorack's body disappeared and then immediately appeared in front of Doba.

A punch hit Doba's chest, sending him flying backwards like a fallen leaf.

Doba flew back more than five metres and lay still on the ground, unable to move. Everyone looked at Doba, then at Dorack, not knowing what had just happened.

"Okay, you guys go down first." Lathel waved his hand: "Remember, from today, Dorack is no longer a member of your tribe."

"Ah! The four girls are my sacrifices; you stay."

Doro wanted to say something, but he was so surprised that he couldn't say anything. But God ordered him to leave, so he couldn't do much except take Doba with him, then leave with countless questions in his mind.

After everyone left, only the four girls who were sacrificed for him and Dorack remained.

Lathel looked towards Dorack, smiled, and said: "You think my decision is unfair, right?"

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